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MKX Comic Plot Discussion & Speculation Thread


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
@Youphemism that was beautiful. You read her (him?) to FILTH! I can't finger snap enough for that post. This thread couldn't handle all that tea that was spilled.

On topic: vol. 1 of the comic will be every issue released prior to the game's release right?

No, Volume 1 takes place over 4 print issues/12 digital chapters so it will finish on the 22nd of March. I have more screenshots from Shawn Kittelsen's Twitter to post but I'm at uni right now so I'll get to it later. Here's where he talks about when Volume 1 ends though https://twitter.com/kittelsen/status/567044611864932353

I'll post pics when I get home, don't worry thread!

Evil Canadian

Premium Supporter
Just to throw this out there, for those worried about this that and the other about the whole "goro lives" tagline and what it means regarding the plot. The tagline is nothing more than a callback to the attract mode of MK 1 where the same tagline exists.

(that is at a 1:06 if the timecode don't work)

KiD INsAnitY

Z of The Leaf -Team R.A.N
Nah I wouldn't even call that his full on MKX costume , Looks like the shoulders are ripped and there isn't much detail to it...It's barely it.


TYM resident party pooper
To those really trying to confirm/Deconfirm on who will be the game based off their comic costumes just stop.....Hell cassie was in sweats the whole damn time she's confirmed, I don't even think Scrops has been shown in his MKX look either, costumes don't mean shit, WTF is wrong with some of you?
Anyway as much as I (kinda) like Raiden, I'd like to see Fujin take on that role this time around, The whole leader for the "goodside" role, It would be nice to see what he would do in these situations and he is also ya'kno another God.. Fucking Kano is in but Fujin can't get a spot.. lol damn.
what's "wrong" with us? We have brains. And we use them.

I know. Seems farfetched. People using brains... I mean the things people come up with.

KiD INsAnitY

Z of The Leaf -Team R.A.N
Lol owned...btw you're confirming Fujin now also?? All from 7 issues(Where he showed up in 2....barely)?? wow:eek: You're on a role there 2day bigboy :REO
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Arkane Slim

I did a lot but I never hated...
How Test Your Might operates

1st Person: I think this and this will happen and that's my opinion
2nd Person: Dude, that's stupid and it makes no sense. (Receives 6 likes)
1st Person: How is that stupid, if this + this equals that, than surely that is what it is. And no I'm not stupid.
3rd Person: I agree with @2nd person simply because I don't like what the first person is implying.
4th Person: Makes a semi-hilarious meme about the 1st person's comment.
2nd Person: I wasn't calling you stupid, I was saying your idea was stupid (even though I secretly think you're stupid).
5th Person: Look guys, this is pointless. Even though this is a forum based website where we share thoughts and opinions, I reserve the right to not agree with any of this arguing and proceed to type things that make me seem more mature than everybody that has commented thus far. (Receives like from 3rd person)
6th Person: Chrome for MKX.... Wait what?
1st Person: @2nd Person okay, but still...
1st Person: @5th Person.. All I'm saying is....
7th Person: can we just wait til the game comes out before we confirm anything please?
8th Person: Mods can we close this thread plz?

The Saga Continues....


TYM resident party pooper
Lol owned...btw you're confirming Fujin now also?? All from 7 issues?? wow:eek: Your on a role there 2day bigboy :REO
You really do not see it?

How obvious it is?

You even have the injustice comics as an added hint. The characters that ended up being in the game got redesigned and the others who weren't didn't?

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
costumes are a weird thing, i doubt they would confirm/deconfirm characters by showing them in older or new costumes but on the flip side to that characters like mileena and reptile were never shown in older costumes in the comic while reiko and fujin are....but that could just be because they werent in MK9 and havent been in a game in a while, it proves nothing.
lmfao i didnt open this thread after comic came out and today i read all this bullshit and im like wow. stupid theories about reikos and fujins death. just wait to read the next issue, and costumes dont mean that they wont be in game. shit girl please


KiD INsAnitY

Z of The Leaf -Team R.A.N
right... hope you people don't lose your job at mc donalds
Stop trying to insult ppl because your irrelevant ass "theory" about costumes confirming n deconfirming ppl makes no sense to anyone here but yourself...ITS 7 ISSUES IN...and who's to say they even HAVE to redesign him in the comic? Whats stopping them from showing his redesign in the game instead if he made it in?? We still have the entire game storymode to go through and we all kno most characters switch costumes in story, the comics take place BEFORE the events of the game and it's still just the start of that!...We STILL have alot to go so get your BUTTHURT shit outta here and take that nutass theory with you.
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In Zoning We Trust
Kenshi, Fujin, Reiko, Jarek, etc etc. Were any of the MK4 and after characters in redesigned clothes? Legit question.


My GT: UncappedWheel82
How Test Your Might operates

1st Person: I think this and this will happen and that's my opinion
2nd Person: Dude, that's stupid and it makes no sense. (Receives 6 likes)
1st Person: How is that stupid, if this + this equals that, than surely that is what it is. And no I'm not stupid.
3rd Person: I agree with @2nd person simply because I don't like what the first person is implying.
4th Person: Makes a semi-hilarious meme about the 1st person's comment.
2nd Person: I wasn't calling you stupid, I was saying your idea was stupid (even though I secretly think you're stupid).
5th Person: Look guys, this is pointless. Even though this is a forum based website where we share thoughts and opinions, I reserve the right to not agree with any of this arguing and proceed to type things that make me seem more mature than everybody that has commented thus far. (Receives like from 3rd person)
6th Person: Chrome for MKX.... Wait what?
1st Person: @2nd Person okay, but still...
1st Person: @5th Person.. All I'm saying is....
7th Person: can we just wait til the game comes out before we confirm anything please?
8th Person: Mods can we close this thread plz?

The Saga Continues....
Nailed it...

This thread was cool for a bit. A place to talk shop about the week's comic. How far it has fallen.


TYM resident party pooper
Stop trying to insult ppl because your irrelevant ass "theory" about costumes confirming n deconfirming ppl makes no sense to anyone here but yourself...ITS 7 ISSUES IN...and who's to say they even HAVE to redesign him in the comic? Whats stopping them from showing his redesign in the game instead if he made it in?? We still have the entire game storymode to go through and we all kno most characters switch costumes in story, the comics take place BEFORE the events of the game and it's still just the start of that!...We STILL have alot to go so get your BUTTHURT shit outta here and take that nutass theory with you.
mate, I'm not butthurt about anything.

You choose to ignore the obvious (and it IS fucking obvious), that's on you.
Every character that showed up and happens to be in MKX was already in their new costume.
Scorpion, Raiden, Kano, Sub-Zero, Sonya, Mileena and Reptile. Reptile was even in his alt. This was before he was announced as a playable character and before we knew it was his alt.

Some are saying Fujin has is MKA costume. I don't see it. I see similarites but that's it. Hair is different, sash is different, shoulder pads are different, sheen pads are different, boots are different.

Jarek, a character already deconfirmed, had his MKA costume.
Hsu Hao, a character already deconfirmed, had his MKDA costume.
Mavado, a character already deconfirmed, had his MKDA costume.

What more do you want?

Want to group around your fellow minded users and sing kumbaya, then go ahead. Reiko won't be in. It won't matter it's 7 issues or 20. Until MKX is released, he won't get a redesign. He MIGHT get one if he ends up being wanted by fans and NRS makes him a dlc character. But I'm sorry to say, he won't be in. And I like Reiko. I wanted him to be in.
I feel like the character needs a chance. Kittelsen is making him this awesome mastermind and that could end up getting Reiko some fans.

It's a shame to say, but before the comic was out or even announced, the characters that were going to be in MKX got redesigned. Those redesigns were then handed to MKX comic artists to work with. Because that's how the characters will look in the game.

There's a reason Raiden isn't in his MK9 costume, or MKA costume or MKDA costume.
Same goes for every MKX character that is in the comic and is already announced as playable.


TYM resident party pooper
Kenshi, Fujin, Reiko, Jarek, etc etc. Were any of the MK4 and after characters in redesigned clothes? Legit question.
only one I see is Fujin. Rest seems the same.
Just noticed that we might get an hint at Kano, Sonya and Sub-Zero's alt in mkx. Like we had with reptile


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
WELL. I leave for ONE day and you people are falling apart without me...I guess it's time for

Specuuuuuuuuuuuuuulaaaaaaation with Shawn Kittelsen's Twitter

Fiiiirrrrrrrsssssstttt up we have some story-related stuff. Will we find out more about Sonya, Johnny and the delightful little post-War casual encounter that led to their spunky little mistake Cassie? Perhaps...

Next, someone was curious to know which tool Kotal was using in the last panel of comic #7 to cut himself and call upon the power of blood magik. Normal dagger? Kamidogu?

I also came upon this reply to the above tweet from Shawn which is an interesting theory. Not so interesting is the man's lack of knowledge about the "magic daggers" though...

Will we see more of Mileena? I think that's a given since Reiko's now giving her the good ol' a....dvice, but what more will we see of Mileena? Aspects of MKD Mileena? MKA Mileena?


One Bo Rai Cho fan wanted to know if we'd see him appear in the comics, Shawn replied with a short explanation of his feelings towards the monkey-flipping, puke-puddling Outworlder:

Skarlet will appear we Comics? If you didn't understand that question at first either then I don't blame you, but it was what was asked to MKX's Executive Producer on Twitter (in other words the wrong Shaun/Shawn...). Shawn Kittelsen was fine to answer the question though and replied with this:

Keep in mind Ed Boon previously tweeted out about how Skarlet's chances of being in MKX were "Slim to the shady", so an appearance in the comics may be all we see of her...

And last but not least, as I mentioned earlier, as you can see from the OP we are on Volume One of the MKX comic book series. Volume One is set to contain 4 issues, or 12 digital chapters. This means Volume One is most likely to end round about March 22nd and we might be able to get into Volume Two before the game itself is released!