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General/Other - Cutthroat Kano's Cutthroat Variation Discussion Thread


Scrub God Lord
is the b1 range as good as b3?
it always felt like I had to be closer than throw range for me to use it.
Really liked the play-style and and how it looks, I just need a decent range overhead


is the b1 range as good as b3?
it always felt like I had to be closer than throw range for me to use it.
Really liked the play-style and and how it looks, I just need a decent range overhead
Think of it this way. Before Cutthroat had to do B121 x EX KNIVES and run in for another B1. Now, you can just dish out B1 after EX KNIVES and it always hits Kitana, Jacqui, Tanya and basically every other female character that was invincible as opposed to the previous build. It's really good.


I honestly hope Kano doesn't get too much attention, lest NRS suddenly nerf him hard to compensate for his buffs. Though I'd be fine with up ball being more minus on block, it should be very punishable when blocked. He's got the footsie tools to compete, I think he'll be a top 10 character.

ETC AdmiralAugustus

Grabble Frazzled
Been out of the Cutthroat loop since November, been working on my Jax.

I just wanted to say I can't stop using EX Buff for my one bar combos. Ughhh it's so good!


If you main cutthroat, you don't like the GM sub matchup but I've found in the beta with the hitbox buff on db1, it goes right through the ice clones at certain ranges. You might even be able to punish the ice clone but I can't lab it.

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
If you main cutthroat, you don't like the GM sub matchup but I've found in the beta with the hitbox buff on db1, it goes right through the ice clones at certain ranges. You might even be able to punish the ice clone but I can't lab it.
I have found this too. Problem is, they can easily adapt to that range to take that option away from us.


G.O.A.T Robin
Thoughts on Kano's buffs anyone?
(General buffs and any Cutthroat specific ones)
Honestly I'm so glad his air ball is an overhead now. Best mix-up in the game they said; and with me being a mix-up heavy Kano, this is FANTASTIC!
Also glad that they made some changes to Neck Slice on block. Was too punishable, but now its only -6 frames. Cant wait to abuse that for pressure lol.
Air ball hitting on first active frame is also pretty damn good, now I don't have to meter burn on wake-up after a hard knock-down (as that's usually my punish option).
Anything I'm missing? Any thoughts on any of these buffs?


My question is, is his normal buff doing DoT or have any changes to it at all? Does both buffs still do the same dmg output and does the EX buff still say it doesn't take DoT in the movelist?


Cutthroat Truther
They both say "Gains a temporary damage buff at the expense of your own health", and both do 28 ticks of .5% health per tick dealing 14%


My question is, is his normal buff doing DoT or have any changes to it at all? Does both buffs still do the same dmg output and does the EX buff still say it doesn't take DoT in the movelist?
Normal buff and EX buff both have the same DoT, deal the same dmg, in the move list it states "Gains a temportary damege buff at the expense of your own health", so it its corrected.
That DB1 speed! You can fit 3 MB of them in a row.

Wasn't there supposed to be a new string that could end in MB? I don't see anything in the Kombo menu.


Cutthroat Truther
How does this thread still have the least amount of discussion of all the variations? Were we just complaining about buffs in the other two for DOUBLE the posts?

Cutthroat is silly with how good it is. I've heard anywhere from top 10 to top 3, and they're all not really knowing just how nuts he is


Kuff Bano
How does this thread still have the least amount of discussion of all the variations? Were we just complaining about buffs in the other two for DOUBLE the posts?

Cutthroat is silly with how good it is. I've heard anywhere from top 10 to top 3, and they're all not really knowing just how nuts he is
Depending on how the DLC turns out he could be top 10. In the hands of a player with solid fundamentals he's really strong.