Is that a strip club? Is it near the venue, I'm down! Gonna bring my pad~I'm down for teams, I'm gunna go to Andrews on Friday just FYI
Fuck that, "Team Flower Power". Kitana, Mileena, Sonya. Our mains distract you with their assets while we whoop dat ass.You can be the Guns Of The North. Hyyyyyyyyyype.
Online makes people wack, everyone gets along in person.Not gonna make it. Good luck to all you guys! and for shit sake.... GET ALONG!!
Man it was alot of the bicker fests on here especially the elite players... that kept me from making an account on here for the longest time.. Just wanna see the community unite, not divideOnline makes people wack, everyone gets along in person.
it's looking to be well over 80.This is gonna be the first tournament i come to. is the turnout for MK9 usually pretty big?
It can be, sometimes.Is that a strip club? Is it near the venue, I'm down! Gonna bring my pad~
yea but then. Agin a ton of people say they are going but back out at the last moment because they don't plan anything till the week of. So let's hope for a huge turn outwow eighty people! this will be a very fun weekend
You can use a converterI am going! question though...what is fightstick sharing like? I have an xbox stick, but isn't this all on PS3
You and your fucking hats... I'm torn between which one I want to bring with meIf you find my, I'll let you use my stick (Red/White Qanba, I'll be wearing a Boston hat)
I'm suspicious of anyone who might offer me candy on the bus ride....2 more days. Anyone else traveling alone completely terrified? Lol.