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The Ignore Button Is Free
I'm determined to find a way to make Assassin stand out. IMO, I feel like if there was a SAFE way to get a sharpen out, this variation would be something serious.

The only safe way I found so far is after a 212 on hit.


Hi everyone, long time lurker here. I had to join to bring this up cause I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere else. Obviously loving the new Kitana but I think I've found a bug. If you use rising blades to armour through a low poke the move doesn't connect and you're left floating above your opponent's head, which has cost me wins against players with fast reactions. It happened vs a Johnny Cage and Ermac, and a fair few other characters when I've been playing ladders. This must be a problem with the hitbox or something, right? The armour absorbs the hit but none of the rest of the attack connects. Is anybody else experiencing this? I'm gutted about it - we finally got an armoured launcher and it's being inconsistent. I really hope they can fix it quickly :(

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
The move is just easy to low profile. It's always been like that, just went unnoticed cause the move was a bill before now. Sucks but it is what it is. I use EX butt or throat slice if I am sure they're going to low poke.


Revenant Jade
Mournful Variation is so much better, super amazing fixes, buffs that helped her out.

Now all she needs is EX Shadow Kick to hit mid and second hit of staff is OH. Kind of like MK9 Jade animation 122 string

Ooh how about Jade skin too for this variation <3


Good? Bad? I'm the one with the fans
I'm determined to find a way to make Assassin stand out. IMO, I feel like if there was a SAFE way to get a sharpen out, this variation would be something serious.

The only safe way I found so far is after a 212 on hit.
Can't you sharpen after an AS? That's what I've been doing. Yet to be punished for it. Or are people letting me get away with things they shouldn't?


Good? Bad? I'm the one with the fans
People are letting you get away with it. That's very punishable
Well damn. Back to the drawing board I guess. I've always stuck with assassin despite the consensus saying mournful or even royal storm is better. AS is lovely as a combo ender, and a great counter to minion spamming Scorpions.

The buff to parry is nice, but it can still be blocked I think.
I'm having trouble getting the fan and float to come out after an EXed d,b 2. Can someone tell me the exact window in which I can cancel to float and fans in an EXed d,b 2?


Get staffed bro
Loving the block string shenanigans in mournful. Ive only just picked her up but feels like she still has to work quite hard to win.

For wake ups, are you guys using ex staff? It's a ridiculously good AA or for stopping crossovers. It's -12 on block so way less risky than ex slice and 3% more damage.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
So... is there a thread with kitanas updated bnbs for midscreen and corner??

The thread called Kitanas combo thread just has a video of a combo in the OP. Don't really wanna look through a ton of posts for the optimum combos... =/


The Ignore Button Is Free
So... is there a thread with kitanas updated bnbs for midscreen and corner??

The thread called Kitanas combo thread just has a video of a combo in the OP. Don't really wanna look through a ton of posts for the optimum combos... =/
I'm gonna make a post about all the BnBs Kitana players should be doing. I'm tired of seeing Kitana's not doing 50%+ in the corner and not scoring 37% off AA AF

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
I'm gonna make a post about all the BnBs Kitana players should be doing. I'm tired of seeing Kitana's not doing 50%+ in the corner and not scoring 37% off AA AF

I'm actually enjoying using her (been playing her the past couple days) but I knoooow I'm not doing the best combos, so a thread like that would be great. :)
Air fan , F43, F33 Fan, F4 lift, NJP, F4 throat slice. 34% or more.

I have a Kitana video that shows high damaging combos but it was pre patch. so idk if it would be relevant
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