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MK11 Bugs, Glitches, Exploits and Infinites Report Thread


Your Cousins, Sisters, 1st cousins favorite gamer
Since this new patch:

I can no longer use my mouse to go through all the KUSTOMIZE tabs and selections. Before I could use my mouse to select my character, select their loadout, then change tabs, abilities etc with the mouse. Now, the mouse works sometimes and other times it doesn't. When it stops working I have to use my controller to select things.

Also, on a side note can anyone hear this beeping noise Shao Kahn makes? I BELIEVE he's cussing and it could potentially be bleeped out. It drives me crazy as it almost sounds EXACTLY like the steam message notification. It's at the :13 mark. Do you hear it or no?


Spammer. Crouch walk hater.
Johnny cage f21 and 121 strings become NOT SPECIAL CANCELABLE if you do very fast dial inputs.

It is a very annoying bug that cost matches and wins.

The inputs are done perfectly, with no extra 1 or 2s. Just raw 121 and then a special. Just raw f21 and then a special.

If dialed very fast the special won't come out with perfect inputs.



XBL tag: South of Zero
Decided to raid the krypt first time in 2 weeks. Opened a 100 soul green chest, game froze, said connection to server lost. Log back in and my total souls went from 6000 to 150. Yay.
you need to explain how the towers of time work to people before they enter for instance the battles were the other 2 players need to use abilities 90% of the players dont know they need to be helping the guy fighting..... its dumb having to leave over and over because half the people dont know they are supposed to use abilities to help you beat the encounter or the swap out fights same thing
why does half the things go in front of your health bar or your fatal blow markers THE THINGS WE ACTUALLY NEED TO SEE not some dude swinging a hammer jesus...... things we need to see over things we dont basic......


To add to the pile of comments about the netcode and odd performance issues, I am seeing some very strange stuff on Xbox after the last patch, specifically randomly dropped buttons, moves coming out on the wrong side, and other odd behavior despite playing with a buddy who lives half an hour away who I consistently have double digit pings to. There's no real pattern to the dropped buttons as it's happening pretty much across the board (downpokes, specials, last hits of strings, etc). The real crazy is watching moves like the d2 go off completely on the wrong side despite no changes in direction happening (crossups, etc).

Ck AeroVoid

Mk Casual, KI God
even when I am the right distance taunts sometimes wont work, Noticed this with Cassie and frost mostly

escape rolls and air escapes don't seem to always work. I know I am timing correctly

Jacqui had 2 skins in the store a few days ago... SAME EXACT SKIN in TWO SLOTS
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On the current PC version:
"Reversal punishes" are not possible if the opponent's character switches sides (perhaps it is just that they must be facing the wrong way?). This can happen after blocking moves like Cassie's bf4 or Fatal Blow. The reversal is considered a "reversal" until it connects, at which point it is considered only a "punish" and not a "reversal punish." This is relevant because Shao Kahn has a Krushing Blow condition of hitting with a "reversal throw punish."
Anyone else having an issue with your season challenges for kombat league not updating? Mine having changed since day one but daily challenges works.


Just some bees, please.
Anyone else having an issue with your season challenges for kombat league not updating? Mine having changed since day one but daily challenges works.
Yeah for some reason the "Complete 10 daily league challenges" one isn't updating for me. I have completed 4 daily league challenges so far but for some reason it only says 2/10. The others seem to be fine but not this one, it's quite frustrating as this one is literally a once a day thing, can't just grind it when (if?) it starts working again.
Yeah for some reason the "Complete 10 daily league challenges" one isn't updating for me. I have completed 4 daily league challenges so far but for some reason it only says 2/10. The others seem to be fine but not this one, it's quite frustrating as this one is literally a once a day thing, can't just grind it when (if?) it starts working again.
Exactly so now we are unable to get any of the kombat league gear/rewards and it seems the devs are unaware of this. Are you on xbox or ps4? I’m Xbox


I Am Thee Noob Saibot
Dont know if this has been posted or not but when watching a replay match that ends with a mercy being performed the game completely crashes


Just had a major issue where I was playing Kombat League and changed character to Geras. Picked Geras and outfit with Infinite Warden moveset default. It loaded up the correct outfit...and the New Era moveset. WTF? Never seen this happen before. Finished set, backed out to double check that I'm not insane. NOPE, it's Infinite Warden. Go back in, choose Geras from the get-go to test out...gives me Infinite Warden.

Anyone experience this or anything similar? It was bizarre


MK11 Pocket Guide: Koming Soon to the App Store
I’m getting real tired of hearing Erron Black’s dynamite wick sizzle for the entire rest of the match after he uses it. PS4 Pro.
On current PC version: Special cancelling Shao Kahn's 1,2,1+3 (DIE) string into any non-spear special causes the tassels or cloth from his spear to float around him until he uses his spear again or gets hit. The spears this is present on: Imperial Outworld Kombat Lance, Impaler of Z'unkarrah, Zelteran Executioner's Blade, Lance of Bloody Slaughter, Chengis Lance, Kuhlan Peacemaker.
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Lt. Boxy Angelman

Has anyone else brought up the defensive regen glitch?
I wanted to start an individual thread, but wasn't sure if it's been touched on.

It's happened in KL and the casual chatroom. Going to run ToT tomorrow and see if it happens against AI as well.

Defensive bars seemingly randomly regenerate whenever they please.
It's happened in my opponent's favor AND in my own. No idea how or why. Always the Defensive bar to the best of my observation so far, but it wouldn't surprise me if it went both ways.

I don't know if there's an input like the MK9 Toasty Boosts. I don't know if it's just a bug. But of all the imbalanced and ridiculous things I've experienced in this game so far, this is the one that will keep me far and further from competing until its addressed, or someone points out that I'm terribly behind the times and it's already been discussed. Which I doubt.