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General/Other - Dualist Liu Kang: Dualist General Discussion

jordan ewell

I feel the threat of this character isn't insane rush down. It's more of the threat of "what is he going to do next". I usually cancel into orb on hit because it gives you more advantage time than on block. Also you have to use conditioning to get orb setups to work on block. Complete some strings and confirm that the opponent blocks the whole string, then next time they expect you to complete the string they will continue to block then cancel it early into ex orb. They will either react late and the orb will act as a frame trap and you can convert. Or the orb will explode as they are still blocking then you get a free mix up of high, low , throw or just more pressure if you please. or you can just block to bait out armored reversals. When people start to expect that you will cancel your pressure strings early into orb the will probably D1 in between your pressure. If they do that frame trap with the rest of the string or DB2, which is safe and sometimes lets you continue pressure. Duelist takes some work and strategy but I think it's very interesting and can't wait to see some high level play of it. I just ask that the damage buff glitch would get fixed.


Is there a compendium of sorts for BnB, etc for Dualist? The Kang combo thread has like 1 BnB for Dualist and that's it.

Nevermind. The info was so scattered that I decided to very quickly try and put it all together into one post. This isn't complete, and there's probably stuff I've missed but for now this is what I found. NONE of this is mine and all props go to the Dualist sadomasochists of the Liu Kang boards:

Meterless Midscreen:

1,1,3xxRC~B1,2~F2,1,3xxFlying Kick | 25%
1,1,3~B3,4~D2 | 28%
1,1,3~B3,4~F2,1,3xxFlying Kick | 29%

1,1,3~B3,4xxBicycle Kick~D2 | 29%
1,1,3~B3,4xxBicycle Kick~Throw | 29%
F4,4xxBicycle Kick | 18%


Meterless Corner:

4,4xxBicycle Kick~F2,1,3xxFlying Kick | 23%/24%
1,1,3~B3,4~F2,1,3xxBicycle~F4xxLowFB/Flying Kick | 34%

Metered Midscreen:

1,1,3~RC~B3,4~F4xx X-ray | 46%

Metered Corner:

1,1,3~B3,2~F2,1,3xx X-Ray | 48%
MB Orb~NJP~JI3~B1,2~F2,1,3xxBicycle Kick~D2 | 50% at level 3 Dark Charge.

Dualist Pressure Videos:

Dualist Meter Building:

Corner 0/1 Meter:

You just mad coz I'm styling on you:

50% No Meter:

Unblockable Orb Setups:

Dualist Setup/Tech by FOREVER EL1TE:

L0rdoftheFLY Bug & Balance Recommendations Post:
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Sup folks, I'm trying to pick up Dualist but I don't really know where to start. I'm normally a Shinnok main so this is a totally different style of play. I think I understand the basics of Liu Kang, but there are some things that I really need to work on and I was wondering if you folks could provide some tips, maybe even play a couple matches!

Pressure: I don't really know what to do up close. I know his f44 strings and I know about the 112 stance change stuff. I'm just having some difficulty making people respect me and mixing people up

Getting In: I played a Pyromancer Tanya with Dualist the other day and I have no idea how to play that MU. How do you folks approach with Liu Kang. Is it as basic as block/run or block/dash?

Also, are there any true block strings that involve the orbs?

Sup folks, I'm trying to pick up Dualist but I don't really know where to start. I'm normally a Shinnok main so this is a totally different style of play. I think I understand the basics of Liu Kang, but there are some things that I really need to work on and I was wondering if you folks could provide some tips, maybe even play a couple matches!

Pressure: I don't really know what to do up

Also, are there any true block strings that involve the orbs?

With dualist any block string besides F213 is -10 to -20. I haven't tested it. But they're all very minus. F213 into orb leaves you minus 9. Enhanced or not. I also have a video explaining his block strings. I will be also making a dualist guide so look out for it

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
With dualist any block string besides F213 is -10 to -20. I haven't tested it. But they're all very minus. F213 into orb leaves you minus 9. Enhanced or not. I also have a video explaining his block strings. I will be also making a dualist guide so look out for it
Props for staying with him. I play him as a secondary still when I get bored of Tanya. She is too much fun though


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
He just feels gimmicky. Not knocking the character or anything, this variation looks cool as hell and I want him to work, the frames you have to spend to hope to connect a ball... Am I wrong here? Seems like you can take advantage of bad plays with him much more than the other two tho... I dunno maybe I'm missing it.
He just feels gimmicky. Not knocking the character or anything, this variation looks cool as hell and I want him to work, the frames you have to spend to hope to connect a ball... Am I wrong here? Seems like you can take advantage of bad plays with him much more than the other two tho... I dunno maybe I'm missing it.
You don't play him like that, people think that he revolves around the orbs. Which he does in a way, but that's not his gameplan. Dualist liu kang is able to put you in 20sec block strings for 30%chip in dualist. For 3bars, you can do some amazing chip damage. The orbs should only come out for space control or pressure. Not so much for combos


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
I'm sorta fresh to Liu Kang... But can't the other two do amazing block pressure as well?

I like this one the most just trying to decide
I'm sorta fresh to Liu Kang... But can't the other two do amazing block pressure as well?

I like this one the most just trying to decide
Flame fist is a zoning type. Dragons fire has amazing pressure but it cost stamina and if you mess up a cancel you can be punished hard


Original Liu Kang cop.
Stop downplaying. If they backdash punish it with b2 or quick run cancel to stuff their run.
Bruh who cares if they get hit by b2? Who cares if they get punished for no damage? The risk reward on his pressure sucks because he hits like a little girl in this variation.
Bruh who cares if they get hit by b2? Who cares if they get punished for no damage? The risk reward on his pressure sucks because he hits like a little girl in this variation.
Then your are doing something wrong. Run cancel punish 113 leads to 30%, F44 leads to about 20% plus chip damage and meter gain. B2 gives you a hardknockdown for orb setup.


Original Liu Kang cop.
Then your are doing something wrong. Run cancel punish 113 leads to 30%, F44 leads to about 20% plus chip damage and meter gain. B2 gives you a hardknockdown for orb setup.
But 113 is only for a punish. It has no use outside that, f4 is only 20%, instead of the 32% in DF, or 24% standing reset that leads to much more guaranteed chip. B2 is a techable knockdown that leads to no setup midscreen, not that orb setups are actual scary any way for someone who knows the MU. Dualist might be useful for some MU'S, but you're cheating yourself out of a better version of the character in every aspect of his game by using it. Worse zoning, worse frametraps/pressure and worse damage.


I hope this will be of any use to all of you, found it while having fun with massive + on block from EX light ball. It is so much that you can run to the opponent from the end of the screen before he would be able to do any kind of reversal if he blocked EX light ball. Then I though about how much EX light ball throwss opponent back and how fast Liu Kang's recovery after that is, so I though it might be even possible to do full screen combos in the corner with EX light ball and it actually worked.



ҜømbÄŦ Ħøu&Ŧøπ
So what exactly does this new patch mean for Dualist Liu Kang. What we saw in the patch were many characters receiving major changes, shaking up the entire tier list as we know it.

Dualist in my opinion could have received some other upgrades as well, namely the light version, but with the improved hitbox on his strings and low orb hitting low (on top of his low profile animation), he has some improved options for pressure and setup opportunities.

His orbs seem deadlier and I can't wait to see what I can get off of various setup situations. F3 into low orb cancels, 113 unblockable setups a'la Quan Chi?
His low orbs still take time to explode though. So creating that, 50/50 would be hard. But I'll look into it after I get the patch and make a video on it


Baconlord's Billionaire Sugar Daddy
Just which hitboxes did they "adjust"? Because 11 still whiffs, F44 still whiffs, DB2 still whiffs, the orbs still whiff, and a shit ton of others.