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MK2-Pass The Crown Please!!! (PS3)

Pass The Crown Please!!! (PS3)

Oh ok, anyone want to duke it out jax style 21 matches someday? IM/PM a time and day. Even if your not a jax favorite you might become a great jax player!


Pass The Crown Please!!! (PS3)

Goofart said:
This game just went from PG-13 to XXX in a single post :'(
You sick fuck, where you been anyway man?

Get off the RE5 every now and then and play some MKII with your boys.

john2kx said:
I'm not really sure.. is your PSN name 'dubson'? I'll add you to the list.. Send me a message on PSN and we'll figure out what time we can play.
My PSN is - dubson965

I think your on my friends list already?

I remember, we tried to play a ladder match, and we had network problems.

Hopefully it'll work better now.


Mr. Sexy Pants
Pass The Crown Please!!! (PS3)

lol, someone's gotta control the zombie population 0:)

i got an appointment with wario sometime this week or next.. we will have to throw down sometime dub, it's been ages yo! :D
Pass The Crown Please!!! (PS3)

@ Dookie, Sorry for missing you last night I missed you by 21 minutes lmao XD. I was like "Damn, I really don't wanna play lobby scrubs, lol!" We'll try again tonight def. and jesse add me on psn "yugimonz" Im gonna pm dookie cause I was the first to challenege you to the Jax crown :p
Pass The Crown Please!!! (PS3)

yugimonz said:
@ Dookie, Sorry for missing you last night I missed you by 21 minutes lmao XD. I was like "Damn, I really don't wanna play lobby scrubs, lol!" We'll try again tonight def. and jesse add me on psn "yugimonz" Im gonna pm dookie cause I was the first to challenege you to the Jax crown :p
Fine by me. What time and day works for you? I already have you on my friends list.


Forum General Emeritus
Pass The Crown Please!!! (PS3)

John and Frzn, let's try to get our games in tonight. I'll try to earn my default Subby crown and defend my actual Baraka one.
Pass The Crown Please!!! (PS3)

ok guys, i got a challenge to add. Yugimonz is officially challenging the jax Crown.

Its official, Yugimonz sent me a PM stating that he is challenging the Jax Crown.

Yugimonz you have 5 challenges left for the gameboard month. data will be added shortly. any other challenges? send me a PM to make it official.
Pass The Crown Please!!! (PS3)

alright just got through playing kaz 17-4 if im not mistaken man those lui mirrors are gay i dont think i know what i got myself into lol. Anyways tried playing john2k to test out the connection and its blows ass im going to try one more time and then i call it quits on trying to play him.
Pass The Crown Please!!! (PS3)

dookiebrain said:
@John and DCIguy, is it ok if the players send all 3 of us PM's to make challenges official? I think this would be better. I think the 3 of us will be able to hold this down. thoughts?
That's fine, I thought this was what we were already doing.. lol

@yungnicca; if you're on later tonight, we can try again.. my lag should be at a minimum.
Oh, and regarding the Kaz match, you forgot to mention if you won or lost.. :p


Forum General Emeritus
Pass The Crown Please!!! (PS3)

Just played Frzn for the Baraka crown and successfully defended 12-9. It was a sweep fest :) ggs frzn!

I don't mind if people PM us for the challenges. Fine by me!
Pass The Crown Please!!! (PS3)

gfgs dci those were so sweet. i'm gonna keep practicing with baraka. that nigga has it all.
Pass The Crown Please!!! (PS3)

I just played yugimonz earlier, I took kitana 14-7. we recorded and im uploading shortly. i must say, his kitana is fucki9ng awesome. dude has mastered the iAF to the point where he was fucking me up with it. vggs man. that was some serious kitana matches. uploading shortly.

Congrats to Yungicca on his Liu crown

Congrats to DCIguy on defending his Baraka crown.

check gameboard, updated crowns:


Pass The Crown Please!!! (PS3)

Ggs yung, Man between you and foozer I found out I do not like liu mirrors, haha.


Pass The Crown Please!!! (PS3)

Dookiebrain, i have a 2 part question...

Is it 1st to 14 wins to be crowned?...or is the highest score out of 21 total played matches?, thanks...but i think it means the same thing, lol, just wondering, thanks.

~also gg's you guys, nice matches indeed!
Pass The Crown Please!!! (PS3)

JF1000 said:
Dookiebrain, i have a 2 part question...

Is it 1st to 14 wins to be crowned?...or is the highest score out of 21 total played matches?, thanks...but i think it means the same thing, lol, just wondering, thanks.

~also gg's you guys, nice matches indeed!
thanks man, best out of 21.


Forum General Emeritus
Pass The Crown Please!!! (PS3)

Nice matches Dookie/Yugimonz. Congrats to Dookie on the Kitana crown.
Pass The Crown Please!!! (PS3)


what if the person who takes a crown from someone has to inherit their unfinished challengers? Yugimonz had 3 people waiting to play for Kitana crown, should i inherit them? you can defend an unlimited amount of times.

Yugimonz(p1) vs Dookiebrain(p2) part#2


Pass The Crown Please!!! (PS3)

I think yes, you should inherit them.

People who want to fight for the crown don't care who has it, they want it.


Forum General Emeritus
Pass The Crown Please!!! (PS3)

dubson said:
I think yes, you should inherit them.

People who want to fight for the crown don't care who has it, they want it.
Yeah, it doesn't make sense to wipe out all challengers once a crown changes hands.. agreed

Also dookie, I'd add the spreadsheet to the main page so we don't have to go searching for it everytime we go to make an update.