Chasing Insanity seemed a better story than Madness. I enjoyed both and wanted to know the ending of each, so that's good. Darren saved the Johan Cross and his family from the madness and sent them on a ship. Mr. Amer(Omer) deceived Chloe and she paid for it.
I'd polish Chasing Insanity. I think it's better. Noticed a lot of grammatical, punctuation, subject/verb agreement issues. I think you could find better words to use in some places.
I liked Madness less because it seemed like one big action scene with no chance to catch my breath. Cross seems like a pussy too. I would've preferred to see how Johan handled things. CI had a better ending I think. I actually thought two different people wrote the tales. I wouldn't say either are great, but I'd spend more time making CI better.
Right now, I don't give a fuck where Darren or Xion had that family sent off to......but, I'd still like to know what the hell that shapeshifting object was and what Omer wants to do with it later.