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General/Other - Johnny Cage Johnny Cage General Discussion Thread


Who hired this guy, WTF?
In SD what can I do after a nut punch to get out mimics more safely against people who armor through 4 mimic summon? Do I replace the Nut Punch with a knockdown but lose out on the pressure to get it later?
yeahup, end with b2 or f24 into activate to gain a 100% safe activation while still being close.


Former Divine Power Abuser
What does Johnny use for anti crossup? I'm just using d2 or ex nutpunch but is there a better meterless button?


Steel cable bungee jumper
Standing 2 into fully charged nut or a 2 into flipkick works a little.
Just dont bet on it, i get clipped for trying to aa so often its not even funny.


Damn vro, hadda mess with yo auntie
F4 could be a good anti-air. I don't recommend trying to Anti-Air in this game period but if it is necessary, looking into F4 might not be a bad idea.


Steel cable bungee jumper
What are the most difficult a list cancel combos? I'm talking stuff like 333 skrc f3 midscreen difficult.
This one is pretty tight to pull off:
4skrc, 4skrc, 12(charge)1, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12np (corner only 40%)

midscreen id say f3skrc,f4,f4,f3skrc,12,f3np (should be 29% i think)
To those of you who can consistently hit confirm 11 into 113 on hit and and 114 on block, have you found possible to do online on a good connection?


Nothing new here, but I recently started using this blockstring to close out a match and it works fine against the characters that can't duck block under our S1. A variation can be used for the ones against who s1 whiffs, but it is harder and does less damage.

ji1, 114xXRAY, f3SKRC, 114SKRC, 114xxsemicharched nut punch = 17,87 %
How are you guys approaching anti-airing Lao's JI2? I was experimenting last night with d3, d4, s1 and d2 and found that each have their uses at very particular ranges (d4 seems to only really be good for bad jump ins from outside jump in distance, please correct me if I'm wrong), but no option seems to win out over the others in multiple situations.

Now I am aware you can anti air with EX Nut punch, but I'm looking for meterless options for when I'm without bar. Is it a case of needing to learn to be aware of Lao's position on screen and be ready with the appropriate anti air, or is their an option I'm missing?


Most humble shit talker ever!!!
I will be doing a video compilation of all Johnnys AAs for every char covering all ranges and grading them from A-C on the likely hood of hitting
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hi guys, so i was playing around a bit then i found out that you dont have to do full charge db4 to get the a list brutal, so what happened was the opponent blocked my b34 i special cancelled it into db4 (ever so slightly charged - the part where the red shadow only started to spark) then released it. voila. brutality.

sorry no video though.


There it is...
Time and time again i can't deal with my friends kotal.

His f1 completely out prioritises f3 and beats d4. I can't open him up so its just grab city and but he totally outfootsies jc and if the person knows what they're doing forceballs are basically useless. And jesus the crossovers and JIP's, makes it hell.

Anyone got high level match footage of this, just can't seem to open him up, and its just a case of who can whiff punish who and kotal is a million time better than that.

Not to mention obsidian totem means i need to do like 175% damage cause its up 24/7


Spammer. Crouch walk hater.
You mean b1?
It's weird you say it beats d4 because everyone said d4 low profiles that but I've got nobody to play kotal against me :(

If it's f1, the shoulder, isn't that very - so you can begin pressure?


There it is...
You mean b1?
It's weird you say it beats d4 because everyone said d4 low profiles that but I've got nobody to play kotal against me :(

If it's f1, the shoulder, isn't that very - so you can begin pressure?
True but that means i need to sorta sit and wait for it which is when i get staggered and grabbed for days, its just very hard to get my game going cause f3 is half useless versus him.

I suppose its all reads but johnny just cannnnot play his game at all.

Also my friend blocks everything lol