With the Outworld Civil War going on will Outworlder Li Mei make an appearance?
How are the yet unseen Tarkata siding themselves in the War? Are they with Mileena?
When will we see more of Erron Black? Will it be next chapter?
Will the comics EVER REVEAL WHO SUB ZERO IS GODDAMNIT!? *flips table*
Is Kotal Kahn dependent on the sun? Do his powers subside in darkness? Will we see Kotal's full power?
With Raiden blowing a hole in Fujin's abdomen
(fucking idiot) will we see Fujin in a new costume when we next see him?
For all of you for some reason saying that people in their old costumes won't be in MKX HOLD THIS SCREENSHOT
Will all the characters in the comics be seen in the game? Will all the characters in the game be seen in the comics?
But to be fair, we already knew the answer to both of these questions lol.
We knew that not all the characters in the comics would be in the game since Hsu Hao's facial demolition. We also knew that not all the characters in the game would be in the comics since when someone asked if Kitana and Mileena would be in the comics Shawn said "50% yes" and with Mileena already having been shown in Raiden's vision in comic #3 we knew that she was the one that would be in.