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F242 Mid Screen Conversion Is Possible. +4 On block Launcher.


Not that it matters anyway, since for the third time now I'll reiterate, nobody ever said to use it as pressure and it was brought up in the context of which is the better whiff punish string, so what it is on block is already pretty irrelevant, but please tell me you think Jax's BF2 punishes it or some other blatantly wrong nonsense.

I know it says -16 and Jax's BF2 and BF3 say 11, but again, this is why the distance matters more than the frame data for considering something "safe." Shang can block way before that actually reaches him.


Fatal blow

get the fuck out of here with this stupid shit. By that measure, everything is punishable even when it's not because it's armored. F242 is "punishable" with FB too because you can FB the 4 and 2 gap.

You clearly meant the BF2 and then realized you hadn't actually labbed it and were talking out of your ass. It's okay bud, I forgive you.


There it is...

get the fuck out of here with this stupid shit. By that measure, everything is punishable even when it's not because it's armored. F242 is "punishable" with FB too because you can FB the 4 and 2 gap.

You clearly meant the BF2 and then realized you hadn't actually labbed it and were talking out of your ass. It's okay bud, I forgive you.
We all know how you love labbing rofl

YoungTeezy 305

Work Hard Play Hard

get the fuck out of here with this stupid shit. By that measure, everything is punishable even when it's not because it's armored. F242 is "punishable" with FB too because you can FB the 4 and 2 gap.

You clearly meant the BF2 and then realized you hadn't actually labbed it and were talking out of your ass. It's okay bud, I forgive you.
You are referring to a "kounter" when I am talking about punishes


You are referring to a "kounter" when I am talking about punishes
I am referring to something being "safe." You're the one trying to backtrack and make revisionist semantics out of it. Semantics you're still wrong about, because if you'd actually take the time to lab it, you'd see it's categorized as a "Reversal Punish."

Very few strings are "safe" against FBs, because they have armor. Pointing out "WELL ITS NOT SAFE IF THEY FB" is completely useless information, very little is safe against a FB, including the F242, so given that your argument is "F242 is better against Jax because it's safe, 3U2D2 isn't" "why" "because he can FB it," you sound ridiculous because he can also FB the F242.

Hope this helps.
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There it is...
View attachment 15067

Keep crying online about "top tiers" while making fun of people for labbing more than you tho :coffee:
All of the 20 people who called you out for chatting complete dogshit are still waiting on that gameplay of you flawless blocking everything on reaction in game.

You've sent about 7 of you in practice so clearly you've got the time, just dodging? Lol


TYM White Knight
Are we at a point now where 17frames is something we can not only block on reaction, but flawless block 100%? I guarantee you in the middle of a match, you aren't flawless blocking that consistently or at all. Not after any form of stagger.


AKA Uncle Kano
Hey guys, 17 frames is totally reactable in a custom practice setting where I know the exact timing without the threat of shimmies or other moves. Just git gud scrubs LOL. Kappacino


There it is...
It's funny how all the little 4chan incels come up with these terms and memes so they can feel better about themselves.

Still waiting on those gameplay videos dawg

Spend less energy dodging and labbing and get in the gym maybe xox

YoungTeezy 305

Work Hard Play Hard
I am referring to something being "safe." You're the one trying to backtrack and make revisionist semantics out of it. Semantics you're still wrong about, because if you'd actually take the time to lab it, you'd see it's categorized as a "Reversal Punish."

Very few strings are "safe" against FBs, because they have armor. Pointing out "WELL ITS NOT SAFE IF THEY FB" is completely useless information, very little is safe against a FB, including the F242, so given that your argument is "F242 is better against Jax because it's safe, 3U2D2 isn't" "why" "because he can FB it," you sound ridiculous because he can also FB the F242.

Hope this helps.
What does armor have to do with? I'm saying that if Jax blocks 3U2D2 he can punish with fatal blow after blocking the whole string.


It's funny how all the little 4chan incels come up with these terms and memes so they can feel better about themselves.

You been in a gym in your life? Too busy labbing?

Still waiting on those gameplay videos dawg

Spend less energy dodging and labbing and get in the gym maybe xox
You literally couldn't work in on my sets.


What does armor have to do with? I'm saying that if Jax blocks 3U2D2 he can punish with fatal blow after blocking the whole string.
Which is a pointless argument to make in the context of whether or not it's "safe" because, again, and I'll go slower for you this time:

• you are positing that the F242 is better against Jax because it's safe
• I asked you what Jax can do against the 3U2D2 that makes it unsafe
• you replied "Fatal Blow"
• Jax can also Fatal Blow the F242 for a reversal punish in the 42 gap
• this means your argument that the F242 is superior or "more safe" is not true, both are equally "unsafe" if Jax has FB, both are equally safe if he doesn't because Jax has nothing to punish -16 at the range that 3U2D2 pushes him back

I'm not sure how much further I can break this down for you, buddy.