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Injustice General Discussion

Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
Cold fans, if Captain Cold didn't make it in, which character would upset you the least out Mr. Freeze and Killer Frost?


Mechanical Engineering Bitch!
Go with Flash for now. He's pretty straightforward and won't require you to know a whole lot going in. His pressure should really do well in a tourney where guys don't know their character's priorities and the matchups versus his stuff yet. Plus time slow will really throw them off.

Batman has mixups, but we are seeing some stuff as unsafe on block so he'd be someone with potential, but you'd likely be blowing meter constantly just to have insurance on your stuff since no one knows if they have durability, armor, or priority enough to handle each other at times. He'll probably be good, but I bet it wont be till after lab time after launch. Play it safe.

Sinestro would likely be a solid choice after Flash. Lots of tools at any range and easy looking mixups and resets of summonable low launchers and grabs.

Green Arrow has potential, but his slide is unsafe and he has some slow normals so your reaction to pressure with him without lab training will be key. Plus don't fish too many times for gimmick arrows. He's vulnerable during that and you should do it after a knockdown or they whif majorly. I'd use him, but I dress as the guy too. Possible solid, but stay out on folks.

Catwoman looks good for pressure, but dont get zoned.

I say Sinestro or Flash since they look easy to get started on their offense and easy to stay safe. They just appear straight forward to me with lots of potential.
I highly doubt that thing that Sinestro summons is a low. You also said that you believed that Aquaman's trident geyser is also a low which is probably not the case either. Shang Tsung's ground skulls weren't a low in MK9 and I highly doubt NRS would put in an auto tracking low in the game. That alone sounds broken as all hell.

Also, we can't tell if things are actually unsafe or not. Batman's meter burns don't really seem to help with his pressure game but rather to extend his combos. The thing that will make Batman a strong character is his bat bots (trait.) Sounds like he could make most of strings safe as well as create some crazy hard-to-blockables.
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Robotic Shark

you can never have too much honey
Cold fans, if Captain Cold didn't make it in, which character would upset you the least out Mr. Freeze and Killer Frost?
Mr.Freeze because he does stuff he matters and hes ok hes not that interesting (unless he has the Batman TAS story which is ok)
killer frost is a terrible character her origin sucks her personality sucks shes obscure for a reason


Tired, But Strong
Mr.Freeze because he does stuff he matters and hes ok hes not that interesting (unless he has the Batman TAS story which is ok)
killer frost is a terrible character her origin sucks her personality sucks shes obscure for a reason
His hidden motivation for saying this: Captain Cold skin would be 1000% more possible on Mr. Freeze.


Man of Tomorrow
yes more batman

No way. And if Bane doesn't play a significant part in this story that literally could not be filled by any other big, intelligent person then I'm also gonna complain about that (should've been Grodd).


No way. And if Bane doesn't play a significant part in this story that literally could not be filled by any other big, intelligent person then I'm also gonna complain about that (should've been Grodd).
Fuck Grodd.



Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
I highly doubt that thing that Sinestro summons is a low. You also said that you believed that Aquaman's trident geyser is also a low which is probably not the case either. Shang Tsung's ground skulls weren't a low in MK9 and I highly doubt NRS would put in an auto tracking low in the game. That alone sounds broken as all hell.

Also, we can't tell if things are actually unsafe or not. Batman's meter burns don't really seem to help with his pressure game but rather to extend his combos. The thing that will make Batman a strong character is his bat bots (trait.) Sounds like he could make most of strings safe as well as create some crazy hard-to-blockables.
You have some really good points there. I haven't really dived deeply into MK9. Just sort of beat story and began pumping out Smoke combos then got sidetracked by KoF XIII and work stuff. The thing on lows also chimes in with how in many of the vids I see guys standing blocking just about everything...so much so I even question sometimes if crouch blocking is a thing lol.

If Sinestro has lows then what I said rings true and yeah pick him because thats broke as all hell. If not you can still pressure well with those things by following up in the air with stuff. If he has anything that crosses up then it's still a damned fine mixup. Summon the projectile from below and either get a launcher or get a crossup. Still though if things aren't a low then just go with Flash. Super strong pressuring and time slow with overheads will dominate a tourney where no one knows how to punish or keep you out properly this early.

Also on Batman I wasn't going for extensions I meant meter use often for his gimmick counters and mixups. That still costs meter doesn't it? I have no idea what his meter burn specials do, but if you use Batman then abuse his gimmick for mixups and counters a lot to make use of him. Thats where he will be meter intensive. Just dont be without bat counter if Flash is rushing you down. I have no idea what Batman has that can punish Flash. Maybe pushblock into his butterfly kick, but that also costs meter.

Yeah just choose Flash. Safe career choice and you can maybe find some combos for him listed from waaaaaaaay back at the euro tourney that may still work.


Mechanical Engineering Bitch!
You have some really good points there. I haven't really dived deeply into MK9. Just sort of beat story and began pumping out Smoke combos then got sidetracked by KoF XIII and work stuff. The thing on lows also chimes in with how in many of the vids I see guys standing blocking just about everything...so much so I even question sometimes if crouch blocking is a thing lol.

If Sinestro has lows then what I said rings true and yeah pick him because thats broke as all hell. If not you can still pressure well with those things by following up in the air with stuff. If he has anything that crosses up then it's still a damned fine mixup. Summon the projectile from below and either get a launcher or get a crossup. Still though if things aren't a low then just go with Flash. Super strong pressuring and time slow with overheads will dominate a tourney where no one knows how to punish or keep you out properly this early.

Also on Batman I wasn't going for extensions I meant meter use often for his gimmick counters and mixups. That still costs meter doesn't it? I have no idea what his meter burn specials do, but if you use Batman then abuse his gimmick for mixups and counters a lot to make use of him. Thats where he will be meter intensive. Just dont be without bat counter if Flash is rushing you down. I have no idea what Batman has that can punish Flash. Maybe pushblock into his butterfly kick, but that also costs meter.

Yeah just choose Flash. Safe career choice and you can maybe find some combos for him listed from waaaaaaaay back at the euro tourney that may still work.
Batman has a counter move (although it might not be able to counter many moves at all) and he could also send out his bats whilst Flash is charging which could be a problem if he can't cancel his dash or if any of his branching attacks from his dash (high, low, mid) can't evade projectiles (the low version most likely can anyway.) Aside from his dash thing there's the whole slow down time bullsh!t which seems like no character in the roster can handle at the moment judging from the footage that we've seen. I hope NRS balanced that pretty well.

Oh yeah I'm not doubting Sinestro's nastiness as well. He can fake a crossup with that ground summon thing like you said as well as his "fear ball" which will probably make him even more sinister.

I wouldn't bring up push blocking right now due to the fact that we probably haven't seen it yet.
I am without words. That was too much ownage. No really, I mean Cold owned Freeze way too hard there. How? Is his gun more advanced than his? And did he have to make Freeze cry like that?
freeze is always crying (about nora).

also captain cold's gun reaches absolute zero (i think he can freeze anything) while freeze's gun temperature reaches the level of water becoming ice instantly. also cold's gun creates an ice field that freezes solid normal humans and can slow down the flash allowing them to fight. his gun can fire wide beams not just straight ones.