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For Those Who Like To Write



Yea I can do that, I'm not sure how to post files, though. And thats my problem, idk who to send/contact. Do I just search publishers and send away?


Stay Puft
Started working on a new screenplay. Decided to write just for fun this time without keeping my budget in mind. :) Wrote 6 pages and a bunch of notes yesterday.



That's what i did. Get a publishers guide to see who might be interested in your kind of work, carefully read what their expectations are and, if they sound good, send away. in my 2013 guide several even accept electronic files. i'll let you know when i try again. still polishing up my wacky tale.


i had to post files as PDFs for Amazon's CreateSpace. I despise formatting cuz I suckkkkk at it. Someone in this thread suggested trying used book stores as well. Maybe try there. I know Marketing is important also. I might try something like that as well, although I'll admit i have no idea how. i'll figure something out. right now, a good story is what i'm aiming for. not rushing shit for my own satisfaction now just so i can hold my work in a fancier form.
sup! i like to write suspense and horror. fantasy can't write it well maybe because i dont read much of fantasy books or fantasy movies. do you have a link so i can read(for free lol!) your material and give you my feedback as a reader? keep writing bro! peace.


my stuff is on page 7. other people have links to stuff as well. i'm checking out Zanza's right now. except i cant on my ps3. will look at it when i get my computer going.



Chasing Insanity seemed a better story than Madness. I enjoyed both and wanted to know the ending of each, so that's good. Darren saved the Johan Cross and his family from the madness and sent them on a ship. Mr. Amer(Omer) deceived Chloe and she paid for it.

I'd polish Chasing Insanity. I think it's better. Noticed a lot of grammatical, punctuation, subject/verb agreement issues. I think you could find better words to use in some places.

I liked Madness less because it seemed like one big action scene with no chance to catch my breath. Cross seems like a pussy too. I would've preferred to see how Johan handled things. CI had a better ending I think. I actually thought two different people wrote the tales. I wouldn't say either are great, but I'd spend more time making CI better.

Right now, I don't give a fuck where Darren or Xion had that family sent off to......but, I'd still like to know what the hell that shapeshifting object was and what Omer wants to do with it later.


My blades will find your heart
Still busy writing this damn screenplay. Have about 4 pages left to write and at the very least have a general idea of where I want the story to go haha.

The more I try to write the more I realize it is ten times harder than it looks...


Ah.......that's because thoughts come easy. Putting them on paper is the tricky part. Have a new idea for my next book. Already can flash through my mind entire scenes and music that would complement the action. As long as I see my work improving (I think each of us can tell) I'll keep writing. My next story will be even wackier. A football player from the 70's Raider's who sleeps with a mannequin is visited by a princess from another world in a dream. He saves her, then becomes a general in her army. That's all you get for now. There's just something about seeing someone in a Raider's uniform with that helmet picture on a spaceship with strange lights. I also plan to try and tackle the true meaning of our own purpose for existence on Earth. But, I'll finish Blue Shift first.


My blades will find your heart
Ah.......that's because thoughts come easy. Putting them on paper is the tricky part. Have a new idea for my next book. Already can flash through my mind entire scenes and music that would complement the action. As long as I see my work improving (I think each of us can tell) I'll keep writing. My next story will be even wackier. A football player from the 70's Raider's who sleeps with a mannequin is visited by a princess from another world in a dream. He saves her, then becomes a general in her army. That's all you get for now. There's just something about seeing someone in a Raider's uniform with that helmet picture on a spaceship with strange lights. I also plan to try and tackle the true meaning of our own purpose for existence on Earth. But, I'll finish Blue Shift first.
Your books are just weird enough that it just makes them more awesome lol

Best of luck



I wrote madness first, it's meant to be a side story as a part of my main series of novels I'm planning to write. And Johan is supposed to be weak, his wife is the pillar in that family. Most male readers want the man to do everything, I chose to go against that. All that story is supposed to signify is the family name of Cross.

SI I wrote second, with the main idea to warp perception and senses as much as possible. The original ending was terrible lol. And as you've noticed, I need an editor lol. I often overlook obvious mistakes and don't notice them, it's irritating.

But, I think that main purpose of short stories is to leave the reader wondering, which essentially worked.

Thanks for the feedback :D


Lol, no problem. I was also looking for conflicts. I would've been quite upset if Chloe was able to walk away with the artifact when the others couldn't take it with a helicopter......

Other stuff I wanted to know is why so many tests? Why was Chloe selected? And again, what are Omer's intentions. Add some more detail and you might have a nifty little morality tale. Don't touch shit that isn't yours. I'm not sure if you even mentioned where the object came from. How was Omer able to move it if its density fluctuates. Why wasn't he killed by it. Ask yourself questions. Lots of them. More story will reveal itself to you.


Madness seems like the final chapter of a larger work. I'd focus on CI like I said, but that's up to you- just seems better crafted. Also, make sure your 'warping of senses' doesn't warp the reader away from the story. It almost got too crazy in parts. I try to dazzle the reader but not get too complicated. Often in my own work i'll reread and say wtf was i smoking when i wrote this? Confusing readers is bad. i find shit that i have to rewrite a lot. and, less, but more descriptive words i believe are better. easy to get carried away when youre passionate about an area of the story though. i'm guilty of it as well.


My last book was terribly confusing. Most people i let see it wanted nothing to do with by chapter4. So, thats why i now ask, "When did you have enough?" Our mission as writers i think is to make people put off other activities because they'd rather turn to the next page of our book. How amazing would it sound if some chick told you that she didn't have sex with her boyfriend because she wanted to read what happened to Chloe instead?


I'd be terribly conflicted lol. And that's something I've noticed with scifi works, dive too much into your own imagination and you lose the reader. They need familiarity to carry them through. Non scifi is so much more straight forward to write, I have a few of those as well.



It was originally just going to be that, but I suppose I could expand upon it eventually. However, if I do, I will not give much detail about the object. It's purpose is mystery.


That's fine then. Clean it up if you want. I'll read it again. I want to see if I can go right through it. Up to you though. Don't know if you want anymore discussion. :)