Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Nothing's stopping anyone. Just no one is going out to really play the game anymore, which is stupid.What's stopping us?
Nothing's stopping anyone. Just no one is going out to really play the game anymore, which is stupid.What's stopping us?
I miss watching this gameNothing's stopping anyone. Just no one is going out to really play the game anymore, which is stupid.
did you ever stop to think that maybe its not broken and its just not the same thing as street fighterWhat attitude? I'm just asking when's mk10? Me and Sabin spoke about what needed to be fixed in this patch so the game can stay alive and things that needed to be fixed stayed the same. I told art I was still gonna play but I'm 100% this was gonna happened and it did. Do I want the game to stay alive? Well currently idc if it does or not but if NRS fix what really needs to be fixed then yeah but we all know that's not gonna happened. So again when's mk10?
This is just another question and I know somethings testers can't talk about certain stuff, but I am curious. Were walk speeds brought to NRS's attention during testing or when anyone had a chance to play early builds at trade shows?Lol good movement should be a staple for any good fighting game. Yes some characters will end up having bad movement(makoto sf4, tager BB, heihachi sfxt, iron man umvc3 etc) but in injustice almost 100% of the cast movement is ass. Yes there will ALWAYS be things to complain about in EVERY fighting game but things that are a staple for fighters injustice is missing and it's NOT only walk speed. Few months ago and still now everyone gives me shit for "complaining" yet everyone else complains about the same shit I was complaining about when the game dropped but w.e. Hey how about someone makes a thread asking NRS to do one more patch but this time ONLY fix general gameplay problems and don't touch no characters(except flash he needs 2-3 buffs) and let's see how much support it gets. I'm serious someone start that thread right now.
I don't understand, if all entrants were low, and Marvel also didn't have a tournament, why is Injustice being targeted? Is this just a wake up call type of thing? Even though I haven't played Injustice in months, I still haven't seen it dying out. In fact, people have been really hype for the patch.
The funny thing is, the walk speeds weren't all that great, the Dash blocking made the game feel faster. The walk speeds were def faster then Injustice though.I had like 2 paragraphs written up about why MK9 is shit compared to Injustice, but i can sum it up as too easy to gain meter, d1 anti-airs, freddy kruger, input bug, walk speed was good but characters animations were stiff as fuck, most importantly they over nerfed sub-zero!
I hope NRS does fix the walk speed so then when people still lose they can come up with something else to complain about.
Some projectiles have like no recovery, so dashing in gets your face smashed.What is bad about injustice is simply the way the game was designed with a "block projectile and dash in once or twice, pause." mindset as well as the fact footsies are played in a range where players cant dash in without being forced to block a blockstring on reaction to the dash, this range relies on walkspeed and normals and most varying ranges of footsies have one character being ridiculously dominant e.g GL/BA/SM/WW
Which projectiles? Only GAs low arrow comes to mind and that is still of no consequence if you're careful enough.Some projectiles have like no recovery, so dashing in gets your face smashed.
Preach brother.When MK10 (SF4) comes out, you're gonna have players talking about how MK9 (SF3) was a game that required real skill and how all the MK10 players are scrubs that would never have cut it when a everybody played a real fighting game.
This has been the story of fighting games since forever. Not going to change.
Play the game that you love and try your best to do right by its scene. This boohoo, the game I love is dead and the current game sucks is some weak ass shit.
Straight Lazer, Cyborg, Zod, Harley, Ares, Bats,Which projectiles? Only GAs low arrow comes to mind and that is still of no consequence if you're careful enough.