At the end of the day Zod could win 6-4, but for now I feel comfortable with 5-5. The momentum can go either way depending on who gets a life lead. Both charecters can run away with a lead and do it fast. That being said, Zod can sometimes get away even after losing a whole life bar and still comeback and win with smart zoning. BAne has options against iazbs though, including lvl 3 venom, it really isn't useless in a smart BAne players hands. They just have to be familiar with the 'hitbox' MU enough not to freak out. @
Malarkey and @
Everlast this was your first time playing a Zod who can decently do iaZbs? (or even a good Zod period?). Don't be so swift to judge this as unwinnable. Bane could be 5-5 and Superman is only a 6-4. Ill help you guys lab it out though, the first time you experience it is a definite 'wtf do I do?' moment.