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Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Raiden can be seen fighting with lightning constructs and he has white eyes (same eye color as the new Liu Kang and Fujin), looks as though he regains his god like powers in some way.
Yes I'm curious about this too OR perhaps it's a past Raiden? Who knows lol. Can't wait til the 26th.

Also, so finally happy Fujin is back!!! Been wanting him for over a decade now.


AW SHIT HYPE. I dunno why I dont care about sheeva or fujin (ok maybe a lil bit hype for fujin) and definately oculd give 2 shits about robocop. This shows however that there is development going on behind the silence in a big way. I love how its just suddenly like "oh btw hella new shit comin out in 2 -3 weeks all at once".


Super hype for Sheeva, a little worried about having to deal with dbf inputs for command grabs though. Fujin has been a long requested character so glad to see him finally make the cut. Wind powers are underrated.

Dead Pool and Soul Chamber are always welcomed back, that new stage looks good as well. Friendships and stage fatals coming back is also fantastic.

and Robocop exists

Art Lean

If so, hopefully he says "Fatality" the way he did in the movie.
I love Tagawa but he annoys me in his victory how he enunciates far too quickly and softly "Your-soul, is-mine!" rather than "YOUR soooouuuul... is MIIIIIINE!" Needed a second take or someone to just rip the DVD haha. Got high hopes for story mode though!

Seriously though, why do we have a Raiden announcer pack and not a Shang one?

And have you noticed how weirdly Raiden's announcer pack says "Shang Tsung" in the character select screen??? For everyone else he's in full dramatic bombast and bellows "KITANAAAAAAA!" like the god of melodramatic stoicism performing to a fully packed Shakespearean theatre ensuring his command reaches the back row, yet click on Shang and he quietly and camply queries "shang tsoooOOoong?" :D


kick kick
Think about it, you pay 40 $, 70 % price of the main game, and only get 3 characters???
yeah but you get a story extension that you can't just watch from YT because NRS singleplayers aren't just mostly cutscenes anyways!
oh and you get skins drip fed to you.


hmmm, i have a theory, what if the story from aftermath unlocks 3 new characters for free ( ed boon said many surprises )


I just had a thought, you think for one of the Sheeva's brutalities, NRS will just simply reuse Goro's telestomp brutality from MKX?


I'm bummed at how bad they botched the Shredder costume. The fur on his shoulders is way off and they should've given him the pale white skin.
I still think it looks cool, but I kind of agree. The fur should go further around his neck, and his skin should definitely be paler.

Ah well.

Art Lean

I wish they added 1 new skin for everyone.... Shang mk9 skin pls.
I'm optimistic there'll be more. Even with the last "season" if that's the best way to refer to it, whilst there were the main purchasable skin packs, there was also the additional skins released like Classic Cassie, Spawn Jacqui (not a fan of it, but hey, we got it regardless), Cassie Quinn, Apocalypse Geras, MK3 Sonya, movie Shang Tsung, the classic female ninja skins, along with the Premium Store reissues of regional DLC skins Cangaceiro Kano and Kold War Skarlet, whilst Gold Demon Scorpion has still yet to be reissued in the store. So I'm remaining hopeful that whilst they only advertise 3 skin packs, there's still more individual skins coming and Gold Demon Scorpion will likely be reissued properly at some point.

Art Lean

I just had a thought, you think for one of the Sheeva's brutalities, NRS will just simply reuse Goro's telestomp brutality from MKX?
Possibly, I imagine most previous Shokan murders are possibilities with her as the token character for their race in this game. As long as she skins a few people I'll be happy haha. Want to see them dripping and screaming! :D

Don't want to see her cartoony ground pound fatality from MK3 back though, ugh, but expect it'll turn up as a novelty brutality no doubt. Just because some things are old, it doesn't mean they have nostalgia. Just like Jax's giant foot and Liu Kano's arcade machine, they can file them in the "mistakes" archive with Quan Chi's neck stretch for all I care... but the first two came back, so thoroughly expect to see people embedded feet-first in the concrete again.

Don't get me wrong, I'm really excited for her to join the game, always enjoyed Sheeva as a character (well except in Defenders of the Realm, "darling") just that MK3 was the game that the series seriously nose-dived on the quality of a lot of fatalities and MK4 tried to clearly rectify much of that in a hardcore soft-reboot sort of way, so I don't particularly care for many, if any to return in brutality form.

The skinnings were one of the exceptions though... probably because they actually animated them properly haha (well, except when performed on Sheeva herself, but they fixed that eventually too).
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I'm a bad bitch, you can't kill me
If the rumored 8 more characters is true (Here's hoping) I would love for this Aftermath to end in some kind of cliffhanger. Then maybe later this year they announce Kombat Pack 2, and it'll have maybe 4 characters. Then this time next year they release a "Final Chapter" of sorts to properly close off this whole ordeal. Involving all of the DLC characters up to that point and adding in 3 or 4 more characters to give us that perfect character select screen.

My ideal schedule for this would be:

June: Aftermath Skin Pack 1
July: Aftermath Skin Pack 2
August: Aftermath Skin Pack 3, Kombat Pack 2 Announcement
September: KP2 DLC Character Release
November: KP2 DLC Character Release
January: KP2 DLC Character Release
March: KP2 DLC Character Release
May 2021: THE FINAL CHAPTER (The MK11 story getting 3 more story chapters as well as 4 more DLC characters as a final hoorah.)

It seems super unlikely and I know I'm reaching. I'm not getting my hopes up for this to be the case at all, but I would loooooove it if it was. Would give us so much more content. I know no other characters have leaked to be added to the game and we already know they've started working on their next game. So, it's more likely that Aftermath might be all we get from MK11. But they did say they were planning on supporting the game for a lot longer. Hopefully, that's the case and we can look forward to another year of MK content. Corona willing.


Think well be able to buy the characters individually for $6 each?
I don't see why not, because not everyone will be able to afford to spend $40 and others just want like one character. NRS has always allowed you to buy characters separately, even with MKX and Injustice 2.

But Aftermath owners will probably get like 1-2 week early access to the characters like with the Kombat Pack. We'll see, though. Good news is that it will be out in a few weeks so it won't take long to get answers.