One word: OverproofIdk what 151 is but I'm down to drink
I like that you're more uncomfortable sleeping near a kitana user than a gay man.I unno... Am I going to be comfortable sleeping around a Kitana user?.
Hahahaha yup. My roommate is gay and his boyfriend moved in 3 months ago too. So definitely not one of the things that would make me uncomfortable. A Kitana player on the other hand? I heard the scream "DOWN ONE!!!" at the top of their lungs in their sleep.I like that you're more uncomfortable sleeping near a kitana user than a gay man.
I think zaf got a pm from a member who offer to have some of us over his house for some casuals Friday. Ask zaf the info.I hope a bunch of people manage to read this, I'm leaving next friday from Montreal at about 8-10 AM.
Which means I'm going to be in NYC/Philly mad early, if anyone is willing to chill before going to Philly/the hotel I'm down (with Zaf of course)
Just hit me up if someone wants to do something
lolol doh!!!!!He did actually mention that to me, forgot about it lmao
Yes to like all of that.So anyone who'll be coming to the ball before the Brawl on Friday...With Paper Legend hyping the fuck out of WB with the documentary filming, I wanted to know how all you would feel about doing a little mini-doc for fun for the lot of us. I <3 the major level guys to pieces, but I think it'd be slick as hell if we, the up-and-coming young lions of MK, did something to get our names and stories and powers out there and just join together to do something for us AND the community to enjoy. There's a lot more to this community than just time spent kicking ass in show and on stream, a lot more depth and dedication to be seen and heard, and since putting the art of Kombat on film is the hype thing to do nowadays, we can follow suit and show the whole world how we get down. Hell, we can even tape matches throughout the night and splice them together - like say you go into one guy's story, lead into guy #2's bits and pieces, and then comes a match between the two of them, and so on. If you guys are down, I'll bring the camera and start jotting down ideas. Thoughts?
Ooooh. That'd be cool as fuck.I had this idea where it was kind of like a menu but the menu was the Nekropolis. But instead of the MK fighters it was a Player. Rough idea but yeah.
already have my hotel arrangements set. But. Thanks anywayI'll be getting into Philly on a redeye flight. Should be there by 6am, Friday morning. Looking forward to seeing you guys there.
DanCock, make sure you PM me so we can discuss the room if you still want to.
Yeah, but if you bring either we still need a laptop set up. I might bring mine, but just letting you know.I should be getting my HDPVR this week, I'll post here if I get it.
If not I can bring a dazzle