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Injustice General Discussion


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Yeah Captain Cold's gun is so powerfully written that its incredible. In the Alex Ross comic "JUSTICE" Captain Cold made a field of ice sculptures of himself to confuse the direction he ran away from The Flash. Plus he was using it to freeze sections in the desert to terraform them. He'd pretty much freeze all the ambient moisture in the air into one spot and the ice would melt and it would saturate the ground with water to create an oasis. He did this so much people could farm it.

He only did it though in agreement to get his payout from the other villains...he didn't give a damn for those people and complained the entire time as he did good things. He was reaaaaaaally wanting to get his murder on, but he wanted his payoff more and stuck to the agreement.


Who would win in a fight?

Mr. Freeze or Pre- New 52 Captain Cold?
in the last fight they have (Flashpoint), Cold won.
...off course the miniseries was about Cold, he couldn't lose, but I'd bet on him anyway:
Freeze is smarter (maybe... in his stories the scientist-side is more marked), but Cold is a STREET FIGHTER!


Man of Tomorrow
Says "Fuck Grodd", likes Teen Titans show Raven. I don't even.
Fuck Batman, are you kidding me? So many Bat-characters already! They make up a quarter of our current roster!

He was trolling ^^^

Clear troll, I don't even know if RYX likes Batman like that lol.

BTW Egg, Superman has 3 characters, one more than GL, Shazam, and WW; Batman has 6. Don't say that like it's Superman's cast dominating the roster like Batman's.
Superman, Lex, Doomsday.
So Superman has two characters, just like Green Lantern who has Sinestro and Solomon Grundy.
Solomon Grundy is a golden age Green Lantern villain, but who is now a threat to everyone. Still a GL character though.
That way you could also say that Lex Luthor is a Superman villain, but he did affect many other heroes as well.

I also think that no one should cry about the game having too many Batman related characters in the game for various reasons and the main reasons is probably something no one ever even thinks about:
Batman is an entire franchise in the DC universe and with that he brings few other characters with him.
You know what a franchise is as well? The Teen Titans. Why do we have Cyborg, Raven, Deathstroke and Nightwing in the game? Too many Teen Titans characters already?

The main point everyone should be pissed about is the quality of the characters in terms of variety, when it comes to the roster.
Were Sinestro and Black Adam the best choices, when it comes to villains for their heroic counterparts? Fuck no. But who else do you take?
Did this game really need Bane and Harley Quinn? Fuck no and why didn't they come up with characters like Poison Ivy or Scarecrow for the game?

And why does Batman get multiple villains who you could live out with or replace them (Harley Quinn / Catwoman), while for now it may look like Flash doesn't even get one single villain, even though he is also very important to the entire DC universe?

Questions over questions.


Man of Tomorrow
No, GL has two which is GL and Sinestro, Grundy is a general villain.

Teen Titans is a team based comic as opposed to a Single man and his co-horts/villains. By this same thought process, Justice League has 6-9 people already.

Sinestro/Black Adam are very popular villains and the main villains for two popular characters.....but I agree, even though I love BA his spot could've gone to someone else, even before seeing his gameplay lol. I've had this argument many times but I honestly got tired of people saying "well they're in the game so there" or "you can't change it so why even talk/complain about it" or something else so I've just stopped.

Catwoman looks like she'll play a pivotal role in the comic that may not be replaceable by any other character so I'm more accepting of her. Bane, on the other hand, better have a HUGE role or I'm gonna be touting how much Grodd should've been in.
No, GL has two which is GL and Sinestro, Grundy is a general villain.
That's where you're wrong, or simply ignorant. (I just started writing "General Grundy", da fuck?) Solomon Grundy is a Green Lantern villain, that's a fact.
You also had the example there with Lex Luthor. He started off as a Superman villain, but he is a threat to every hero out there.

Marvel? Doctor Doom started off as a Fantastic Four villain, but he is a threat to every hero. You could say the same for Green Goblin, because as Norman Osborn he has a lot of influence.

But I'm not wondering that you brought up that comment, because I saw more than enough people bitching about Solomon Grundy at the beginning and calling him a Batman villain, simply because they're clueless.

Teen Titans is a team based comic as opposed to a Single man and his co-horts/villains. By this same thought process, Justice League has 6-9 people already.
No. The Justice League is a team based comic that consists out of characters who all have their own comics and villains.
The Teen Titans were created as one comic with a lot of new characters and ultimately Deathstroke and in this game you have 3 Teen Titans characters and one of their villains.

Sinestro/Black Adam are very popular villains and the main villains for two popular characters...
Well, that's the point - they're popular and so are Catwoman and Bane, mainly because of Dark Knight Rises.

But your argument doesn't justify it anyway, since the same does not apply for the Flash. Why is there a chance that a meaningless, unimportant character like Killer Frost could be in the game, while Captain Cold could be left out, even though he is a very popular villain and one of the 1-2-3 main villains for a very popular DC hero?

Catwoman looks like she'll play a pivotal role in the comic that may not be replaceable by any other character so I'm more accepting of her. Bane, on the other hand, better have a HUGE role or I'm gonna be touting how much Grodd should've been in.
You don't need Catwoman in the game and there is no reason to have her in the game, just because of a potential story. If you go by that, then you could force every DC character into the story / game and make them do something for someone.


I don't care that much about batman (except for Crane) but I care even less about Grodd.

Scarecrow and Ivy over Quinn and Cats.


Did Doomsday really had to be in the game when Bane was already in? Fuck yes if you don't like three tanks remove Bane cause he's
gameplay looked most boring and the only reason he was in is cause of the movie, if you rather had a Robin or Poison Ivy take out
Bane for them and leave Superman fans alone cause they deserve two villains they're humans to!

Did Sinestro deserve a slot when we already had Hal? Hell yeah, first there's multiple catagories like Batman/Nightwing,
Joker/Harley in the Batman side of the roster but no complains, yet we can't have Sinestro who just like the clowns and
Batman/Nightwing are the same concept but with different gameplay cause they can make different gadgets and play different.
Many even like Sinestro more than Hal, so removing him is a bad idea!

Is Grundy a GL villain? No he's an Alan Scott/Batman/Superman villain! He's been Batman/Superman since the silver age and
can't be considered a Hal Jordan villain like Sinestro.

Should Black Adam take a slot? In my opinion....NO! Not cause they couldn't make him different from Shazam cause we know they can,
but if WW gets Ares and Circe wich seems right cause she's up there with Supes and also deserves two villains there's only one villain slot
left and in my opinion that should go to Captain Cold cause the Flash deserves a villain over Shazam who was lucky to get a slot himself
at Martian Manhunters expense cause he already had his shot in MKvsDC.


But you hardly saw anything from Bane. :s
Enough to know Doomsday is better and Batman fans for the Larfleezes they are have no right to claim that Doomsday should be
removed for a stupid little boy with a wooden stick, they have my go if they would ask to remove Bane for Robin but keep it
to 6 Batman characters and leave the rest be!


Scary Bat
Clear troll, I don't even know if RYX likes Batman like that lol.

BTW Egg, Superman has 3 characters, one more than GL, Shazam, and WW; Batman has 6. Don't say that like it's Superman's cast dominating the roster like Batman's.
Whoops, little bit slow on the troll train there...

But yeah the Superman thing wasn't "he has loads of characters" but "He and Batman have the spotlight in everything!". Ignore me, mainly I'm saltier than the dead sea because Superman and Batman will be in the final for Battle Arena. This plus the fact that Batman has four titles each month, Superman has two each month, and as some books are getting cancelled they are making another fucking Superman book as well as "Batman & Superman".

ffs just give me anything else...
Well it pritty much the only two big names DC have.. and No I don´t thing WW is in the same boat as Superman and Batman she may be popular in the comic. but beside that none knowns her villains or anything beside her being a Amazonian...


Enough to know Doomsday is better and Batman fans for the Larfleezes they are have no right to claim that Doomsday should be
removed for a stupid little boy with a wooden stick, they have my go if they would ask to remove Bane for Robin but keep it
to 6 Batman characters and leave the rest be!
Except you don't. Please do inform me of how Doomsday is better than Bane, when;
1.) We've seen/know less of Bane than anybody else who's confirmed right now
2.) Doomsday could have some glaring weakness that you don't know about because the trailer only showed combos, his gimmick, and his super.

Your Batman/Bane hate is painfully obvious judging by how you blatantly insult them for things that you invent in your head. Get off the hate bandwagon, it's even more annoying than the Batman fanboys.

Well it pritty much the only two big names DC have.. and No I don´t thing WW is in the same boat as Superman and Batman she may be popular in the comic. but beside that none knowns her villains or anything beside her being a Amazonian...
The Flash, Green Lantern, and Martian Manhunter are all pretty popular. There were some characters very popular in the 90's (Lobo for example) who seem to still have a fair following today.
Read My Signature.

In other news, i've just pre-ordered Injustice finally. Bummed out that the EU seems to miss out on AA skins
You have some really good points there. I haven't really dived deeply into MK9. Just sort of beat story and began pumping out Smoke combos then got sidetracked by KoF XIII and work stuff. The thing on lows also chimes in with how in many of the vids I see guys standing blocking just about everything...so much so I even question sometimes if crouch blocking is a thing lol.
Only reason you think this way is because you play Smoke and he has no low starter so everyone blocks high vs you.

That and I guess you haven't played many Liu Kangs, or anyone else with a quick low starter.
Reactions: RYX


Except you don't. Please do inform me of how Doomsday is better than Bane, when;
1.) We've seen/know less of Bane than anybody else who's confirmed right now
2.) Doomsday could have some glaring weakness that you don't know about because the trailer only showed combos, his gimmick, and his super.

Your Batman/Bane hate is painfully obvious judging by how you blatantly insult them for things that you invent in your head. Get off the hate bandwagon, it's even more annoying than the Batman fanboys.

The Flash, Green Lantern, and Martian Manhunter are all pretty popular. There were some characters very popular in the 90's (Lobo for example) who seem to still have a fair following today.
I love Batman but there's two type of fans...
1) The ones that know 6 Batman characters are enough and know we need other universes of DC to be shown,
such as myself who i consider the good Batman fans.
2) Cockroaches and Larfleezes that never have enough and are so greedy they want 8 Batman characters or more
cause they never have enough and don't realize DC is Marvels bitch right now cause Batman isn't enough to beat
the Avengers cause we need the Justice League!
Wonder wich one you are part of?