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Opinion on the what the current tiers look like



I legitimately can't sense your sarcasm through text. Is it Sarcasm?

I happen to think Jason might be okay. He does need that whiffing problem fixed, though.
Yes, I was being sarcastic. I was pointing out to the dude that Slasher has more than just f42. Other shit may not lead to much damage, but people will start respecting his options that will potentially allow you to open them up more with f42.

I love using f2~df1 and f2~bf2. While it's not much damage, it's still damage.


Goro Lives 
Best Command grab in the game thick throws of hit and block that also gives him a 25/25/25/25 with hes 21122 ,on top of hes 50/50s.
Low grenade to be + and safe. Vortex and Buttloads of Armor to break trough vortexes. Id consider that S-S+
Tier placement is based on how many other characters you absolutely destroy not on tools alone. Even with all that toolset if he goes even or can't win against other 4-5 characters he goes down in the tier list.


Goro Lives 
I think we have to honestly. For example if we made a variation tier list Tempest Lao is at least 30 spots above Hat Trick Lao.

Every variation is like it's own character with it's own matchup chart, completely different then the other two variations of that character. But it would be super long and arduous to make a variation tier list lol. That's the only way it can be accurate tho. Maybe in about a year or two we'll have an almost decent variation tier list
We didn't have one for MK9 and INJ, so I wouldn't bark on that tree.


Absolutely not. 112124 can only be armored through between the last two hits from a certain distance because sometimes the 4 would miss randomly (so there's no real science behind it. At least, not one that allows you to do it consistently in a match situation). Point blank, it is never interruptable. B321 is never interruptable from any distance or in any situation.
I pulled that data from this thread, haven't had the time to test any of it but am relying on people like you to correct anything wrong.


@Zoidberg747 how did you test B321? I can't seem to interrupt it.


PSN: playakid700. Local name: BFGC MonkeyBizness
"Kung Jin doesn't have safety anymore" *sigh* Didn't we already debunk this completely false and nonsense claim right after the patch? His half screen 50/50 is safe against 95% of the cast.

Props though for some of the most hilarious and ridiculous downplaying I've seen in a while.
Yeah, and it's full punishable by 10% of the viable cast. Cassie, Lao, Jax, ad a few others.
Immediately getting pressured is not safety.
Being unpunishable still isn't safety.
Neutral or plus is safety.
Being forced to block and hold mixups or use my godlike punishable reversal specials or my negative 15% reversal.
I said he's not top 3. It may be hilarious, but it's not ridiculous.
I'm a Jax player trying to get him put in top 3, where he belongs, way higher than where a bunch of players have him.
Good call on calling an attempted genuine post hilarious though, that's how you go about growing a niche community, by like fishing by offending people who don't agree.
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I pulled that data from this thread, haven't had the time to test any of it but am relying on people like you to correct anything wrong.


@Zoidberg747 how did you test B321? I can't seem to interrupt it.
What Zoidberg was referring to is being able to interrupt b321~hat spin (ie before it is cancelled into hat spin, not the string itself).

That said, good shit with the frame data guide. Makes life a lot easier.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
I pulled that data from this thread, haven't had the time to test any of it but am relying on people like you to correct anything wrong.


@Zoidberg747 how did you test B321? I can't seem to interrupt it.
He most likely means B321~EX hat shield. While you can use armor between the 1 and the hat shield, Kung Lao still recovers in time to block any move except Cassie's EX flipkick, Reptile's EX slide or parries.

Alright RyRy

Florida Kombat
He's being sarcastic. He is/was the first to tell you Goro was THE bottom character.

Now, personally I know Goro is bottom but didn't feel he was that bad, but that's probably bias on my part.
I only say Goro is bottom, is because the lack of tools compared to other characters. There is not 1 character in this game that is useless in tournaments.

Every character is viable and I love it. I still use Goro in tournaments but only in a certain few match-ups.


Goro Lives 
I think it's the other way round... looks like B321 has no gaps but 112114 does, distance dependent.
But the gap in 112114 is not that much of a problem because it happens too fast to notice. Plus, in order to do armored reversal you have to let go of block, I don't see anyone having reflexes good enough to pull it off consistently.


What Zoidberg was referring to is being able to interrupt b321~hat spin (ie before it is cancelled into hat spin, not the string itself).

That said, good shit with the frame data guide. Makes life a lot easier.
Have you noticed anything else wrong? The game data is riddled with errors. Keen to ensure the guide is accurate as possible.

(Sorry to derail thread)
But the gap in 112114 is not that much of a problem because it happens too fast to notice. Plus, in order to do armored reversal you have to let go of block, I don't see anyone having reflexes good enough to pull it off consistently.
It can be a problem. Let's say you play tempest lao and would have won the match by chipping the opponent out with ex hat spin pressure but the 4 whiffs suddenly.


Goro Lives 
It can be a problem. Let's say you play tempest lao and would have won the match by chipping the opponent out with ex hat spin pressure but the 4 whiffs suddenly.
IMO something like that would be our own fault, doing 112124 at max range is risking it already. I know it shouldn't have to be that way, but the game is plagued with so many hitbox inconsistencies you might as well learn your ways around them unless they're seriously crippling.


IMO something like that would be our own fault, doing 112124 at max range is risking it already. I know it shouldn't have to be that way, but the game is plagued with so many hitbox inconsistencies you might as well learn your ways around them unless they're seriously crippling.
If you can only armour through at max range which isn't really going to happen then it's not really good information to list it as interruptible. I've removed it so as not to promote it as a strategy. Cheers.
IMO something like that would be our own fault, doing 112124 at max range is risking it already. I know it shouldn't have to be that way, but the game is plagued with so many hitbox inconsistencies you might as well learn your ways around them unless they're seriously crippling.
That is actually not true. The distance might make it whiff slightly more often, but 112124 will whiff even at the closest range, go test it. Often enough that it can happen twice in a row. The last hit of 11212 will also whiff sometimes, people just haven't noticed because it is hard to notice visually.


PSN: playakid700. Local name: BFGC MonkeyBizness
That is actually not true. The distance might make it whiff slightly more often, but 112124 will whiff even at the closest range, go test it. Often enough that it can happen twice in a row. The last hit of 11212 will also whiff sometimes, people just haven't noticed because it is hard to notice visually.
Is this only on female characters?