I just noticed you have PSN tagAC(I take it you do not play on Xbox then) but just on 360 so far, I've seen like 2 maybe 3 people use Ermac, only one guy looked like he knew what he was doing. That's a few people using Ermac means, still not as much as Kung Lao lol
Konqrr, yeah dude I'm not saying he's HARD to play I just don't think he's the "easiest" in the game, what I should say what I meant initially...but being competitive with him against the top guy is fun yet challenging

I think Ermac, I think easier to play, harder to master" that's the sense I'm thinking, but in terms of picking up and playing casually definitely not that hard I agree.
Liu kang I agree is very easy to pick up and play in every MK game just about. I remember the MK team even saying this a few times as well. Still, I've found that it's not worth picking Ermac UNLESS you turtle very well...from my experience anyway so far. The farther he is, the better for him lol. Knocking people out of the air with teleports don't hurt either lol.
Kitana is pretty good, I mean from what I've seen and played so far. She's fast.
I'm actually a little surprised more people don't use Kabal. I use him as my 4th guy but still getting a grip on him. I noticed a lot of people who use Kitana also use Mileena.