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Strategy - Kitana Kitana General Discussion/Strategies

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A fan of fans
you can option select b+3~lift or EX Glaive so the special move only comes out on hit.

b+3 is mostly safe. Super long reaching fast punishes like Reptile ex slide and Raiden f+1 can punish it. Otherwise it's safe.

So it is a safe low starter. She still doesn't have a good OH though so it's not like she is now a 50/50 monster.
Slow progress with her :D I really like the low got a 44% of it in the corner so far


A fan of fans
I think she will have insane glaive pressure and mixups…f112 exglaive into b3/b2/f112/instant air float…..Also float shenanigans with the overhead or the b3 low (let the float drop) e.g b2 instant air float overhead(njp2)/low(b3). If you know what i mean


Not to be trifled with!
Wish I was home to play around with this stuff... I trust you guys will have all the lab work done by the time I get back to my console!
It's not bad. I like this direction. She's still far away from being top tier, but a safe (with OS tech) low starter with some range is definitely on the road there.



Good? Bad? I'm the one with the fans
you can option select b+3~lift or EX Glaive so the special move only comes out on hit.

b+3 is mostly safe. Super long reaching fast punishes like Reptile ex slide and Raiden f+1 can punish it. Otherwise it's safe.

So it is a safe low starter. She still doesn't have a good OH though so it's not like she is now a 50/50 monster.
This is great news! Can't wait to get off work and test some of these recent findings myself.

Having a low starter gives Kitana a sudo mix-up game with float shenanigans, doesn't it? Knock them into the corner, run in, nj>float>land and execute xKhaoTik's corner combo. :cool:

This is great news! Can't wait to get off work and test some of these recent findings myself.

Having a low starter gives Kitana a sudo mix-up game with float shenanigans, doesn't it? Knock them into the corner, run in, nj>float>land and execute xKhaoTik's corner combo. :cool:
Not necessarily. Even NJ>instant float>NJP still hits mid. You'd have to wait until she starts to fall down for it to hit OH, which at that point is so telegraphed that its no longer a viable mixup.

She just needed something with range that leads to combo. It being a low is a much needed bonus, since a lot of char's d3's/4's ducked under f1.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
I think she will have insane glaive pressure and mixups…f112 exglaive into b3/b2/f112/instant air float…..Also float shenanigans with the overhead or the b3 low (let the float drop) e.g b2 instant air float overhead(njp2)/low(b3). If you know what i mean
Nothing is guaranteed pressure after EX Glaive. They block the first hit and backdash through the return, it's useless on block.


Anyone else having trouble going against good Scorpion (Inferno) players? His mix-up is deadly and I can't seem to win any air battles. Those minions are quick...


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
I was practicing the b3~Lift Option Select and got it like 1/10 tries using multiple down inputs... you got to be SO fast with this, but got it 10/10 using a single back input after.

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