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Does anybody else think that we'll get a slightly retouched UI with this update?

I know the official WB announcement article discussing Aftermath said that all references to 'Mortal Kombat 11' in game will change to 'Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath', such as the title screen etc (and no doubt the game tile logo on system UI's will change too). But I personally think that they MAY do a Street Fighter and alter the UI in general somewhat.

I'd have liked a touch up of everything, including health bars etc - but footage of people playing Aftermath shows that's not the case. I do think that the main menu background may change though, as well as some of the images on all of the different gameplay options - Konquer, Krypt etc.

I've also just set the PS4 Aftermath pre-order theme as my theme, and the music in the background is awesome. I could see that potentially replacing the menu music.

It's a minor thing for a lot of people, but I would appreciate all of this. It gives the game some fresh paint, and fits in with Aftermath being the next milestone/mini chapter of the franchise so to speak.

TLDR: I want the UI to get a new coat of paint, which means it probably won't happen.


tekken releases future content press kit 3 new characters 2 new stages and finally we can see frame data!(if u pay for it lolz) :fans rejoice: NRS releases press kit for 3 characters, new story mode, friendships. new stages, stage fatalities. :fans say nrs is shit:
Also tekken pros if asked which fighting game has best net code always say mk11 and say tekken online is unplayable on ps4 so need to get on pc. Yet nrs players shit on the netcode all day.
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tekken releases info 2 new stages coming and finally we can see frame data!(if u pay for it lolz) :fans rejoice: NRS releases 3 characters, new story mode, friendships. new stages, stage fatalities. :fans say nrs is shit:
Tekken releases characters that bend space and time from how broken they are(Leroy and Fuckyourmom) and introduce 2.99euro frame data and here people shit on NRS for this? Only realistic complaint is from owners of Premium. I agree 100%. Everything else is just hardcore bullshit from people who will never be satisfied,no matter what. There is this reptile lunatic who is arguing everybody. If you gave him S++ tier reptile and promise no nerfs to him he would still complain. Pathetic.


I don't understand one thing tho. Why is everything releasing on May 26, but 3 skin packs will be released over time. Why? Are they adding something extra to be released with them or they are just not ready yet. It doesn't make much sense to release 3 skin packs alone over time.

Ck AeroVoid

Mk Casual, KI God
only people that want me to be a paid shill are raid shadow legends, vpns, and various russian stolen CD key sites

no fighting games :(
NOT real multiplayer, WORST Gotcha game out there,, All they care about is money.
I tried it twice, bout a year apart:
Lagged bad
I review.
Same Person: I am Sorry we are fixing that as you speak.
I reply saying you said that a year ago... No resopnse

Kiss the Missile

Red Messiah
I don't understand one thing tho. Why is everything releasing on May 26, but 3 skin packs will be released over time. Why? Are they adding something extra to be released with them or they are just not ready yet. It doesn't make much sense to release 3 skin packs alone over time.
Shot in the dark, but maybe they'll release with free NPCs


bye felicia
This isn't accurate though. To correct you:

  • Scorpion's Lair (Hell) has a Stage Fatality and a Stage transition.
  • Eight characters that are indeed all pallet swaps, and are among the most popular and requested characters in the franchise. To this day.
  • Scorpion's Animality is not a Fatality.
  • Fatalities in Mortal Kombat 3 and it's updates are generally cheesy and over-the-top.
  • Sub-Zero's Ice Clone was completely broken in Mortal Kombat 3. While Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 has issues of it's own, it was more balanced and became the tournament standard version of the game to this day.
Oh, does reclassifyng them change the fact that a background, eight palette swaps, a host of bad alities, and a bad balance patch for FULL PRICE are still way less value per dollar than the actual costumes, good brutalities, interactive stages, and WAY BETTER balancing MK11 has given us for free?
I agree that $40 is a bit steep, but I'm really looking forward to the story expansion, stage fatalities, the human Frost skin, and Fujin, so I'll be getting this. Those years of the fans demanding for Fujin have paid off. And I've been asking for Frost to get a human skin since the game came out.
To clarify: Stage Fatalities are not part of it though, everyone gets those for free on the 26th.
Oh, does reclassifyng them change the fact that a background, eight palette swaps, a host of bad alities, and a bad balance patch for FULL PRICE are still way less than the actual costumes, good brutalities, interactive stages, and WAY BETTER balancing MK11 has given us for free?
That's subjective to the buyer; there is no definitive answer because everyone values things differently.
What he said!

i'm not one to blow my money on anything, but certain things i'll pay full price and not care. MK is one. I paid AU$100 for MK11. The most i've ever paid for a console game, and digital to top it off. But i know the amount of hours i'll put into it will be the equivalent of cents/hr of game time. Irrelevant at the end of the day and in 3-4 years time when something new comes along.

Others might not see it that way and just look at the overall price compared to other games and determine it's not worth it.