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General/Other - Dualist Liu Kang: Dualist General Discussion

I found out how to get that orb loop in level 3 off of njp or just en orb. It's real strict timing but off if njp

Njp, En Orb, regular orb then cancel, f1 into orb, and I forgot the rest
Here. IMA post my matchups now. It's not complete though. All numbers go (Liu-opp)
LK-KL (5-5,6-4)
LK-Jax (4-6,5-5)
LK-Scorpion (4-6)
LK-Takeda(6-4) but this could be different cause of the patch. Maybe 5-5 but I doubt it.
LK-CC(5-5,4-6) I haven't played any good Cassie payers. But considering her tools. I would think he would lose. Her b1 and her flipkick is everything. However I think it might be even because of the risk/reward that flip kick is.

LK-KJ (6-4)
LK-Shinnok (5-5)
LK-Kano (6-4)
LK-Ermac(3-7 ,4-6). If the ermac abuses his jk and plays the keep away game, then we're fucked
LK-QC(6-4 or 4-6) he can outzone you. But once you're in, you destroy him real bad. So I feel like if you're out. He has the favor, but once you're in, you win

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fear the moobs
hi dualist mains. IMO dualist sucks ass. like compared to dragon fire you guys are basically jade. but i would love to fight one of u and learn why sooooo many people think this character is worth the trouble

jordan ewell

hi dualist mains. IMO dualist sucks ass. like compared to dragon fire you guys are basically jade. but i would love to fight one of u and learn why sooooo many people think this character is worth the trouble
I'm on psn but if you or anyone else wants I'll fight you, my psn is Blakboywonder


fear the moobs
This is one of liu kang's flaw, but usually uppercut or S1 should work. At times you can low profile with d3 on most characters except characters like jax,SZ,erron black. At last resort, use enhanced db2 as they cross over for armor
liu liu's uppercut for anti crossover? LMAO


RIP Ex Smash
This is one of liu kang's flaw, but usually uppercut or S1 should work. At times you can low profile with d3 on most characters except characters like jax,SZ,erron black. At last resort, use enhanced db2 as they cross over for armor
Just backdash against crossups, do it when they're in the middle of the jump.


fear the moobs
What's so funny
Liu's uppercut is really good. If they try to just clear jump over and go for grab, D2 will beat it. If they block, the pushback is far enough to reset them at neutral.
i don't know if where talking about liu kang but his uppercut is shit. idk if this is cause i play jax so much and i expect better but really though there are so many tops when someone jumps in and the uppercut whiffs. not even a cross over just a jump in and it whiffs. and it definitely doesn't work close to consistently on cross overs. like maybe 10% of the time it'll work
i don't know if where talking about liu kang but his uppercut is shit. idk if this is cause i play jax so much and i expect better but really though there are so many tops when someone jumps in and the uppercut whiffs. not even a cross over just a jump in and it whiffs. and it definitely doesn't work close to consistently on cross overs. like maybe 10% of the time it'll work
Wasn't there a thread about jump attacks having to much priority earlier ?