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General/Other - Cutthroat Kano's Cutthroat Variation Discussion Thread


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
Tbh you probably don't even need that great a set of fundamentals to do so well with him at this point lol. 50/50s out the ass (one of which both options are safe for), a flash parry, great damage, a safe meter building half screen footsie tool. I mean I'm struggling to find where he lacks right now other than the DoT on ex buff but take that away and you're looking at one stupid variation.

villainous monk

Terrible times breed terrible things, my lord.
CT has always been great. I positive it's always been the best his variation to use.

I love cyber and cmd but CT is super good for counter picking. Now that his ex slice is absolutely Devistaeing and b1 is really catching people by surprise which you could choose to ex buff and immediately reak havoc.

But he is very slept on right now considering all the new characters and buffs everyone else got.

It's time to really go and main this guy because I still consider him a dark horse in quite a few matches ups.


50/50s that are +1 and 0 on block that can be converted to 40%+ damage. Instant OH air ball to constantly check opponents. Godlike down 3 now... cutt throat is without a doubt a top variation in the game now. These buffs were ridiculous.


RIP Ex Smash
Any good anti air combos for cutthroat?
Depending with what you start with but most of the time the basic AA combo goes like: [AA of your choice(Standing 1, njp, etc.)] F212 RC 112~Straight ball.

Also we all know how stupid Cutthroat is now, which is probably why we spend all our time playing him instead of complaining in threads like we do with Cybernetic and Commando. I'd say excluding DLC Cutthroat is a top 8 variation, Cybernetic is bottom 10 variation, and Commando is slightly lower than mid-tier. Also there's no point in playing any other variation than Cutthroat, the amount of tools you give up for whatever sub-par options the others give is insane.


"Cooler than a polar bear's toenails." #Outkast
Depending with what you start with but most of the time the basic AA combo goes like: [AA of your choice(Standing 1, njp, etc.)] F212 RC 112~Straight ball.

Also we all know how stupid Cutthroat is now, which is probably why we spend all our time playing him instead of complaining in threads like we do with Cybernetic and Commando. I'd say excluding DLC Cutthroat is a top 8 variation, Cybernetic is bottom 10 variation, and Commando is slightly lower than mid-tier. Also there's no point in playing any other variation than Cutthroat, the amount of tools you give up for whatever sub-par options the others give is insane.
"Commando is slightly lower than mid-tier."
Wha? How do you figure that? I mean I want people to think that, but Commando is straight nasty now - great parry's, simple bnb's for big damage, good projectile, fast OH (air Kano ball), etc. Commando is straight beast mode now, but I don't want the general public to know that. lol


RIP Ex Smash
"Commando is slightly lower than mid-tier."
Wha? How do you figure that? I mean I want people to think that, but Commando is straight nasty now - great parry's, simple bnb's for big damage, good projectile, fast OH (air Kano ball), etc. Commando is straight beast mode now, but I don't want the general public to know that. lol
Parries are a bill, combos are essentially the same as prepatch, projectiles are the same also, overhead ball is in the other variations as well, and he was affected heavily by B1 nerf and command grabs not connecting on hit anymore.

Honestly I can't tell if he's better or worse after the patch, probably better but man WTF was NRS thinking about nerfing B1 and B13.


"Cooler than a polar bear's toenails." #Outkast
Parries are a bill, combos are essentially the same as prepatch, projectiles are the same also, overhead ball is in the other variations as well, and he was affected heavily by B1 nerf and command grabs not connecting on hit anymore.

Honestly I can't tell if he's better or worse after the patch, probably better but man WTF was NRS thinking about nerfing B1 and B13.
No idea, since there were so many people shouting from the rooftops about it. Lol


I honestly hope Kano doesn't get too much attention, lest NRS suddenly nerf him hard to compensate for his buffs. Though I'd be fine with up ball being more minus on block, it should be very punishable when blocked. He's got the footsie tools to compete, I think he'll be a top 10 character.
Top 3 bro Cutthroat is the definition of insanity. I honestly hope they tone down something about that variation.

villainous monk

Terrible times breed terrible things, my lord.
I don't have Kp2 yet but I want to know from us kano mains out here.

What do you think of the match ups now against the new cast and is he more lethal online with the new online engine?

Need. To. Know.


Cutthroat Truther
I don't have Kp2 yet but I want to know from us kano mains out here.

What do you think of the match ups now against the new cast and is he more lethal online with the new online engine?

Need. To. Know.
It's only been 3 days, so I can't really tell you. Of all the randoms I played, 2 or 3 played DLC characters. everyone else played default cast


Cutthroat Truther
I have a question for you B U F F B O Y Z out there. When do you do EX Buff combos, and when do you do regular 1 bar combos? I've been doing almost exclusively Buff combos unless I'm doing a 112 punish

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
Mid screen I almost always use buff combos.

When I can reach the corner I'll often use 2 bars

In the corner I'll usually use regular buff on a KD then spend a bar for huge damage.

That's me though

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
Btw Kano is perfect the way he is. Not the best at anything but above average at everything. Like Lao.

Top 10? Sure. What's wrong with that?


Kuff Bano
I have a question for you B U F F B O Y Z out there. When do you do EX Buff combos, and when do you do regular 1 bar combos? I've been doing almost exclusively Buff combos unless I'm doing a 112 punish
Ex blade slice combos are slightly better for salad dealt/Hp lost but gives less corner carry. Also with ex buff you can EZ mode and don't need to hit confirm. In the corner it's greater on block cause they have to guess again pretty much.


RIP Ex Smash
I have a question for you B U F F B O Y Z out there. When do you do EX Buff combos, and when do you do regular 1 bar combos? I've been doing almost exclusively Buff combos unless I'm doing a 112 punish
Ex Slice combos when I'm mid-screen, or the opponent has meter. Ex Buff combos when I'm close to the corner, opponent has less than a bar, I have meter to spend, or if I'm close to closing out a round.


Nothing personal mate!
Hi Guys,

2 Questions:

1. What combo/string after a NJP?

2. Whats a swaggy/ most DMG 2 or 3 Bar Corner Combo but without the 3,1,2- 3,1,2 in the beginning , because Reasons! :DOGE



RIP Ex Smash
Hi Guys,

2 Questions:

1. What combo/string after a NJP?

2. Whats a swaggy/ most DMG 2 or 3 Bar Corner Combo but without the 3,1,2- 3,1,2 in the beginning , because Reasons! :DOGE

The basic string after a NJP is F212 RC 112 Straight ball.

And for the corner combos it'll probably go [Starter] Ex buff B312 32 112 Ex Slice NJP 112 Ball.


Cutthroat Truther
The basic string after a NJP is F212 RC 112 Straight ball.

And for the corner combos it'll probably go [Starter] Ex buff B312 32 112 Ex Slice NJP 112 Ball.
You can squeeze more damage by doing [starter] xx DD3EX B312 D3 D3 32 112 xx DB1EX NJP 112 xx BF3, but at that point you're better off just doing B312 B312. I'd recommend at least trying the combo with one D3 in it though


Nothing personal mate!
Oh i tried it Doug and in Practice Mode i get it "sometimes" but in a heated Online Warrior Battle my Brain goes into Retard-Mode so i need some simple Combos. xD
Thanks Derptile i will try them now! :)