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For Those Who Like To Write


My blades will find your heart
Hell yes, I'm a huge fan of 70-80s horror films. I've been wanting to try and create some gory effects for a long time but never got around to doing it yet. If you're going to write a monster into it please keep the budget in mind, unfortunately I can't have any window breaking, door ripping or anything like that. Also I don't have the skills to create a monster in CGI or make a puppet.
Probably wouldnt be a monster, maybe some kind of a killer. Im guessing there isnt a deadline on this? (I am a bit on the slow side of writing)


Stay Puft
Probably wouldnt be a monster, maybe some kind of a killer. Im guessing there isnt a deadline on this? (I am a bit on the slow side of writing)
Good. Nope, no deadline. Let me know if you come up with any more questions. :) I'll check back to this thread tomorrow, going to bed now. Cheers man.


I'd like to do something like someone did with H.P. Lovecraft's - Shadow Out Of Time. Some old guy is in the vid. I love the thing.


Batman, Scarecrow, Bane
I've placed top 3 in a few international literary conferences this past year. Has anyone heard of Sigma Tau Delta? I write a lot of fiction and poetry. I also took a lot of classes in screenwriting if anyone is interested in discussing those writings.


My blades will find your heart
Ththuvhul I read some more of blue shift today. I like it but I think sometimes your vocabulary is too broad. It is almost TOO smart sometimes haha.

Just something I noticed.


wow. i thought i toned it down. my main issue will be whether or not to include Bombyss' beastiality scene or Boomyxi's fucking of machinery later.


My blades will find your heart
wow. i thought i toned it down. my main issue will be whether or not to include Bombyss' beastiality scene or Boomyxi's fucking of machinery later.

Yeahhhh, that might alienate some readers LOL. I still dig the book though.


then again sex sells. it's part of the Anzrjiin curse too. A penalty for mating set by the Demonoids. Plus, since Boomyxi derives her pleasure and force from the pain and suffering of others, even emotionally, i thought it would be interesting to see how King Mazzura would react to his queen being defiled by the things he created rather than himself. i don't know. i'll take another look at it.


Stay Puft
Screw alienating readers, write what you want man. Controversial stuff also gets people talking and that stuff definitely sounds like it would create some controversy. I say leave it in! :)


Death's Trusty Side-Kick!
Are there any writers here? Published or not......doesn't matter. Just lookin to see if we can start something here.......maybe exchange ideas on material. I like to write fantasy fiction. Talk to me.
I've actually wrote an entire RPG from scratch. I even have PDFs of it . It's fully illustrated I Googled the artwork, but it was purely for fun. I wrote stories and rules as well as did the entire formatting.



Would you give us a taste of your work? There are plenty of sites you can visit that could probably explain how to get published. Basically, i just sent my work in with a selfaddressed stamped envelope and waited for a reply. Different places have different requirements. Haven't done a query letter though. Might for this book i'm wrapping up.


also, here's something.. can i send out a work to get published in a mag if i have already self-published it? what if i made changes to the story?