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Meow Hoes
Yeah I knew f2 glaives was interrupt able.

I had wake stuffing tech but it's pretty meh. I'd does 6% chip and builds 25% bar back.
End a combo in NJK ex glaive or f22 ex glaive and go for 111 into special. It stuffs armor and if it hits you get a combo and if they block you get chip and meter. You could also do ex glaive ij2 111 for more chip or damage. But its hard
Anybody else notice that her j2 doesn't combo into b2? Not a big deal, but something that still should be fixed.
Yes it does

No. If you watch the matches between clint and tre from the past two weeks, you will see why tre gets away with so much shit. Clint jumps WAY too much and rarely punishes anything.

Wild and I play every night and I just started punishing point blank fan tossess with 11~freeze...

Watch how Michaelangelo and everyone not named clintthebeast shut her down.
He was probably high as hell Clint ain't a scrub.

So, there's currently all of this "option select" talk floating about. Has anyone played around with this for Kitana? What are her options?

I can apparently cancel the fan (after inputting the command) to confirm a F112 combo, but I feel like there has to be more to it than that, and that's not a pure "option select" anyway. :-/
Ive already addressed this with video

what I got from watching CDjr's stream just now is that you can cancel specials after normals and strings. and even further if you special cancel after certain strings and normals on block the special won't come out, but on hit it will. that's the part I didnt get. BUT I went into training and found out that

on block and on hit:
b14~db1~b will cancel the fan lift (MAJOR cause b14 is neutral on block)
f112~df1~b will cancel the ground fan
111~df1~b will also cancel the ground fan

you can also cancel specials off of any normal (except b2 and b4 I think) but the timing is rough

so if you see your opponents blocking any of your strings you can cancel your special move so you won't get punished.
I'm sure I did all this week one are my vids not stickied?
only time i use sharpen is when i get in a F22, you can string the sharpen into it and apply it as opponent is knocked down, you can then try for a AS or F112 DF1 FJK2xxDF1 into whatever you like to end that combo with, i like to mix it up a lot so opponent doesn't get a read on me.

i prefer getting in an Assassin Strike (DB3) when sharpen is on though, it's really satisfying :)
I tried that, and it doesn't seem to work, but f112xsharpen seems to give you advantage on your opponents wake up. I can see this being a great set up if you can end combos with it, but the damage you can get off of f112 combos far outweighs the benefits of a sharpen.

x TeeJay o

Canary Cry Gapless Pressure
I still don't understand how to do this option select crap. it looks like the best way to pressure with kitana at the moment but I just cannot get it down.
I watched him play at yomi last night. He really doesn't know how to play this game yet. Tre is getting away with murder.
Eh I'll talk to him.

I still don't understand how to do this option select crap. it looks like the best way to pressure with kitana at the moment but I just cannot get it down.
What are you having trouble with I'll try to make a video tonight with more OS's but really the few strings I put out seem to cover most options. I can't help she's limited

x TeeJay o

Canary Cry Gapless Pressure
Eh I'll talk to him.

What are you having trouble with I'll try to make a video tonight with more OS's but really the few strings I put out seem to cover most options. I can't help she's limited
No its not you it's me. I don't know how to do them they seem really complex and hard. Like idk how to input the buttons and stuff


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
I watched him play at yomi last night. He really doesn't know how to play this game yet. Tre is getting away with murder.
Exactly. No disrespect whatsoever to Tre or Clint, but Clint is playing like a crazy person jumping around Gangnam style and not punishing a thing Tre does. This is why civilians think she is more than fine.

This is why the matches between tre and michaelangelo are very telling due to mike simply playing great footsies, staying on the ground, blocking and punishing float gimicks. Kitana just crumbles when the opponent plays conservative and average at best.

I smile everytime tre and riyo switch over to Cassie and Sonya. Lol
No its not you it's me. I don't know how to do them they seem really complex and hard. Like idk how to input the buttons and stuff
Are you... are you breaking up with me?!?!?! Lol

Here try this to get you started. Go into training and record yourself doing 11,DB1~F1 as if it were normally going to hit then set the computer to playback and have it hit you. Then on the next loop block it. If you did it correct you get Lift on hit and if you input the F1 fast enough after the DB1 you should just get 111 on block

This actually works on most strings with her. Some strings you have to do other stuff but that's a simple OS to start with
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x TeeJay o

Canary Cry Gapless Pressure
Are you... are you breaking up with me?!?!?! Lol

Here try this to get you started. Go into training and record yourself doing 11,DB1~F1 as if it were normally going to hit then set the computer to playback and have it hit you. Then on the next loop block it. If you did it correct you get Lift on hit and if you input the F1 fast enough after the DB1 you should just get 111 on block

This actually works on most strings with her. Some strings you have to do other stuff but that's a simple OS to start with
Is that db1 cancelled into F1? Is it all in one motion or is there a specific time frame


Good? Bad? I'm the one with the fans
Has anyone else experimented with U+2 float shenanigans?

I've been using U+2 as a footsie tool when I anticipate someone advancing while a short distance away from them. (Forward dash range) It's slow, and totally unsafe by itself, but I've managed to catch people with it a number of times and convert into air fan combos, which is rather simple to confirm being U+2 is so slow. Now, if my U+2 whiffs, I use a float>nj4. I don't use njp, due to it's poor range. nj4, in my experience, has better chances to catch an advancing opponent. If the U+2 is blocked, again I use the float>njk because U+2 pushes them so far back that nj2 whiffs even if done at point blank range. You can, however, use nj2 in the corner and convert into a combo of your choosing if it lands.

It isn't anything fantastic, but it's worth noting because a lot of people are looking for 111, f22, b14 strings and don't see it coming. Obviously, don't abuse it.


Has anyone else experimented with U+2 float shenanigans?
I actually just started messing with this last night, as well as F22U4 cancel into fan. It actually seems pretty safe since if the U4 is blocked, the recover is quick and Kitana gets bounced back just outside sweep distance.

I did not have the same success with U24 since its slow to recover and leaves her in punish range. Thank you for your tip on using float. I love that float move, been using it quit often. It's a nice meter builder as well.
I actually just started messing with this last night, as well as F22U4 cancel into fan. It actually seems pretty safe since if the U4 is blocked, the recover is quick and Kitana gets bounced back just outside sweep distance.

I did not have the same success with U24 since its slow to recover and leaves her in punish range. Thank you for your tip on using float. I love that float move, been using it quit often. It's a nice meter builder as well.
Both of yall be careful doing that shit. It is hella unsafe and adding float or fan to the mix isn't helping it.


Good? Bad? I'm the one with the fans
Both of yall be careful doing that shit. It is hella unsafe and adding float or fan to the mix isn't helping it.
Of course. ;)

I use U+2 only once or at max twice a match. It is very punishable IF they expect it or are on their toes. Most times though, they must be like, "wtf is that move?! Never seen that before!" Because I don't get punished for it... much.

Just wondered if anyone else uses it. Gotta work with what we have, right? I'd rather spend time discussing what we have rather than what we wish we had. :p


I was watching his stream and he said Kitana players think they can play her like they did in MK9 and need to learn how to play better footsies
Well, d3 is the literal embodiment of "footsies" - specifically the kind that 3 year olds play under the table. :p

In all seriousness though, I don't think anyone is under any illusions of this Kitana being even vaguely similar to the old one. Hell, I basically think of this Kitana as a completely new character that happens to have been mildly inspired by the old one.

I can honestly say that Kitana, especially in Assassin variation, is the most incomplete-feeling character I've played in a fighting game since TTT2's Angel (which was basically the only gameplay aspect of TTT2 that I disliked). So many moves are like 'Hey, this is almost good... almost'.

b1 would be great... if it was a few frames faster and had a little more range.
f2 would be a great poke... if it was safe. Alternatively, a great mix-up tool... if it hit overhead.
d1 would be a decent interrupter... if it was safe.

Alternatively, they should have included a much wider set of universal tools to use as a variation-less template to build upon. There's no reason why her Square Boost shouldn't be a universal tool, for instance - imagine how much more interesting Mournful would be with that extra move alone. Parry could work as a universal move too.

As it stands, it's like choosing to play as a variation-less character... without going variation-less.

Despite all this, I'm going to keep playing her, largely because I absolutely love her personality shift since the last game. Normally I never put non-gameplay reasons as a primary reason for using a character, but this is very much an exception.


Good? Bad? I'm the one with the fans
Well, d3 is the literal embodiment of "footsies" - specifically the kind that 3 year olds play under the table. :p

In all seriousness though, I don't think anyone is under any illusions of this Kitana being even vaguely similar to the old one. Hell, I basically think of this Kitana as a completely new character that happens to have been mildly inspired by the old one.

I can honestly say that Kitana, especially in Assassin variation, is the most incomplete-feeling character I've played in a fighting game since TTT2's Angel (which was basically the only gameplay aspect of TTT2 that I disliked). So many moves are like 'Hey, this is almost good... almost'.

b1 would be great... if it was a few frames faster and had a little more range.
f2 would be a great poke... if it was safe. Alternatively, a great mix-up tool... if it hit overhead.
d1 would be a decent interrupter... if it was safe.

Alternatively, they should have included a much wider set of universal tools to use as a variation-less template to build upon. There's no reason why her Square Boost shouldn't be a universal tool, for instance - imagine how much more interesting Mournful would be with that extra move alone. Parry could work as a universal move too.

As it stands, it's like choosing to play as a variation-less character... without going variation-less.

Despite all this, I'm going to keep playing her, largely because I absolutely love her personality shift since the last game. Normally I never put non-gameplay reasons as a primary reason for using a character, but this is very much an exception.
I agree. It's almost as if Royal Storm and Assassin were once a complete variation that was split up because they couldn't think of a third one. They play identical, combo the same except you get more oomph with Assassin. That's basically all you're deciding on; few more % damage on combo enders, or square boost. Both parries aren't used at all, and the added range of lift has limited benefits over it's normal version.

Which brings up another point; shouldn't the projectile reflect be in Mournful considering Jade had a way to run through them? What were they thinking?!

Oh, that's right, bai moar ez fataliteez


Meow Hoes
This new style of mournful I've adapted if pretty effective. You just jump like crazy and float like an idiot and throw glaives and build meter and EX shadow kick when they are close and repeat. It sound super gimmicky. But if the character have no air existence they are forced to run in and jb2 and float NJP will give them issues. Air glaives are as bad as y'all think. Full screen they are only -3 on block. Avoid EX air glaive at all cost that move is ass. Just mash armor.

This sounds real stupid. Its probably because no one is punishing me. This probs won't work against a SUPER PATIENT player or kung jin. I'm just trying tnew things and trying to be hopeful.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
This new style of mournful I've adapted if pretty effective. You just jump like crazy and float like an idiot and throw glaives and build meter and EX shadow kick when they are close and repeat. It sound super gimmicky. But if the character have no air existence they are forced to run in and jb2 and float NJP will give them issues. Air glaives are as bad as y'all think. Full screen they are only -3 on block. Avoid EX air glaive at all cost that move is ass. Just mash armor.

This sounds real stupid. Its probably because no one is punishing me. This probs won't work against a SUPER PATIENT player or kung jin. I'm just trying tnew things and trying to be hopeful.
Just wait until your opponents get smart and duck your EX shadow kick and full combo punish you or figure out they don't need to waste armor against a blocked EX air glaive and block the first hit and jump over the second for a full combo... you will rethink your strategy lol

What I do is play the game like Ryu in SF, plain and simple. Throw glaives until they don't want to block them anymore and ij2 their jumpins (aka shoryuken) and get the 26% meterless combo and throw glaives again. It's simple, but it works really great. Oh, and shadow kick is great but man it hurts when they duck it on a read...


Meow Hoes
Just wait until your opponents get smart and duck your EX shadow kick and full combo punish you or figure out they don't need to waste armor against a blocked EX air glaive and block the first hit and jump over the second for a full combo... you will rethink your strategy lol

What I do is play the game like Ryu in SF, plain and simple. Throw glaives until they don't want to block them anymore and ij2 their jumpins (aka shoryuken) and get the 26% meterless combo and throw glaives again. It's simple, but it works really great. Oh, and shadow kick is great but man it hurts when they duck it on a read...
Ugh I hate that shadow kick should be mid. And especially when they d4 and I go right thought them. But I've start mixing up f2 and shdw kick but that's still risky.
Oh idk if it was miss read. I said never use Ex air glaive and its because of that reason. Normal air glaives are pretty okay imo

And I used to play RS like that but fans aren't mid so yeah...


Punching bag that throws fans !
Any word on a possible patch soon ?

So many OP characters that require flipping a coin to guard against and if you do, you can't punish them anyway !

So many characters that have almost zero options against those OP characters, and feel like they were designed by a drunk guy watching porn instead of working on movesets.

I know that game balance is a well known "sorry not there guys" in NRS games, but come on, is it that great to give characters fast/safe 50/50 options that both lead to 40% meterless damage ?

They might wanna focus on important things for MK XI : netcode and balance ... it seems they don't give a fuck about this every time they decide to launch a new title ...


What a day. What a lovely day.
Well one of the biggest issues is that NRS feels the need to completely redesign the game every time they release the next one. There's no consistency, to the point where you don't even know if your favorite character will be coming back.

This design philosophy inherently leads to their games having issues. Since each iteration is basically a hit or miss when it comes to mechanics.
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