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Strategy - Kitana Kitana General Discussion/Strategies

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The Ignore Button Is Free
Ok so I just watched Brady's video about the Ice Clone stuff, and took it into training for myself.

Kitana is also one of the characters who can exploit this bug. If he does an ice clone to you in the corner, he can only get a b2 from it. B3 won't reach unless he moves up. Due to this, if he does b2 and you block, you can punish with ass without getting hit by the clone. You can also go thru the clone with the f2 string after the blocked b2. He can block it tho, but at least you gain meter from the chip

If he does clone and tries to move up, you can easily react with 111. Clone doesnt hit you.


The Ignore Button Is Free
Ok so I just watched Brady's video about the Ice Clone stuff, and took it into training for myself.

Kitana is also one of the characters who can exploit this bug. If he does an ice clone to you in the corner, he can only get a b2 from it. B3 won't reach unless he moves up. Due to this, if he does b2 and you block, you can punish with ass without getting hit by the clone. You can also go thru the clone with the f2 string after the blocked b2. He can block it tho, but at least you gain meter from the chip

If he does clone and tries to move up, you can easily react with 111. Clone doesnt hit you.

Also, why tf can he parry her xray, fan toss and lift when he does his xray lol
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The Ignore Button Is Free
Wtf did kitana always get 41% after b14 lift???

Here's the combo I punished subs slide with: b14 lift, f43x2, 3 fan, jk fan, run f33 TS. I was in royal storm. I swore this did 40%


Official Merlin of TYM
Also, why tf can he parry her xray, fan toss and lift when he does his xray lol
Not to mention if you're right over your opponent when you do it, you miss. And that sometimes, if they're in the sir, one of the hits misses. Either the second swirl or the second hit of the first swirl drops them.


Also, why tf can he parry her xray, fan toss and lift when he does his xray lol
Well I had his clone freeze me even though I was doing my xray, and another match had two ground fans in a row literally pass through him without hitting. and ice sword hit me even when he was facing away from me, so ya.


MK1 is the best MK period.
F112 MB fan misses randomly in the corner.

Also anyone using MB Assassins stab then on the Oki use assassins stab to run full screen for zoning?


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Wtf did kitana always get 41% after b14 lift???

Here's the combo I punished subs slide with: b14 lift, f43x2, 3 fan, jk fan, run f33 TS. I was in royal storm. I swore this did 40%
Using f33~TS always did 41% in that combo.

F112 MB fan misses randomly in the corner.

Also anyone using MB Assassins stab then on the Oki use assassins stab to run full screen for zoning?
You should never use MB Fan after f112 because they become airborne before the fans hit which makes it a waste of meter.


Just a funny tidbit I just witnessed and has already been discussed, but I didn't catch it - Her projectile parry turned into a kung jin brutality when the final hit came from his own reflected arrow. I know he has this brutality to use on his opponents, but I thought it was funny that she used it on him when she reflected the arrow. Not sure if/what other brutalities she could 'steal' from her opponents, but I figured I'd share since it gave me such a chuckle!
I did it with Quan Chis Skull transplant brutality. It was awesome


Speaking of opponents ducking under fans, any good suggestions to deal with that, something to make them uncomfortable at least so that they just don't sit there, especially if they have the life lead.
Run cancel to get a little close in the range of fanado(they can't duck that one) threat them with F22 u4 which has some range. Jump in float cancel into overhead. Mix it up when you see them just ducking under your fans. Once you get the life lead back return to full screen zoning if you want. Its a risk but you have to do it. I play against a kotal khan and he usually activates the sun beam and ducks under it to regain life and this is what I do to get him out of it.


Swarm Queen
d4 is one of the best tools she has. It would suck if it knocked down.
Agreed especially scorpion players who don't block lol, what's the most viable start up string that ye use? I use f112 but it's mostly a habit, I enjoy the b14 too


since kitana doesnt need meter for anything other than breakers and wakeups, i tried to start using ex-sharpen.
results are kinda good, it lasts long enough (8-9 seconds) and gives a pretty decent boost damage wise. and people start to play cautiously and dont rush you down like mad giving you some room to maneuver


gotta take it to make it
How much better is she now based on your first impressions of the patch? Would you guys feel comfortable traveling and taking her to a tournament?


Became a tier whore out of frustration
Assassin Parry now works between gaps in strings (!)
EX db2 = now an armored wakeup/interrupt/AA with combo damage (!!)
d1 has amazing range and is a good AA (!!)
f22 can now actually be used as a footsie tool/AA (!!!)

She's much better. Much much better


Beso de Muerte + Fantasía Oscura
d1 is do bad on block it doesn't matter about the range. but f22 being safer as a footsie tool helps. 21 being plus is great. i always use this move. still with f1 was overhead or b2 was faster. I been messing with doing and extra air fan for a HDK now that butt is one i can go back to bnb!


The Ignore Button Is Free
d1 is do bad on block it doesn't matter about the range. but f22 being safer as a footsie tool helps. 21 being plus is great. i always use this move. still with f1 was overhead or b2 was faster. I been messing with doing and extra air fan for a HDK now that butt is one i can go back to bnb!
It's -9 with pushback . It's very tough to punish.


Does it matter?
Did 212 always launch the way it does now? And was it -3?

Was her EX Glaive always a true blockstring?

Normal air Glaive also seems a lot better.
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