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Match-up Discussion Harley Quinn Matchup Discussion

he can duck too, his light has as much reach as your cupcake bombs and your air gunshot do, so you're basically limited to straight gun shot hoping he jumps at you


Too old for this Shit
My list goes by her most favorable MU to her least.. Since Harley is played so differently and so wide spread I favor this list to numbers..

GOOD MU for Harley
Green Arrow
Green Lantern

EVEN MU For Harley
Wonder Woman

BAD MU for Harley
Black Adam

Killer Frost

Harley mirror and Scorpion not accounted for.

This is through personal experience, watching others, studying other characters and seeing what they have trouble with as well as what tool each character has/ ease of use and application of said tools and overall character power.


Too old for this Shit
1)he can duck too,
2)his light has as much reach as your cupcake bombs and your air gunshot do,
3)so you're basically limited to straight gun shot hoping he jumps at you
Mood.. Do us all a favor and take GL into training and learn his Lanterns Might range with and without trait please... Ravens Soul crush > Lanterns Might range.. Please.. Enough..

1) sure he can duck, but while he is ducking- you are building meter and working into chip/hit range of cupcakes .. If he fires missile, you have time to shoot and duck- leaving him at 4% loss an you 0.
2) no reason to use air guns.. If you are in air gun range you are dangerously close to Lanterns Might.. Lanterns Might does NOT hit full screen.. Not even close.. Cupcakes kill a ducking, jumping, air turbining Hal-- EVERYTIME!!
3) yes sir.. Add in a pop pop for good measure.. And that is all you need.. Predict and read the jump and cupcakes gooooooo!


Too old for this Shit
xWEBSx So far scorpion seems an easy match vs scorpion. I can give reasons if anyone wants them.
I assume you meant Scorpion is easy for Harley.. Yeah, would love to hear.. So far I am about 50/50 with him.. Much like week 1 DS.. If I get hit with a few teleports.. I lose my cool and go ape shit... Basically, Beating myself..:(


Lighten up will ya!
If the green lantern lets you charge the pop pop fully MB cupcakes makes it guaranteed or the cupcakes will hit.


Too old for this Shit
If the green lantern lets you charge the pop pop fully MB cupcakes makes it guaranteed or the cupcakes will hit.
I don't ever risk the full charge pop pop on Hal.. I do however use it liberally... Basically a 4 gun shot, 2 pop pop, 1 MB cupcake ratio.. Just when he thinks he has my timing, dash out of a pop pop and smoke him with a B3.. Free Combo... Retreat.. Mix My timing up.. Rinse and repeat.. Read hate mail, laugh at hate mail.


Lighten up will ya!
I assume you meant Scorpion is easy for Harley.. Yeah, would love to hear.. So far I am about 50/50 with him.. Much like week 1 DS.. If I get hit with a few teleports.. I lose my cool and go ape shit... Basically, Beating myself..:(
Yeah did mean that, standing teleport can be punished with b+1 TS~1 etc for 35%?, his leg takedown punished with b22, at full range gunshot interrupts hellfire, his overheads are also slow and his spear is duckable.


Lighten up will ya!
I don't ever risk the full charge pop pop on Hal.. I do however use it liberally... Basically a 4 gun shot, 2 pop pop, 1 MB cupcake ratio.. Just when he thinks he has my timing, dash out of a pop pop and smoke him with a B3.. Free Combo... Retreat.. Mix My timing up.. Rinse and repeat.. Read hate mail, laugh at hate mail.
Oh i never do, unless I'm trolling XD, I remember I tried it 5 times on a raven and 4 out of those times I got the confetti, yay free hits for raven.


Too old for this Shit
Yeah did mean that, standing teleport can be punished with b+1 TS~1 etc for 35%?, his leg takedown punished with b22, at full range gunshot interrupts hellfire, his overheads are also slow and his spear is duckable.
So down block is normal stance to beat him... Watch for hell fire and jump it, expect follow up port..... Nice help on the B1xxTS1 FU... Will have to work that in.. B2,2 misses blocked port, 1,1,2 is meh.. About 50/50 depending on how good a block read it is..

Go into training and use Scorpion.. Why is it when you get your teleport blocked low you seem to stay in the air for 5 years, yet when you block one- he seems to drop quickly?! Drives me mad!
his lantern's light is really that far, i've been grabbed at ranges where cupcake bomb would hit overhead, he just stuffed it, no moving forward

it's the most infuriating move in the game

do you even hear yourself? she has one 4% move that completely shuts him down? i call shenanigans


Like Father, Like Daughter
His ground missile isn't that great as a zoning tool, it's the air missile that's the issue. She can't trade with that well with gunshot.


Too old for this Shit
His ground missile isn't that great as a zoning tool, it's the air missile that's the issue. She can't trade with that well with gunshot.
Doesn't need to.. Just needs to avoid it.. Duck the ground missile, avoid air missile = damaged GL, perfect health Harley.


Like Father, Like Daughter
Doesn't need to.. Just needs to avoid it.. Duck the ground missile, avoid air missile = damaged GL, perfect health Harley.

But if GL stays within the range where he can just hit you with air missile, how is she gonna deal with that? Ground missile isn't really an issue here, the 2 GLs here do really well with just air missile, and since it hits OH, it forces Harley to walk backwards widening the gap between her and GL. He can dictate this matchup really well, he can zone her if he wants and when she finally gets in, it's not as if GL is bad upclose, he has a much stronger mixup game than her so he can swing that way as well. Gatling gun also blows up her b+3 MB so she can't really just throw that out as a poke.

GL can hurt Harley a lot as she approaches him and he can take advantage of that with b1 etc.

I really really can't see how Harley wins in this matchup and I have ample experience in this matchup as well. Ducking missile and firing off gunshot isn't how she's gonna win, especially if they're just gonna stick to air missile and it's hard for Harley to deal with that. Trades aren't good for her with it.


Harley & Zatana is all I need.
His Air Missile is easy to predict and jump over. It shouldn't be such a huge issue. Simply neutral jump it and you'll be fine. Don't over think the GL MU, it isn't very difficult to beat GL, yet it isn't free..


Like Father, Like Daughter
I might accept it as even at best, but no way she wins this matchup, not a hope.
and back yourself into a corner?
do people forget he also has the air slam? he can switch between the two and close the gap

you can't tell me harley wins this match-up when she's limited to one move and he has his full arsenal available to him
If youre eating rockets and lanterns might all day then you need a lesson on mobility. Harley's greatest weapon is her unpredictability. Stop patterns, move more.

Usually if i lose to GL
1. That player is just better than me
2. He has stage advantage and uses trait+minigun liberally


Lighten up will ya!
So you're saying air rockets and air slam is a mixup when Harley can just cupcake MB and make hiim take damage then SS tantrum~3 for more damage.
so...how is this in harley's advantage when we add trait stuff into this?

and lantern's might isn't a mix-up, it's a giant fuck you to harley, if in range, her only option is to block and hope she's close enough to punish


Lighten up will ya!
If we add trait into all of harley's match ups she would then lose the majority of her matches and if im correct she can punish his trait db1 with gunshot at all ranges.