While MKX can be seen as a mess:
-The story feels disjointed at times
-Wasted plotlines/vague comic references (the whole "civil war", the "Edenian resistance", the "Reiko Accords", plots that in the end mean nothing)
-OOC Kotal Kahn in the third act
-Some cuestionable plot decisions (Raiden missing for like the whole central plot)
Besides all of that, MKX had a clear goal: To tell the story of the new Kombat Kids and how they learn to trust each other and work together, eventually going full circle with the awakening of Cassie's power and defeating Shinnok just like her father did. It's cheesy, but it works.
At the same time you have the new Outworld ruler and his comrades. D'Vorah is the one that plays a major role, that involves Quan Chi and Shinnok. Shinnok --> Johnny --> Cassie.
You can follow it. You get to know the characters, there is a sense of consequences (deaths of characters, Revenants being trapped forever thanks to Hanzo, etc), you can roll with it.
MK11, while it has a strong start and an interesting set of characters; it starts to go downhill when time travel is introduced, and then it's just like an excuse to do a reset.
The way Raiden fuses with Liu Kang is a solid Deus Ex Machina. Especially because there is no character on their side that could fight Kronika in a one on one battle. The only character that could've filled that role of aid/guidance to defeat such a powerful enemy is Cetrion, and guess what...
It's a complete mess. Why does Kronika bring back characters that will fight against her. Someone already pointed that out, she should've brought evil/neutral individuals!
Revenant Liu Kang learns Shinnok's magic, and now steals souls. Where is Shinnok? In the prologue Kronika hints at changing things because she wants him to success, but then he is irrelevant in the whole story.
Why kill characters, make alliances (like one of my favorite moments: Kitana joining forces with Baraka and Sheeva, this is amazing, but I bet it's already discarded), that won't matter because this is a reset.
Shouldn't Noob Saibot be neutral/free if Quan Chi is not around? Yet he keeps sticking around with the Revenants lmao
I think there are a lot of REALLY GOOD IDEAS:
-The rule of Kotal Kahn and his relationship with Jade
-Kitana uniting all the armies
-Liu Kang becoming a Protector God
-Raiden making peace with Liu Kang and retiring
-Dark Raiden going to extreme measures, starting to question himself
-Cassie and Jacqui growing as characters, taking the lead on the Special Forces
But they're all poorly executed!!