All I've attacked him with are questions, if he wants to defend himself with answers we can get it on but that's not how he operates go ahead and point to the part where he gave me a fair chance.
First question for you, where? What proof do you have that they exist? Besides someone else's word that it happened. Second, if they exists which is there more of, violent protesting or peaceful protesting? Third, is there any way to deal with the violent protesting without causing violence to the peaceful protestors?
I... What? Do you exist in a bubble? Google any celebrity and blm and see how far it takes to get to an article (probably on Fox news) that attacks their character and integrity. Google Colin Kaepernick, Google Moment of Unity.
Just look up Mitch McConnell sitting on bills, or better yet, follow an actual senator or representative on Twitter and get the word from their mouth.
No, I shouldn't because bill Clinton isn't running for president, Donald Trump is. Also, and this is key, you have no idea who I am supporting now. You just made a gigantic egregious assumption based on me being anti Trump. Good job being part of the problem.
Oh really, what did onryoki mean? I think once you both explain it to me I'll finally be able to understand.
You miss understand my purpose in posting, my respect in this thread is to the supporters of blm and people who think people like Filipino Champ are fucking stupid. If you're in the other side or even in the middle get fucked, because cutting racists slack is not my bag.
I get tired of this please explain to me why you have it so bad crap. LOOK AT THE PROTESTS, FOLLOW BLM ON TWITTER, OR JUST READ MY POSTS. Stop asking systemically oppressed people to dice up their oppression into palatable servings for you to analyze when it's convenient.
No matter how shitty slavery WAS black people are STILL killed every single day in this country with no recourse, often to thunderous applause. Ask yourself if every time you saw a cop or did something illegal no matter how small or appeared to be doing something illegal or just pissed off the wrong person and they decided to call the cops, you could die, or be robbed, or raped, much less simply over charged and given the stigma of criminal or felon or worse and your family would get NOTHING for the trouble. If you could die, literally every day, for doing nothing, would you feel that things had improved? If you knew your co workers were being paid differently or given different opportunities, would you feel things had improved?
You tell me the improvements. People say slavery is gone. They say oppression is gone. But look at the statistics on black people starving, without healthcare or homeless, these are numbers they beat us over the head with. Things are better now, sure you used to get whipped but now you can die in an alley smelling like your own urine. Is it better now that only half the population of black people are fucked right out of the gate and not the full 100?
The fact that you think reparations could be perceived as differential treatment but either excuse or outright excuse the blatant differential treatment on display in this country should give you pause.
Couple things,
- The president of the United States gets up on stage and lies to the American people every single night. He has been impeached, he has face sexual harassment claims, he has been openly racist in his business dealings and foreign policies. He has spoken almost treasonously about this country and it's past administrators, including many members of the party that now supports his presidency. If none of that disqualifies you being president of the country, how does being a self declared "Marxist" disqualify anything about blm or it's founder.
- What does being a Marxist have to do with blm? What does ANY political affiliation have to do with the assertion that black lives matter? If the issue were truly apolitical blm being Marxist or Communists or socialist shouldn't be relevant since no one is voting them in to office.
Right. So why are there more of us in poverty in more places than all the other races if not systemic racism? Did we do it to ourselves? Dumb luck? Something in our blood? You're almost there big guy.
How would you feel if somebody in an even shittier country replied to this post and told you listen, it could be a lot worse, you could live where I do. Would you be like actually, you're right, and just mentally excuse all the bad stuff? Or would it still make you mad when you think about your dad, your ancestors, your descendants?
Do you send your father messages that say don't lose heart, I know people who haven't been paid for nine months?
If you have points to make I'm all for hearing them,, but if you're here to tell me you know about systemic racism in America than me, then prepare to battle with someone well entrenched.
I don't know why you people think after watching our friends and family suffer and die every single day our gut reaction is to be reasonable, do you have any idea the level of restraint black people in America show just to get through a day of this shit.