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I need some opinions from the Community

Has NRS Gone SJW

  • Yes

    Votes: 25 21.7%
  • No

    Votes: 90 78.3%

  • Total voters


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
you forgot the third option in your survey..

3. "I don't care"
Funny, I was gonna say this so many different ways but kept deleting it. Personally, I don’t care how much clothing/armor any character wears. Aesthetically, as long as they look cool it’s irrelevant to me. Also, I care faaaar more how they play then what they look like... buuut it’s always nice using a cool looking character.

This next paragraph uses some sexual language, readers discretion is advised.

I just can’t believe how many people care about this specific topic. People know porn is literally free on the internet and there’s MILLIONS of videos right? Like if you don’t have a significant other or someone you’re having sex with, that’s cool, because there’s endless amounts of porn that is completely free. Why do you need to get a boner or wet while you’re playing a video game?


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Lol guess it was only a matter of time before this topic turned into a SJW vs Anti-SJW battle.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I think there should be a mutual respect regardless if you’re an SJW or not.

AZ MotherBrain

If you believe enough, -7 could be +7
The women in this game look great and their designs are awesome. Personally I didn’t like how the costumes looked in mk9. Not because of some anti-sjw shit, but because the cliche basically naked style they had. I find it unflattering and immature tbh. I think NRS is nailing the sexy but practical for the lack of better term look for the ladies in 11


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
id consider people with the capability of understanding and executing mutual respect to be on the social justice side.
That doesn't really sound mutual to me, but more biased favoring one side over the other. Honestly, if SJW'S want respect they should give it in return and vice versa. I don't see why there can't be both perspectives respectively.
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Smoke & Noob & Rain
SJW are distasteful pretenders, who use liberal stances and agendas as an excuse to behave like toxic a-holes. And when you try to beat some common sense into them, they ignore you, laugh at you from their smug moral high ground and call you a racist sexist homophobe.

So no, NRS haven't turned into SJWs.
They have however changed their art style.

Oversexualizing characters -male and female- is an art style. And it's an art style, that has worked for decades. I like that art style, because it's easy on the eyes. Sex and beauty sell. People can deny that as much as they want and try to embrace the "everyone gets a medal"-attitude of the current generation, but it won't change the fact that sex appeal makes characters more appealing and popular. I mean, there is a reason why Jade and Mileena are so highly requested. They hit you in the face with their sex appeal, like it or not. Jacqui Briggs on the other hand? LOL!

If I have the choice between sexy characters and bland, realistic characters, I'll go with the sexy characters for sure. The only argument, which I fully accept and even agree with, is when people want a Kitana / Jade / Mileena / whomever to also wear some armor and look like a badass. There is no denying, that MK11 Jade looks more badass and warriory than MK9 Jade. But that's a completely different art style, which also comes with its disadvantages. You lose the insane amount of sex appeal MK9 Jade had.

I just can’t believe how many people care about this specific topic. People know porn is literally free on the internet and there’s MILLIONS of videos right? Like if you don’t have a significant other or someone you’re having sex with, that’s cool, because there’s endless amounts of porn that is completely free. Why do you need to get a boner or wet while you’re playing a video game?
No one is crying about NRS putting their female characters in burkas, because they can't jerk off to them anymore. If someone really cares about naked, fictional characters, they will look up Rule34 of these characters. (Rule34 = If it exists, there is porn of it.) NRS can put their female characters into as much unsexy clothing as they want, but the internet will make sure to put them back into their birthday suits.
And then there are also modders. MK 11 is coming out for the PC as well. Expect the game to be modded within a couple of weeks of its release. DOA5 has nude mods, so has Street Fighter 5. There are already nude mods for Resident Evil 2. Ever wanted to watch Leon Kennedy run around naked and punch zombies in the face? Well, I have.


Positive Poster!
SJW are distasteful pretenders, who use liberal stances and agendas as an excuse to behave like toxic a-holes. And when you try to beat some common sense into them, they ignore you, laugh at you from their smug moral high ground and call you a racist sexist homophobe.

So no, NRS haven't turned into SJWs.

Ever wanted to watch Leon Kennedy run around naked and punch zombies in the face? Well, I have.
Ew racist sexist hom-- wait what?
I fully agree with you, man. Except the Leon part. I'll go for Jade.


id consider people with the capability of understanding and executing mutual respect to be on the social justice side.
That doesn't really sound mutual to me, but more biased favoring one side over the other. Honestly, if SJW'S want respect they should give it in return and vice versa. I don't see why there can't be both perspectives respectively.
tbh i think we have different definitions of "social justice warrior".

"social justice" is based on the insights of the science of ethics, which is a discipline of philosophy. it basically describes a set of social rules which is required to form a society in which all people can co-exist as happy individuals. mutual respect is one of the core rules of social justice. so there can by definition not be a relation of "mutual respect" between people who value social justice and those who dont.

i think what you might mean by the term "SJW" is some kind of hypocrite who hides behind the term "social justice" but is in reality just as selfish as the ones he criticizes.

but regarding this topic, that is absolutely not clear. i hope we can agree that real life sexism is bad. you might always say "its just a video game", like @Krankk does, but when you push that point to the limits, i can think of things where even you would agree they shouldnt be shown in a video game, even though its not reality.
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The dialogue between Kabal and Stryker when they saw Mileena is the reason MK9 costumes are superior.


Smoke & Noob & Rain
but you might always say "its just a video game", like @Krankk does, but when you push that point to the limits, i can think of things where even you would agree they shouldnt be shown in a video game, even though its not reality.
Like for example someone piercing through someones brain and then eating it? LOL!
I'm using this as an example to point out the paradox of being fine with people being murdered in the most brutal ways possible, but not being fine with showing some boobs.

But still, I agree with you 100%. MK9 Sonya Blade had a hyper sexy outfit. It was sexy to a point, where it was dumb. Even MK9 Mileena was pushing it, despite her being a femme fatale and dressing accordingly.
It's just that I don't like MK11s Sonyas design either. Sure, it might be more fitting considering her place in the universe and her age, but at the same time they took away all of her sexyness.
I liked Jade in MK9, but I also like Jades revenant outfit in MK11. However I don't like her hooded outfit (since it's neither sexy nor badass) and I would like to see her get few sexy outfits. Classic MK9 Jade, let's go.


In my hater era
Videogames are created by certain people in a certain context and then consumed by another group. It's not an isolated phenomena where everything is irrelevant. That argument strikes me as laziness of the mind.


Like for example someone piercing through someones brain and then eating it? LOL!
I'm using this as an example to point out the paradox of being fine with people being murdered in the most brutal ways possible, but not being fine with showing some boobs.
its actually an interesting topic. i was wondering myself what and how much of it is ok "because its just a game". the mk violence is a glorification of the most brutal possible abuse humans (or in this case humanlike beings) could do to another. yet, real life socially normal people can just shrug and go over it, even appreciate the aesthetic value of a fatality. still there are things which i might not just shrug off and still enjoy the rest "because its just a game".

i had a discussion with my gf why that could be, and she thought that human intuition might not tolerate the affirmative depicting of the exercise of destructive power over the helpless and innocent. in mortal kombat, there are still grown-up warriors put against each other who should kinda know what they are doing and be not helpless.

think about it, what would trigger you more? the affirmative depicting of baraka ripping raidens brain out and eating it, or the glorification of nazis shooting an innocent jew? both is in a game, both not real, and the first one is far more brutal than the second, but i guess the second would trigger you worse.

now going back to sexy clothing, its psychologically complex. yes there are grown up women with free choice of clothes depicted in the game. and many rl females would actually not find it offending, or theyd even like it. but not everyone is that confident. we are NOT living in a real world with equal rights, but in one where women might in fact be systematically treated bad because of their gender by powerful institutions like law or common beliefs.

so i guess thats why a picture of women as an object of male lust can be triggering, because people who are in average still in a socially weaker position than men, but fighting to get out, are even affirmatively pushed further into a role they dont want for themselves by a popular medium. i can see the legit point of it.

thinking outside the box a bit, female mk characters and violence against them at all might just be accepted because women luckily already stepped out of their "kitchen, children and need of male protection" role since the 1950s. if they had still that weak and dependant role, there might be an even bigger, and from a certain view actually justified, moral outcry about them being fightable characters put against men at all.

but ironically, the more confident and powerful women in fact become, the more sexyness in games might be ok, because everyone including women assume a self-confident decision and not obedience to an abusive and destructive power behind it. but we are not there yet, and im absolutely cool with some sensitivity. and personally i usually like my vg women better in a cool outfit than nude-y anyway.
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Tony at Home

That's why the No Option is there
Even "NO" kinda infers I'm the kind of person who kinda buys into all the typical stereotypical "angry gamer on youtube shakes fist at SJWs" stuff and just thought it was undeservedly pointed at NRS in this case.

So defending the game and it's developers by saying "No it's not SJW stuff" still feels like I'm buying into their garbage.

There needs to be a "No one cares. Grow up" option which is the actual vibe I'm getting from most people here.


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
perhaps be something in the middle range, I dunno ... a so so stuff .... super overdone ultra exaggerated oversexualized stuff in fighting games are yeah, fucking ridiculous, but all this Internet SJW hypocrite agenda , that try to nazi dictates and order how the human behaviour must occur regarding sex and physical attraction feelings are all so boring dumb and corny as hell, so, what's right or wrong in the end ? It's a war of point of view and personal preference on acount this subject. :rolleyes:

That's the great challenge for MK characters developers designers, to make true, to make happen. What's the balanced point ? :D

It's the eternal human nature irony struggling within : sex sells, but sex is dirty (according to the false moralists concept vision), so, what's right, what's the true ? :p

it's relevant or not ? :cool:
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STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
I can't stand SJWs and this is coming from someone who leans way more left and liberal on most things, so no this isn't even close to SJW.
SJW is when a company like Bioware (the portion of Bioware that was shut down after ME:A) makes a character creation tool without any options to make a caucasian or pale looking character because the person in charge of the project manver heir or whatever his name was was a blatant racist.

This is just MK going more serious in it's art designs instead of over the top and cartoony looking. Can't fault them there. Plus a lot of the skins look great, especially the short haired skarlet alternate skin and all of Jade's skins. Don't get me wrong, I love skimpy outfits in my fighting games as much as anyone, but the reason they aren't doing it isn't because they're suddenly SJWs.

All that said, I don't see the need to go quite as far from the mk9 style as they've gone. I'd prefer something in between MK9 and MKX/11. For example, aside from the egregious graphics of mk9 (compared to how games look these days) and of course NRS's facial design skills from back then (lol, thankfully they've gotten way better in that department), I don't see what's so bad about having some costumes look like this:

Still gives the "military" vibe without being weird like her default skin, but she's also showing skin.

To be honest I really like the designs now, it makes the character have some personality. I especially love Skarlet's new look except the goggles and the short hair, but it doesnt make any sense. She gets stronger when she gets blood sprayed on her, right? Why would you cover her up? That's the only question I have to be honest. I dont think NRS' is purposely covering the female characters, it just happens because of designs that make the character have more personality.

Also, you can totally show skin and have character. Shinbi from Paragon is a big example of that. For those who are not familiar, she's a korean pop idol, but she fights on the battlefield. She dresses pretty "slutty" , but hey, thats how korean pop idols dress. So it makes sense.

Maaaaaan, don't bring up Paragon!!! I loved that game! Played it every night after work with my work friends and homies. I fucking loved that game! And Shinbi was actually my main!


Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
Been following this thread for a while, and just thought I'd mention that it seems like regardless of what you think of the costumes, everyone appears to be sick and tired of the Outrage Culture that seems to be infecting every corner of society today. The fact that no matter what happens or what choices are made, there will be an onslaught of people at the gates howling and raging.

Do the character look sexy/show some cleavage? It's sexist and dehumanizing. Outrage!
Are the characters fully clothed? Why are they censoring my games? Outrage!
Is the main character a male? Oh look, another games pandering towards men. Outrage!
Is the main character female? Wow, more "strong" female leads at the expense of men. Outrage!
Do minorities have a prominent presence? Look at all this "forced" diversity. Outrage!
Do minorities not have a prominent presence? This game and its developers are racist. Outrage!

And the list goes on and on. It's just tiresome at this point because people will take whatever you give them, turn it into some big issue, then try to use it to start a crusade. It's just an endless string of zero-sum games over and over and over again.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Been following this thread for a while, and just thought I'd mention that it seems like regardless of what you think of the costumes, everyone appears to be sick and tired of the Outrage Culture that seems to be infecting every corner of society today. The fact that no matter what happens or what choices are made, there will be an onslaught of people at the gates howling and raging.

Do the character look sexy/show some cleavage? It's sexist and dehumanizing. Outrage!
Are the characters fully clothed? Why are they censoring my games? Outrage!
Is the main character a male? Oh look, another games pandering towards men. Outrage!
Is the main character female? Wow, more "strong" female leads at the expense of men. Outrage!
Do minorities have a prominent presence? Look at all this "forced" diversity. Outrage!
Do minorities not have a prominent presence? This game and its developers are racist. Outrage!

And the list goes on and on. It's just tiresome at this point because people will take whatever you give them, turn it into some big issue, then try to use it to start a crusade. It's just an endless string of zero-sum games over and over and over again.
Exactly how I feel at this point, well said man. People will just bitch for the sake of bitching, will find something that bothers them or "offends" them and make a big deal about it or try to boycott, petition or protest against it. Sometimes I feel like telling these people "don't you have more important shit to do? Don't you have a life?" I miss the good ol days when if you didn't like something be it a tv show, game, movie whatever you take the simple, mature route. Don't buy, watch it or play it lol. Problem solved.

tbh i think we have different definitions of "social justice warrior".

"social justice" is based on the insights of the science of ethics, which is a discipline of philosophy. it basically describes a set of social rules which is required to form a society in which all people can co-exist as happy individuals. mutual respect is one of the core rules of social justice. so there can by definition not be a relation of "mutual respect" between people who value social justice and those who dont.

i think what you might mean by the term "SJW" is some kind of hypocrite who hides behind the term "social justice" but is in reality just as selfish as the ones he criticizes.

but regarding this topic, that is absolutely not clear. i hope we can agree that real life sexism is bad. you might always say "its just a video game", like @Krankk does, but when you push that point to the limits, i can think of things where even you would agree they shouldnt be shown in a video game, even though its not reality.
The SJW I'm referring to are the crazies who pretty much hate men, complain about everything they don't personally approve of and the types who pretty much scream in the middle of the street like a looney(literally) when someone gets elected they don't like like a 4 year old having a tantrum. That would be the types of SJW'S I'm referring to lol. The kind of people you're referring to sound more like people fighting for equal rights and justice for everyone honestly. Kind of reminds me of the classic definition of the original concept of the meaning of "Feminist" originally they wanted equal rights to men, which I'm fine with but NOW days the meaning is very different and just insane like the SJW stamp like you know with those who want to eradicate all men, hate men, women power only types etc, etc. Now people for social justices who do it the right way with organized protests, peaceful protests, trying to make their communities better for everyone I have no issues with.

So I trust you see where I'm coming from. Perhaps were were misunderstanding one another earlier.
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