She's annoying and I wanna reiterate I'm not saying it's 5-5 or anything definitive, but Cage can do some work too and has his ways of coping with her. It would be different if she was neutral with pushback and you have to just hope she whiffs. I also think people should abuse the fact that back 2 is a high so if she whiffs that she can't cancel into anything and you can sometimes out right punish her for it too.You're actually describing how I attempt to play the MU. Except I probably go for F3 more than I should. I'm pretty sure my problem is impatience with the MU. Same issue I have with Skarlet. Thanks for posting this.
I tested a lot of theories on Cage and I like to read everyone's concerns because it helps me to improve too so I was playing a lot of different match ups where people would start neutral crouching forward 3 and since they both have the same speed you can't react to forward 4 so I would blow people up for ducking.
You duck instead of block twice and I've taken 22% and you're on the ground next to me. Same thing with nut punch hit advantage not being so hot, I like to walk back sometimes and punish the down 2 mash people do expecting the forward 3 or what have you. The goal is to turn weaknesses into strengths. People getting fresh and mashing opens them up for you, but you gotta be precise and trust your reads and knowledge to make that stuff happen. Cage is all footsies and his range is good enough that if you're right you can check people
I'm not sure how to deal with Skarlet currently, but I will try to grind it out if I can to see what I can cook with versus her. I have a set versus a good Cetrion, Bacon Lord I'll have to upload where I do a lot of what I described above. We gotta be innovative to make it work and if you want to run games at some point, let me know.