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Match-up Discussion Joker Matchup Discussion

Sinestro Match,

Need some ideas.

His down 2 destroys any chances with jump ins.

His zoning can chip you down pretty fast.

I am going to assume this is one of the worst MU's for Joker? I am think 6-4? Maybe even 7-3?
Fighting a deathstroke is worse tbh. One thing for sure though that Sinestro's regular Meteor's and Blasts are both punishable on block with Joker's gunshot. But with meter it might be risky to pull out as SInestro can delay the mb slightly.
Cat do you know if there is really any use for MBLG? its startup is ridiculously slow and its very easy to punish joker if he uses it. Ive seen some teeth setups where people have tried to use it but it just seems VERY situtational. im looking to use it somehow but it seems rather hopeless :/


This guy looks kind of tuff...
Cat do you know if there is really any use for MBLG? its startup is ridiculously slow and its very easy to punish joker if he uses it. Ive seen some teeth setups where people have tried to use it but it just seems VERY situtational. im looking to use it somehow but it seems rather hopeless :/
The non rolling laughing gas?
I don't use it much. Only when I'm close to winning the match. Catches ppl off guard. But I set it up when I'm more than jump distance away. I throw a far teeth and then go for the laughing gas to catch ppl jumping towards me while avoiding teeth.
Does anybody have any tips for fighting WW im still alittle new to the game in general but I do have a genral knowledge on Joker the character but I dont know how to fight WW right now

B W1zZ

Does anyone have a general idea how the Aquaman matchup should be played? He can just pop his trait during say a 32 MB low gas bnb and get out of it for free. I played against King Hippo's Aquaman offline and the matchup seems like a 9-1 Aquaman.
Does anyone have a general idea how the Aquaman matchup should be played? He can just pop his trait during say a 32 MB low gas bnb and get out of it for free. I played against King Hippo's Aquaman offline and the matchup seems like a 9-1 Aquaman.
I'll be frank. Fighting Aquaman is a massive friggin pain. He has superior spacing moves, superior poking speed, superior defensive trait and superior mixups.I'd say Dont do the full string. Hitconfirm one move and do the RLG MB. Your opponent might not be able to react fast enough and once he's airborne the trait doesnt work.


Whats up guys. I just finished a set against a nightwing, and I was wondering how you guys felt about this matchup. I personally feel like its 7-3. NW staff stance seems to beat joker in every position on the screen. When he starts using the projectile, there's not much it seems Joker can do besides dashing in between the normal non-mb ones and/or trying to bait out NW 's flying dash kick to try and get some kind of joker pressure started. Upclose, NW is just stupid with all that +4 nonsense lol. Dont really have many ideas for that. I feel pistol is mostly useless in this match. I would normally use it on someone untill they start to respect it an duck, and then dash cancelling accordingly from there, but if you dont start shooting him first, NW hitbox on the grounded staff projectile automatically ducks pistol. Anyway, just wanted to know what you guys thoughts were on this one.


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
What do you guys think about the Joker v Batman matchup? I played a ton of games against my friend this weekend that has found a bunch of good batman tech and it was pretty rough. Some close matches (and yes, he is a better player than me in terms of execution and such) but I couldn't come up with my to do in alot of situations.
Batman's zoning is terrible, yet it completely trumphs the gun because he ducks his head 4 inches when he throws the batarang, causing the gun to wiff of course, rather than us trading hits. I also feel like he has virtually nothing it do against batman throwing down his trait and closing the gap with it- basically have to hope I can guess how he is gonna open up (seems like you just need to block low on first hit then switch to all high against batman, but I keep failing to do so out of habit...). Also, batman's combo with the bomb at the end where he rolls back is a huge pain- takes you out of the air and keeps him completely safe and is off a back input so can just instantly do it off block. This combined with all his other anti-air, a really fast air-to-air j2, and the fact that Joker kinda needs to initiate combos with a ji2 due to his lack of overhead combo starters makes it really hard to get in against him, while he can do so for free with bats trait and outzone with the batarang...
Could just be me, like I said he is better at fighting games than I am and thus I tend to think his characters have better matchups against me, but I figured I would see if anyone has any advice for the batman matchup.


I want to tell you that you should level up but you just listed OBJECTIVE reasons for why this matchup is difficult, not your own personal problems...i.e. these are problems everyone will have in this matchup.

I dunno dude lol, Joker's lack of options means you need to somehow outplay him like crazy. Defensively, look at it this way, what do other characters that don't struggle as much against Batman have that you don't? Nothing really, there's no special answer to Batman's trait, his bomb combo or his zoning. Some characters can counter zone him and so can you to a very small extent. You just need to use gun in a different fashion, maybe more reactionary not so much actively. Watch old man Valle's level up online matches. There's a few things he does well with Joker which is show off his Valle's own amazing fundamentals with zoning. He makes Joker's gun kinda top tier, only because this guy has been chucking fireballs since the beginning of time. You need to develop your defense. Block the whole match if you need to as practice.

Offensively, get in there and stay in there. He has no legit reversal or get off me move. Jump all over him like a madman until you get a hit. LOL it sounds scrubby but Joker's j.2 and j.3 are like the best and only real offensive tools he has, so spam the fuck out of em. I think that's what Brady meant in that one thread where he said Joker was 'spammy'. Frame trap his ass, use 212 to keep up the offense, etc.

Sorry not very good advice, but I tried! Someone else might have better ideas.
Whats up guys. I just finished a set against a nightwing, and I was wondering how you guys felt about this matchup. I personally feel like its 7-3. NW staff stance seems to beat joker in every position on the screen. When he starts using the projectile, there's not much it seems Joker can do besides dashing in between the normal non-mb ones and/or trying to bait out NW 's flying dash kick to try and get some kind of joker pressure started. Upclose, NW is just stupid with all that +4 nonsense lol. Dont really have many ideas for that. I feel pistol is mostly useless in this match. I would normally use it on someone untill they start to respect it an duck, and then dash cancelling accordingly from there, but if you dont start shooting him first, NW hitbox on the grounded staff projectile automatically ducks pistol. Anyway, just wanted to know what you guys thoughts were on this one.
My outlook on the Joker v NW matchup is 6-4 I used to think its was probably free for NW but through recent matches and practice ive figured out some tactics to use.

Staff Stance: Nw siesmo can be dashed if timed right to avoid chip and constant zoning pressure but also make sure you watch out for NW's jump kick he does i forgot the name of it but moving on that move can easily punish you if your being too dash happy.
If NW decides to do ex siesmo you can dash and jump for pressure, mix ups or even a punish if your quick enough i normally use j3 into either 32 low gas or crowbar since it hits over head.

If im not mistaken all of night wings wake up attacks can be parried(except his fly kick)so use that if he likes to always use wake attacks

Escrema Stance is alot easier to deal with i believe your only issue is blocking his forward flip ground pound attack which you can not parry btw. But truth be told if you get in on NW while he is in this stance I havent seen any options NW has that beats joker pressured rushdowns but his zoning in this stance can be a tad more annoying due to his ability to through the wing dings(the DE term for the air batarangs) to stop your jump ins but on a good note he cant do them too close or he will catch a j3 in the face

These are just my little things i picked up while playing against NW he still is gonna be difficult to fight against but if you block enough and punish when oportunity arises i think you will be ok


Joker here~
What do you guys think about the Joker v Batman matchup? I played a ton of games against my friend this weekend that has found a bunch of good batman tech and it was pretty rough. Some close matches (and yes, he is a better player than me in terms of execution and such) but I couldn't come up with my to do in alot of situations.
Batman's zoning is terrible, yet it completely trumphs the gun because he ducks his head 4 inches when he throws the batarang, causing the gun to wiff of course, rather than us trading hits. I also feel like he has virtually nothing it do against batman throwing down his trait and closing the gap with it- basically have to hope I can guess how he is gonna open up (seems like you just need to block low on first hit then switch to all high against batman, but I keep failing to do so out of habit...). Also, batman's combo with the bomb at the end where he rolls back is a huge pain- takes you out of the air and keeps him completely safe and is off a back input so can just instantly do it off block. This combined with all his other anti-air, a really fast air-to-air j2, and the fact that Joker kinda needs to initiate combos with a ji2 due to his lack of overhead combo starters makes it really hard to get in against him, while he can do so for free with bats trait and outzone with the batarang...
Could just be me, like I said he is better at fighting games than I am and thus I tend to think his characters have better matchups against me, but I figured I would see if anyone has any advice for the batman matchup.
Only tips I can offer for this match up is learn to space your sweep, b1,3 , j2 and j3.
Batmans b2,3 is annoying as hell and can beat your ji2 and ji3 but if you space your j3 correctly you can beat him out every time. At worst you trade which is in your favour. Once he respects your ji3, you can start getting your ji2 off once your in close jump range. Becareful with ji3 at this range though cuz the b2,3 tends to win against ji3 more easily if you time it deep.

Regarding his zoning, you can get batman to block after blocking one of his batarangs. Once you block one, he has to duck or block your next gun shot (unless he has trait out). I usually use the gun shot the first few times to make him respect it, after i'll gun shot dash cancel and gun shot. People usually react to your dash cancel and try to press buttons and get caught. Otherwise you gained some space and you still got your gunshot off.

When he traits, count the number of bats he has out. If he has 1 you can duck it and then dash forward. If he has 2 you can jump it but the timing is kinda strick. If he has 3 you have to respect it. After blocking a trait bats, most batmen will use it to dash in and safe jump with a ji2. This is not a true safe jump (or from what i've found i've been able to beat it out). Since they commit to the deep ji2, you do a preemptive ji2 to beat bats out of the air. You can also use ji1 to make this easier. Once he respects this option he will either dash in and pressure, or try beat your preemptive jump with his own. If he tries to beat your preemptive jump you can duck it and punish as he lands cuz he can't block due to the trip guard in this game.

Batman also cannot wake up safely so he is free to jump ins on wake up. This can lose to his wake up slide, but a delayed ji2 hits pass the invincibility frames so you can hit him out of it.

The match up is annoying but is not too bad. Learn to space b1,3 , sweep, ji2 and ji3. If you space the ji2 and ji3 correctly it becomes ridiculously hard to anti air. And once he stops trying, you can ji2 to open up your own pressure. Joker has to rely on ji2/ji3 like laudanum09 said. Jumping is usually the worst idea in any fighting game, but this is the Joker. The worst thing to do is the best thing for him. Whiff punish with b1,3 or f2,3. I use b1,3 cuz i'm too slow a lot of the time but f2,3 works well as well. Punish bad jump with sweep if you are outside of range. Max range sweep also can't be full combo punished by batman so abuse it.

Another idea i'm been toying with is to drop teeth after batman uses trait. It controls the space in front of you and stops batman from advancing.


I'm gonna make this skill gap... disappear.
I actually have been doing the teeth thing against trait. It restricts his options, but alot of the time he can still beat it out by dashing to it and jumping out of it. Alot of that you said are things that I do. I need to stop using 32 unless it's a punish and stick to the 212 string during pressure situations (which I tell people to do all the time but haven't learned to do myself lol). I have all the theory down, just need to improve the execution.


It's simple.. We normalize the superman.
Anybody have some advice for fighting Doomsday? It seems like you have to make a ton of good reads because his wakeups get me, and his close-range offense is a bit overwhelming. I am forgetting to push-block, so that's definitely one thing. If I get some space should I be throwing out close teeth to keep him from rushing in for free?
Not looking for anything too specific, just a general gameplan/mindset to be in.


Dualshock 2 User
Dash forward when he does his rising air move
Try to get the stage transition, most doomsdays are Jumping in constantly so MB b3.
Parry his shoulder charge
Do unclashable combo on the 2nd bar.

B W1zZ

I've sort of been lurking in the shadows of the Joker forum since I started maining him, but I would like to discuss a few of his matchups along with what I have learned playing against high level players offline.

Scorpion - Scorpion more or less shuts down most of Joker's jumping game due to his ridiculous J3. This matchup has to be played very patiently. Full screen becomes a mixup game of hellfire/teleport vs jokers gunshot/parry or block. If you watch scorpions animation closely its possible to react to hellfire with gunshot and beat/trade with it and parry the teleport on reaction. off of a blocked regular teleport 21 MB RLG seems to be the most effective punisher. In the corner after doing 212 close teeth scorpion will want to flip kick or tele on wakeup so it's best to block his wakeups and punish.

Black Adam - Joker can watch for the divekick animation and delay his gunshot to knock Black Adam back fullscreen. A quick gunshot beats lightning if you react as he's raising his arm. Black adam will attempt to punish gunshot fullscreen with black magic. Joker can backdash cancel out of his gun fullscreen to completely avoid regular (non mb) lightning. After a blocked MB divekick theres a small window to parry B23. If you read black adam will backdash after a blocked divekick then gunshot. In the corner after a 212 close teeth knockdown black adam will attempt to lightning cage wakeup jokers B1(3 or RLG) so this can be baited out/punished by backdashing. I havent tested this yet but I believe after a blocked B23 joker can low parry if black adam attempts to do d1 lightning storm.

That's all I have for now.


Joker waiting room
I've sort of been lurking in the shadows of the Joker forum since I started maining him, but I would like to discuss a few of his matchups along with what I have learned playing against high level players offline.

Scorpion - Scorpion more or less shuts down most of Joker's jumping game due to his ridiculous J3. This matchup has to be played very patiently. Full screen becomes a mixup game of hellfire/teleport vs jokers gunshot/parry or block. If you watch scorpions animation closely its possible to react to hellfire with gunshot and beat/trade with it and parry the teleport on reaction. off of a blocked regular teleport 21 MB RLG seems to be the most effective punisher. In the corner after doing 212 close teeth scorpion will want to flip kick or tele on wakeup so it's best to block his wakeups and punish.

Black Adam - Joker can watch for the divekick animation and delay his gunshot to knock Black Adam back fullscreen. A quick gunshot beats lightning if you react as he's raising his arm. Black adam will attempt to punish gunshot fullscreen with black magic. Joker can backdash cancel out of his gun fullscreen to completely avoid regular (non mb) lightning. After a blocked MB divekick theres a small window to parry B23. If you read black adam will backdash after a blocked divekick then gunshot. In the corner after a 212 close teeth knockdown black adam will attempt to lightning cage wakeup jokers B1(3 or RLG) so this can be baited out/punished by backdashing. I havent tested this yet but I believe after a blocked B23 joker can low parry if black adam attempts to do d1 lightning storm.

That's all I have for now.
whiffed gunshot is always punishable with blk magic

you should ALWAYS J3 on reaction to adam jumping towards you or seeing the startup of divekick

miss that low parry and 45% of your life is gone


I'm Back
Don't know if anyone has talk about the Grundy match-up,but here I go:

In this match-up you have options Bang! and Teeth to zone him out, D2 and B3 to anti-air him

( if I'm not mistaking his jump is rather floaty).Joker's J2 has one of the craziest cross-up I ever seen,so

abuse on Grundy's wakeup any chance you get.For air to air use j3 and combo it into acid

blossom for an easy 20%.When doing Jump-In 2,3,RLG,B3,J2 end it with D3 for the

untechable Knockdown for a cross-up or Teeth setups.When it comes to his WCC you need to

back-dash NOTHING ELSE(Well if you think his not going cancel it you can neutral jump 2 his WC into 3,RLG for good damage,but I wouldn't recommend It).

Full-Screen: Bang! and Teeth, when at fullscreen throw teeth and start shooting at him. Don't worry bout his zoning it can't compete with yours and most if not all grundys want to rush you down instead of playing the zoning game.

Mid-Screen: Teeth,D2,and B3 at this point the matchup becomes a little more comfortable for the Grundy players,BUT it's still in your favor. Grundy has two options: jump-in or dash towards you here's what you do: If he jumps at you your best option his to D2 him(like I said before his jump his kind of floaty)cancel Joker's D2 early enough to get a Teeth mid-screen combo for +30% or if he his jumping from a far use B3 on him (Great hitbox on it ;)) for another +30% combo. Now if he walks or dash towards you most likely he wants to use Walking Corpse on you,BACKDASH this and throw out Teeth and Bang!,you can neutral jumps his Walking Corpse for an easy combo,but most likely the player will cancel WC into his D2 (Great Anti-Air btw) for some good damage off your mistake.

Close/Corner: This is where it gets pretty even for both chars.They both have great mixups when comes to there corner game and one Hard Knockdown for them can easily spell trouble for you

At Worst this is a 6-4 in Joker's favor if these stages are pick: Atlantis, Wayne Manor Night/Day(Great Room)

At Best its 5-5 if any other stages are pick

What do you guys think???


Dr Jackal

AHHHHH any ideas VS Hawkgirl ? This one is hard to punish ...
I think we should do a thread to explain all the punishment we have VS others MU.


Bird woman!
Looking for input on the joker-hawkgirl matchup for a friend of mine. Any joker player here could give some tips or something on the joker side of the fight?


This guy looks kind of tuff...
Against certain chars. I started doing wake up close teeth. Really helps them respect you. If.they go in and you block they must stop pressure to block teeth or get launched for a combo. Once they start blocking get your pressure started.

This is especially effective against grundy since he so slow on moves and normals. You can also throw far teeth..block pressure or jump in and psi block to the teeth

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk 2


I'm Back
I don't have in-depth knowledge of this matchup,but I hope this helps:

Jumping 3 is your friend: Most if not all hawkgirl online players and maybe some offline players as well like to stay in the air and fly around.The Joker's jumping 3 has very good range, (Best Anti-Air/Air to Air normal in the game) it cause a hard knockdown so you are able to do Teeth setups or go for a cross up into combo.

While Hawkgirl is in the air: When using her trait they can cross you up with down 3 it cause a hard knockdown an its a pain in the ass cause sometimes you can't tell which way to block,If block its highly punishable by throw or joker's sweep(if you do the sweep its a untechable knockdown,mean they can't roll only jumping and use wake-up attacks)

The corner is your friend: The fun really begins when you have her in the corner,since she has only one good option to get out of the corner, (Mace Charge) if block can be punish by joker's sweep if I'm not mistaking.

Last minutes Tips: Under no circumstance do you use his Laughing Gas outside of a combo,its VERY punishable and you'll look like an idiot lol.


probably none considering the current d2 reset setup is kind of gimmicky and unviable long term. if you're having trouble cancelling d2 into teeth do it from the df position. either that or go back to neutral and then input the db3 for teeth.