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"I win. I always win." - The Official General Zod Discussion Thread

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
Seriously, endind combos with d1 xx trait, and then jumping forward with j2, slash, f2 xx trait grab is like a guaranteed reset in to a 50% combo if they decide to try and block lol! I seem to have problems when they wake up attack or jump themselves though, but I am sure I could learn to react to this and do something different.

PS: I have also started to use b23 more, since I can do b23 (confirm that it hits), b23, 12 xx mb laser, dash, ender.
pig found that the best combo off of B23 is:

B23 > F2 xx MB Laser > J3 > 123 xx Ender


Mortal Kombat Philippines / Injustice Philippines
+1 on block
Sets up 6frame d12 combo
Also w trait doing 4 ji1 22 laser cancel 4 b12 low MB or instead after cancel 4213 d4
taking notes

seriously though, i get blown up more by myself because of the thousands of mixups Zod can do. I cant stick to one and my brain just freezes for a second thinking of what mixup should I do next.


Norwegian Lab-work Champion
taking notes

seriously though, i get blown up more by myself because of the thousands of mixups Zod can do. I cant stick to one and my brain just freezes for a second thinking of what mixup should I do next.
Yea I try to stick with a mindset like this until I get so used to all the set ups that it's second nature: I stick to 1 set up until the opponent proves he can deal with it, then I do another set up that counters the counter to the 1st. one I did.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Ok I got 2 more Trait recovery combos.

Midscreen 2 bars: Enkidu Grab, JI2 x 22 x SlowBall MB , Dash , B3 , JI2 , 1 x Close Lazer MB , Dash , 123 x Zod Charge MB. - Enkidu is fully ready by the time the opponent gets up.

Corner Carry: Enkidu Grab, Lazer Full Charge, B3, JI2 x Slowball, JI2 x NormBall, JI2 x FastBall, F213 x Zod Charge MB. - Last Shard recharges after Zod's 1 liner ("THERE'S NOWHERE TO HIDE" or "SWALLOW YOUR SHAME")

Will upload videos later but I g2g now.

EDIT: Here are the videos.



Norwegian Lab-work Champion
Ok I got 2 more Trait recovery combos.

Midscreen 2 bars: Enkidu Grab, JI2 x 22 x SlowBall MB , Dash , B3 , JI2 , 1 x Close Lazer MB , Dash , 123 x Zod Charge MB. - Enkidu is fully ready by the time the opponent gets up.

Corner Carry: Enkidu Grab, Lazer Full Charge, B3, JI2 x Slowball, JI2 x NormBall, JI2 x FastBall, F213 x Zod Charge MB. - Last Shard recharges after Zod's 1 liner ("THERE'S NOWHERE TO HIDE" or "SWALLOW YOUR SHAME")

Will upload videos later but I g2g now.
Looking forward to the video! Hope it actually means the trait is ready, because the trait icon in ready like 2-3 sec before trait is actually ready to be used. The most useful combo would be if you could end a trait combo with 123/d12/d1 trait, but that won't happen. Here's to hoping NRS feel Zod need better charge time on trait after removing his infinite;)


Bigg Burd
Ok I got 2 more Trait recovery combos.

Midscreen 2 bars: Enkidu Grab, JI2 x 22 x SlowBall MB , Dash , B3 , JI2 , 1 x Close Lazer MB , Dash , 123 x Zod Charge MB. - Enkidu is fully ready by the time the opponent gets up.

Corner Carry: Enkidu Grab, Lazer Full Charge, B3, JI2 x Slowball, JI2 x NormBall, JI2 x FastBall, F213 x Zod Charge MB. - Last Shard recharges after Zod's 1 liner ("THERE'S NOWHERE TO HIDE" or "SWALLOW YOUR SHAME")

Will upload videos later but I g2g now.
I'm still waiting for a combo where you can summon Neil twice and trait grab twice in one combo.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
I'm still waiting for a combo where you can summon Neil twice and trait grab twice in one combo.

Never happening. That would mean you'd need 3 Zodballs , a B3 and a MB Lazer all in 1 combo. You can only have 2.

3 Zodballs is corner only, Lazer MB is mid-screen only. And even then, I still don't think you can get him out.

Looking forward to the video! Hope it actually means the trait is ready, because the trait icon in ready like 2-3 sec before trait is actually ready to be used. The most useful combo would be if you could end a trait combo with 123/d12/d1 trait, but that won't happen. Here's to hoping NRS feel Zod need better charge time on trait after removing his infinite;)

I uploaded the videos now.

I am sure I can get it with stage interactables, but that feels meh.. Without interactables I dare say it is 100% impossible:p
Interactables, shiiiett. Good fucking idea!

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Have you considered a cross-under after the third zodball in order to push them towards mid-screen with the MB laser?

I actually am trying that now but can't find a way to connect an attack. It keeps whiffing.

Hey guys. More false Frame Data alert: 112 1+3 and 22 1+3 aren't -8. Reversal Sword Flip from DS is blocked. Maybe -7 or -6? Anyways this is great. There could be some shenanigans involved with this.

No it's -7. Flash's Uppercut punishes it.

And also... I want to know if this is known. Did you guys know that Bounce Cancels can be charged and canceled like regular B and F3s? I just found this as I verify 112 1+3 and 22 1+3's block advantages.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
taking notes

seriously though, i get blown up more by myself because of the thousands of mixups Zod can do. I cant stick to one and my brain just freezes for a second thinking of what mixup should I do next.
That was a serious problem for me

Pick 3-5 and stick w them


Bigg Burd
And also... I want to know if this is known. Did you guys know that Bounce Cancels can be charged and canceled like regular B and F3s? I just found this as I verify 112 1+3 and 22 1+3's block advantages.
I love how people can find out crazy ass combos, then ask questions like these. Haha, just kidding. But yeah, there are a few characters that I think could really get some dirty stuff off the MB Bounce cancels cancel. I think they just need to be explored more to justify the two meters spent.
I actually am trying that now but can't find a way to connect an attack. It keeps whiffing.

Hey guys. More false Frame Data alert: 112 1+3 and 22 1+3 aren't -8. Reversal Sword Flip from DS is blocked. Maybe -7 or -6? Anyways this is great. There could be some shenanigans involved with this.

No it's -7. Flash's Uppercut punishes it.

It could be a factor of travel time. It could be -8, but the sword flip takes 1-2 frames of travel before its hitbox connects with your hurtbox.


Hates NRS for making me not like Superman
I love how people can find out crazy ass combos, then ask questions like these. Haha, just kidding. But yeah, there are a few characters that I think could really get some dirty stuff off the MB Bounce cancels cancel. I think they just need to be explored more to justify the two meters spent.
Doomsday comes to mind for combo damage and setup. Ending with an Air Snatch is generally good positioning. Basically anyone with an ass time getting bounces in combos. Ares too.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
I love how people can find out crazy ass combos, then ask questions like these. Haha, just kidding. But yeah, there are a few characters that I think could really get some dirty stuff off the MB Bounce cancels cancel. I think they just need to be explored more to justify the two meters spent.

How was I supposed to know if it was known or not if nobody uses it? Anyways I tend to find the most useless of useless of techs in this game. So no biggie.

It could be a factor of travel time. It could be -8, but the sword flip takes 1-2 frames of travel before its hitbox connects with your hurtbox.

A blocked 1+3 after 112/22 has you ending up right in their face. and SF is instant.


Hates NRS for making me not like Superman
Hey, guys, I have something I wanted to bring up: Is IAZB REALLY worth it? I never see anyone use it in match because I guess it's too hard to do consistently? It's super useful and a worthy skill, but at the same time, I'm a fan of just regular jumping and waiting till I reach the bottom of my jump arc, just because it still leaves my options open for Zod Charge. What say you guys?
Hey, guys, I have something I wanted to bring up: Is IAZB REALLY worth it? I never see anyone use it in match because I guess it's too hard to do consistently? It's super useful and a worthy skill, but at the same time, I'm a fan of just regular jumping and waiting till I reach the bottom of my jump arc, just because it still leaves my options open for Zod Charge. What say you guys?

I use it constantly in my matches. I also play on a hitbox so its just not that hard to do. I could see it being prohibitive on a stick.


Norwegian Lab-work Champion
I can do decent iazb offline, but online there is just no way for me:p I see chef using it a lot, and I think it is useful. While I agree with you that jump->zod charge/late rifle shot is good, there are plenty of times I would like to set up an iazb (slow) and follow up with a few dashes to set up a cross up mix up and it is easier to do this from an iazb than jumping in to a late one imo.
Lmao that first video zero posted gave me so many ideas. Instead of the jump in 2, stand 1 laser I think it's better to just dash and do 12 laser.. A lot less strict. If you end with dash 123 ex phantom zone you have immediate trait access
I am proclaiming the 2-3 bar time extending combos off of trait grabs the go to bnb if ou have the meter
It feels crazy to have immediate access to trait again. Still haven't tried in matches though lol

Too bad it doesn't work on lex

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Lmao that first video zero posted gave me so many ideas. Instead of the jump in 2, stand 1 laser I think it's better to just dash and do 12 laser.. A lot less strict. If you end with dash 123 ex phantom zone you have immediate trait access

I noticed Zod Charge MB took more time happening than Phantom Strike MB though, even though it gives less adv.

Maaaan. the more I play Zod the more I have so much more fun in this game. It's so fun to use Lazers in footsies when they try to bum rush the Zodballs and SideArms. And when they get in I actually have solid tools instead of hoping to get the 50/50 right or YOLO Sword Flip.


Hates NRS for making me not like Superman
I noticed Zod Charge MB took more time happening than Phantom Strike MB though, even though it gives less adv.

Maaaan. the more I play Zod the more I have so much more fun in this game. It's so fun to use Lazers in footsies when they try to bum rush the Zodballs and SideArms. And when they get in I actually have solid tools instead of hoping to get the 50/50 right or YOLO Sword Flip.
Yeah, a MB Laser controls a crazy amount of space. You can probably use it as AA on really stupid people jumping away from you