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MKX Comic Plot Discussion & Speculation Thread


Likes nerds with big ...
Fox was a much better character than Takeda. Takeda might have split him in half but that was literally ALL he did interesting. He had no personality meanwhile Jacqui was given personality and was quicker on her feet than Takeda.

The only interesting thing about 1-3 is Scorpion and the rest of the Klassics, Takeda added nothing.


Fox was a much better character than Takeda.
Was he really? I remember him being introduced as some random Shirai Ryu then shortly after get killed off.
The only thing he really did was killing the Clan in the night and that could have done everybody. Forrest Fox is overrated.
Takeda has much more to him with being Kenshi´s son and him kinda hating his father. Also we didnt see most of Takeda yet.
Forrest Fox was just a random comic character for plot reasons.


Official Master of Salt
Yea man I'm actually hella hype to see Jacqui as a new character and what her moves will look like. Fresh new female characters are great.

Could care less about who her mom is though.
Fair enough, I'm just never really a fan of "good guy" characters to be honest, and when she's all "OMG Cassie, we're not 21, we can't go in there" it's just like uhhhhhhhhhhhh go home Jacqui.

She just doesn't look interesting at all to me yet. Maybe when she gets kitted up for Special Forces she'll seem cooler, but right now she's just boring in my eyes and I don't really see what people could see in her.

And I'm not saying that just because she doesn't appeal to me. For example, D'vorah doesn't appeal to me in any way, I do not want to play as her, but I COMPLETELY get why people would find her interesting and cool. She's a great design, is fresh, original etc. With Jacqui it's just like "here, have a girl kickboxer".


In Zoning We Trust
Fair enough, I'm just never really a fan of "good guy" characters to be honest, and when she's all "OMG Cassie, we're not 21, we can't go in there" it's just like uhhhhhhhhhhhh go home Jacqui.

She just doesn't look interesting at all to me yet. Maybe when she gets kitted up for Special Forces she'll seem cooler, but right now she's just boring in my eyes and I don't really see what people could see in her.

And I'm not saying that just because she doesn't appeal to me. For example, D'vorah doesn't appeal to me in any way, I do not want to play as her, but I COMPLETELY get why people would find her interesting and cool. She's a great design, is fresh, original etc. With Jacqui it's just like "here, have a girl kickboxer".
Haha yea you can clearly see they're gonna make her a "goody" character. I'm hoping after this or at least later she can get a little more of an edge. That's the main thing I want to see from her.

D'Vorah does look like a boss though in both design and gameplay. I think if Jacqui has a nice kickboxing moveset it'll be one of the best fresh additions to the roster gameplay-wise, and hopefully her character can keep up like Cassie's.


Official Master of Salt
Haha yea you can clearly see they're gonna make her a "goody" character. I'm hoping after this or at least later she can get a little more of an edge. That's the main thing I want to see from her.

D'Vorah does look like a boss though in both design and gameplay. I think if Jacqui has a nice kickboxing moveset it'll be one of the best fresh additions to the roster gameplay-wise, and hopefully her character can keep up like Cassie's.
True, I do trust NRS with their designs so I'm sure in game she will be sick, but just right now from what we've seen she just reminds me of the boring karate girl from street fighter, which is why I'm struggling to see what anyone sees in her right now.


In Zoning We Trust
True, I do trust NRS with their designs so I'm sure in game she will be sick, but just right now from what we've seen she just reminds me of the boring karate girl from street fighter, which is why I'm struggling to see what anyone sees in her right now.
Haha yea I can see why you say that. You have a good point because I'm more hype about what "I think she will be" than "what she currently is" lol.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Pretty sure she'll definitely be involved somehow. I don't think she'll be the main person behind it all, but she will be involved.
The big questions here is definitely how.

I mean, the way i see Skarlet, she doesn't have bigger interest for power unless she has a reason for it (ressurect Shao Kahn?), Mileena didn't waste anytime trying to be empress, it seems like Ermac has achieved an Elightment status, she feels more like the character who doesn't care, this is why it gets so intriguing.

From issue 1 to now, we know from Shawn that Baraka and Rain, Reiko are sided with Mileena, but from all Shao Kahn's forces Skarlet is the only one who doesn't seem to be on that Party, Ermac too seems to be the lone wolf, maybe they sided for a plan.

Really curious to see what Shawn will do we her, and finally lets see if she can actually speaks, or if she just isn't much fondle of words.

Can't wait, my guess is that maybe she will appear on the issue 9 or 10 where Kano will be talking about what happened when he got that Kamidogu blade, it would make sense with the page i shared last week, where Kano is all boned with Kunais and Shurikens.
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I can see Skarlet being involved with the Kamidogu somehow if she is in the comic.

She could become a major badass after cutting herself with a Kamidogu dagger and become a threat to the heroes since she is made of blood.

Or she joins the good side and they use her to unreveal the secrets behind the Kamidogu because she could be strong enough to withstand the Blood Kode.


Official Master of Salt
The big questions here is definitely how.

I mean, the way i see Skarlet, she doesn't have bigger interest for power unless she has a reason for it (ressurect Shao Kahn?), Mileena didn't waste anytime trying to be empress, it seems like Ermac has achieved an Elightment status, she feels more like the character who doesn't care, this is why it gets so intriguing.

From issue 1 to now, we know from Shawn that Baraka and Rain, Reiko are sided with Mileena, but from all Shao Kahn's forces Skarlet is the only one who doesn't seem to be on that Party, Ermac too seems to be the lone wolf, maybe they sided for a plan.

Really curious to see what Shawn will do we her, and finally lets see if she can actually speaks, or if she just isn't much fondle of words.

Can't wait, my guess is that maybe she will appear on the issue 9 or 10 where Kano will be talking about what happened when he got that Kamidogu blade, it would make sense with the page i shared last week, where Kano is all boned with Kunais and Shurikens.
Well, it sounds like Ermac definitely aligns himself with Kotal Kahn early on after his release from Shao Kahn's control, but then betrays him/changes his mind later on. Maybe Kotal using the blood code changed Ermac's mind, not sure.

I don't see Skarlet forming an allegiance with either Kotal or Mileena. As we know Quan Chi has something to do with the Kamidogu/blood code, I think she may be part of the Brotherhood of Shadows and Quan Chi has plans to utilise her.

Or she may be a lone wolf and may be trying to stop Quan Chi collecting the Kamidogu and was trying to stop Kano, hence the kunai in his arm being from her.

I look forward to finding out whatever it is.


Well, it sounds like Ermac definitely aligns himself with Kotal Kahn early on after his release from Shao Kahn's control, but then betrays him/changes his mind later on. Maybe Kotal using the blood code changed Ermac's mind, not sure.

I don't see Skarlet forming an allegiance with either Kotal or Mileena. As we know Quan Chi has something to do with the Kamidogu/blood code, I think she may be part of the Brotherhood of Shadows and Quan Chi has plans to utilise her.

Or she may be a lone wolf and may be trying to stop Quan Chi collecting the Kamidogu and was trying to stop Kano, hence the kunai in his arm being from her.

I look forward to finding out whatever it is.
well in her mk9 ending she was against quan chi since she was made by shao kahn magic so i can see her and ermac working together later to bring shao kahn back somehow


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)

Well first and foremost just a followup to the whole "Will Fujin appear in a new costume?" thing:

And now, where are these characters now? Will we see them in the comics?


Havik and Chaosrealm?!

and Baraka will make an appearance soon?!

KiD INsAnitY

Z of The Leaf -Team R.A.N
I don't know if they will do anything with Skarlet I doubt it,
And LOL at Baraka lurking.
I hope they really do something with Havik, This is rite up his alley being the cleric of chaos n all. He would have the potential to play a nice rule in all this disorder.