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General/Other - Cutthroat Kano's Cutthroat Variation Discussion Thread

Red Hood MKX

Mercenary dog
Anyone notice how after b121 kano is in perfect distance to walk back and and whiff punish pokes with f212 this just ads more mindgames because ive been wiff punishing people after b121 so they dont try to poke anymore. So i just run up and do another 50/50 after b121 because there scared to push buttons. Cutthroat is awesome

villainous monk

Terrible times breed terrible things, my lord.
Anyone notice how after b121 kano is in perfect distance to walk back and and whiff punish pokes with f212 this just ads more mindgames because ive been wiff punishing people after b121 so they dont try to poke anymore. So i just run up and do another 50/50 after b121 because there scared to push buttons. Cutthroat is awesome
B121 is gold. Yes. Yes it is.

After B121 you can do pretty much do anything you want to do. I usually go the unorthodox way and I follow up with another B121 forcing them to block high entering into his fantastic footsies games pressuring them into the corner.

Aslo b121 is super important to lead into buff or ex buff.

Yes. CT is MK9 kano 2.0.

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
Can you guys hit confirm a b31 or whatever the low 2 hit starter is into the db1 regularly?

If so, thats ridiculous, with his b121 overhead and b31 low starters that are safe alone or with db1.

And do you guys just Power Up when you are just about to rush in and try to attack? Or what.

Only time I power up in a combo is to be sexy with a 52% ji1 112 exdd3 112 exdb1 2 db1 112 kanoball.

2 bars but Yolo.


Kuff Bano
Can you guys hit confirm a b31 or whatever the low 2 hit starter is into the db1 regularly?

If so, thats ridiculous, with his b121 overhead and b31 low starters that are safe alone or with db1.

And do you guys just Power Up when you are just about to rush in and try to attack? Or what.

Only time I power up in a combo is to be sexy with a 52% ji1 112 exdd3 112 exdb1 2 db1 112 kanoball.

2 bars but Yolo.
I can't confirm b31 but I'm trash. B12 i can though.


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
Can you guys hit confirm a b31 or whatever the low 2 hit starter is into the db1 regularly?

If so, thats ridiculous, with his b121 overhead and b31 low starters that are safe alone or with db1.

And do you guys just Power Up when you are just about to rush in and try to attack? Or what.

Only time I power up in a combo is to be sexy with a 52% ji1 112 exdd3 112 exdb1 2 db1 112 kanoball.

2 bars but Yolo.
Both starters are hitconfirmable into a combo yeah. I personally don't use ex buff combos since EX DB1 combos with normal buff seem to do a bit more damage.

Is Power Up the normal or ex version? I end my combos with ball into normal buff rather than do it raw midscreen. May as well open the opponent up first and get 40%ish rather than take 10% damage from yourself and not get any reward from it.

You should be confirming ex buff combos into F212 if you're using them, and if you're going to use that extra bar then this leads to more damage too.


Kuff Bano
Both starters are hitconfirmable into a combo yeah. I personally don't use ex buff combos since EX DB1 combos with normal buff seem to do a bit more damage.

Is Power Up the normal or ex version? I end my combos with ball into normal buff rather than do it raw midscreen. May as well open the opponent up first and get 40%ish rather than take 10% damage from yourself and not get any reward from it.

You should be confirming ex buff combos into F212 if you're using them, and if you're going to use that extra bar then this leads to more damage too.
Midscreen on block it's worth confirming into ex buff from 112 and b121. 112 ex buff will blow up most reversal attempts and jails into s1 so you can go for another 112 or 1/11 stagger into bait/throw/fifty fifty. B121 is plus a bunch and you can jail (IIRC) into f21 until they respect that at which point you can run in 50/50.

Obviously this is not something you do EVERY time but it's definetly something that should be a part of Kanos game IMO (not trying to blow you up Youph, just adding useful info)


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
Midscreen on block it's worth confirming into ex buff from 112 and b121. 112 ex buff will blow up most reversal attempts and jails into s1 so you can go for another 112 or 1/11 stagger into bait/throw/fifty fifty. B121 is plus a bunch and you can jail (IIRC) into f21 until they respect that at which point you can run in 50/50.

Obviously this is not something you do EVERY time but it's definetly something that should be a part of Kanos game IMO (not trying to blow you up Youph, just adding useful info)
112~buff is like +3 and noone should be doing a reversal after it considering 112 is safe anyway. That's a gimmick. B121 yeah on block but not 112.


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
Reversal on 11()2. Not 112. Sorry about the confusion.
Oh ok. Still not sure about doing that considering 99% of people don't do that anyway lol. Plus that probably only blows up armour that's pretty slow, you know the fastest armour it blows up by any chance?


Kuff Bano
Oh ok. Still not sure about doing that considering 99% of people don't do that anyway lol. Plus that probably only blows up armour that's pretty slow, you know the fastest armour it blows up by any chance?
I'll look into it but it blows up quite a few. It's a MU thing but the lack of Kanos means you get away with it a lot.


Kuff Bano
If you're crap at hit confirming like me you can go for this combo and only lose 1-2% (and gain slightly more meter)

the total damage varies between 34 and 35% depending on if both hits of the ball hit. You have to delay the 2 slightly after the pop up but other than that the combo is really easy


RIP Ex Smash
Both starters are hitconfirmable into a combo yeah. I personally don't use ex buff combos since EX DB1 combos with normal buff seem to do a bit more damage.

Is Power Up the normal or ex version? I end my combos with ball into normal buff rather than do it raw midscreen. May as well open the opponent up first and get 40%ish rather than take 10% damage from yourself and not get any reward from it.

You should be confirming ex buff combos into F212 if you're using them, and if you're going to use that extra bar then this leads to more damage too.
WTF why are you a mod?


I like to play bad characters
@MsMiharo that is what I do as well. However I'm not sure if i'm bad with the delay or if it's a hitbox thing but sometimes after my 2-bladeslice the opponent will fall behind me and I whiff 112 in the wrong direction. Not sure if it's just a small hitbox thing or not but I suspect that may have a touch to do with it.


Kuff Bano
@MsMiharo that is what I do as well. However I'm not sure if i'm bad with the delay or if it's a hitbox thing but sometimes after my 2-bladeslice the opponent will fall behind me and I whiff 112 in the wrong direction. Not sure if it's just a small hitbox thing or not but I suspect that may have a touch to do with it.
If you do it late they end up behind you but if you're fast you can still combo (with sideswich).


Kuff Bano
112 EX Buff beats out reversals that are thrown in the gap (11 - 2) that are slower that are 8 frames or slower meaning you can punish them for trying to punish you. 112 blade slice is 20% midscreen into restand, 112 ball is 24% into splat. If the reversal has slow recovery (most do) you can f212 f212 112 ball for 39%.

In the corner you can go for a buffed b3 or f2 combo. If it's a reversal that recovers quickly you can punish with 32 blade slice d3 112 ball for 34% meterless

No one knows the MU so no one armors the gap but if they do go ham

@Youphemism I think you were the one who asked me about this