some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
This 100%... the game has been out a while now... people that like it play it and people that don't... don't.. so they know nothing about it. In fact the very things they often hate is exactly why the game is popular with those that DO like it.However, my polemic opinion is that the people who no longer play Mortal Kombat 1 have absolutely nothing interesting or innovative to say about the game.
This thread and others like it, in older NRS games and even in other games (see tekken or SF6) boils down to "yeah vs yeah narr". There IS no conversation as both sides are talking about a preference that is ALREADY made. No amount of conversation is going to convince someone that hates MK1 and Kameos to suddenly go "well I never knew that, actually they rock!"... and visa versa.
At some point the haters need to just fuck off and let the people that enjoy the game enjoy it. I LIKE liking things. You've been repeating the same points for over a year and how terrible the game is, despite it being super popular, selling gang busters (not just launch over the games life) and being one of the most played games on the entire ps5 beating all other fighters... my point is sure.. hate it.. but the things you hate about it, is WHY most people like it.
This entire thread is like my 6 year old nephew saying he hates his sisters bunny rabbit as it is pink... but she loves it as it is pink. No detailed description of pink and all the various ways light refracts of matter from either side will change that he just don't link pink rabbits.
Move on... come back for mk1, if you want, You don't even play MK1, so you really do not even know what you are talking about anymore. The "scene" has moved on without you... let us enjoy the things we enjoy.