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Player 1 has host advantage

MKK hanzo

Unless this was tool assisted i would like you to post me the video of him counting to 1 in 1/60ths of a second, i know this is an issue thats striking loads of people deeply but really, if you want to rely on something like this atleast dont tell me he did this by hand...

Prinzmetal Im still not understanding you, if 11f1 has +3 then you cant do anything because of spacing and the properties of f3. If you just block the f3 you are able to poke out.
I did that by hand and when I get home im going to rec something better:

2 button presses wired to a single arcade button.

I dont need tool assist to press 2 buttons at the same frame and IF BY MISTAKE I did it wrong then the case is really worst cause we woulndt be talking bout just 1 frame of advantage but more.

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EX Ovi should launch
I did that by hand and when I get home im going to rec something better:

2 button presses wired to a single arcade button.

I dont need tool assist to press 2 buttons at the same frame and IF BY MISTAKE I did it wrong then the case is really worst cause we woulndt be talking bout just 1 frame of advantage but more.

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The first few kicks prove somberness is right if they are just frame, i understand that. But the next few where player 2 pushes first is clearly just down to you whiffing then him punishing it, it looks close because you did it on a fast move with little frames delay inbetween, but if you had stepped forward enough for the standing 4 to collide with the neutral hitbox of player 1, his standing 4 would have never came out because player 2 used his first.

MKK hanzo

The first few kicks prove somberness is right if they are just frame, i understand that. But the next few where player 2 pushes first is clearly just down to you whiffing then him punishing it, it looks close because you did it on a fast move with little frames delay inbetween, but if you had stepped forward enough for the standing 4 to collide with the neutral hitbox of player 1, his standing 4 would have never came out because player 2 used his first.
Exactly I delayed it on purpose and I even get p1 to win, if you do that on reverse you have to press p2 like 2 frames or more on advance.

Come on ppl? Cant you test this easy thing for yourselves?

The tests Im conducting tonight.will be also include jumping attacks and anti ait. I will use 2 subs with default costume and training stage. Anti air will be done with 22 against a jump kick on several heights. Testing active frames and then switching players and stances.

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EX Ovi should launch
Exactly I delayed it on purpose and I even get p1 to win, if you do that on reverse you have to press p2 like 2 frames or more on advance.

Come on ppl? Cant you test this easy thing for yourselves?

The tests Im conducting tonight.will be also include jumping attacks and anti ait. I will use 2 subs with default costume and training stage. Anti air will be done with 22 against a jump kick on several heights. Testing active frames and then switching players and stances.

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You arent getting me

If player 1 had NOT have pushed a button, then player 2 still wouldnt have hit him. You clearly see his standing 4 whiff. It DOES NOT CONNECT WITH PLAYER ONES HITBOX.

Now when player 1 pushes 4, there is johnny cages extended leg there to hit, therefore because of the 3d hitbox system in mk9 he scored the hit. This is NOT a trade, it is a whiff punish.

I dont mean to sound like a dick or be putting you down, ive just said it a few times now and people dont get what i am trying to say.

The best way to do this is to get 2 johnny cage, stand them in front of each other without a gap, and use your wired up buttons to do a down 1 on both characters at the same frame. I believe somberness is right, but again the whole point i have been trying to make (before criticising your claims in the second half of the video), this is just frame, and in a match if you want to prove it was the game and not your own 1 frame delayed input, be my guest.
I guess noone read my trip to netherealm thread.

P1/P2 is unfixable. Confirmed back in February before game was released.

And player 1 has been winning trades in MK games for 10 years. I'm sure m2dave remembers my studys on trades during MKA when i was finding frame data for him.

*goes back to being a ghost for another 10 years*
You arent getting me

If player 1 had NOT have pushed a button, then player 2 still wouldnt have hit him. You clearly see his standing 4 whiff. It DOES NOT CONNECT WITH PLAYER ONES HITBOX.

Now when player 1 pushes 4, there is johnny cages extended leg there to hit, therefore because of the 3d hitbox system in mk9 he scored the hit. This is NOT a trade, it is a whiff punish.
This has already been covered.

The P2 standing 4 whiffs, which is why P1 standing 4 hits him.
Hanzo, can you re-record this with them standing right next to each other?
Its the same result. P1 wins. Btw off topic, in mkvsdc p2 seems to have always the priority.

Im going out right now but can rec it later, again its the same result being close or far.

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Bone and Metal
Why couldn't they have made it so that the advantage randomly goes to either P1 or P2 at the start of every fight? Would've been better than P1 always getting it if they didn't want to program hit trades in.


Head Cage
Why couldn't they have made it so that the advantage randomly goes to either P1 or P2 at the start of every fight? Would've been better than P1 always getting it if they didn't want to program hit trades in.
Why just not make them trade like normal fighters? If not why not make them clash?


I say any type of advantage is better (not full match though) than trade/clash. There will be only one champion!

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Trade/clash in MK10 please, would be funny to see players knock eachother out of the air amidst a JIP trade though lol


Trade/clash in MK10 please, would be funny to see players knock eachother out of the air amidst a JIP trade though lol
It would be like DBZ, yes please.

It would also be tight to see Baraka's blades clash with Sub-Zero's ice sword too.

Trades have always made the most sense.


Zoning Master
I guess noone read my trip to netherealm thread.

P1/P2 is unfixable. Confirmed back in February before game was released.

And player 1 has been winning trades in MK games for 10 years. I'm sure m2dave remembers my studys on trades during MKA when i was finding frame data for him.

*goes back to being a ghost for another 10 years*
You were definitely right all along. But I still think the input bug and the meter drain glitch are bigger issues. Don't you think so too?


Its not random. It alternates by frame who wins according to NRS. Example if the trade starts then frame 1 player 1 wins then frame 2 player 2 wins.

In other words it has to calculate each single frame every time a jab or move is thrown out to see if there is somehow going to be a trade. Unless they have ir programmed by even and odd #'s in which case doesnt have to count each frame just whether its even or odd which isnt so bad but idk how programming works.

Also take in the fact i said it "MIGHT" so hes not saying that is the reason.
Sorry I was on my phone; who gets it initially is random, then alternates. Not disputing that might be the rule, although it doesn't sound like that. anyway, my issue was with the claim that it would take too much memory. It'd be a simple flag and using the current frame number modulo 2 or something simple like that.


According to Hanzo, P1 has advantage even if P2 presses first.

(From video text - First 3 kicks are pressed SIMULTANEOUSLY, last 3 kicks were DELAYING P1 button press)
Ya that's some of the confusion here. Doesn't matter when you hit the buttons for priority to kick in. What matters is the frame where p1s hurtbox touches p2 and p2s hurtbox touches p1. If both of those things are true for a frame, that's when the priority determination kicks in. I bet if Hanzo pressed the button for p2 one more frame easlier p2 would win out as that would cause only one collision in the frame (p1 wouldn't have collided yet w/p2).


"Thanks" button abuser.
It'd be a simple flag and using the current frame number modulo 2 or something simple like that.
Im prolly wrong, but I believe it'd prolly take a considerable amount of memory since it's a always-running background process. If it was every 5 or 10 minutes then sure, almost no memory, but if it alternated frame by frame then I think it'd be a whole diff story
FPS would drop more often, too.


Im prolly wrong, but I believe it'd prolly take a considerable amount of memory since it's a always-running background process. If it was every 5 or 10 minutes then sure, almost no memory, but if it alternated frame by frame then I think it'd be a whole diff story.
Games don't run background processes, except maybe to initiate audio playback of a file which can be told to start playing and control can return to the main program immediately, or preload some data from storage.

Basically though its a loop; process input, update state, check collisions, draw frame, repeat, or something very similar. Background processes don't work because its much more difficult to sync threads and the locking would kill performance.

Priority then is very simple; as part of the change state step you toggle to the other player having priority. That toggle then controls the collision detection when that step comes, and if in a frame both players collide the toggle determines who wins.

Except that they seem to have hardcoded p1 to always win.