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F Champ Receives Lifetime Ban, Racism in the FGC/USA, and Other Prevalent Social Discussions


I can't reemphasize enough how much want someone/wish I had the time and money to make a specifically geopolitical pod for the FGC types.
I bust Dave's chops and he busts mine and we all bust each other's, but these subjects need more actual out of the furnace discussion, with voices and faces and our real life enthusiasm instead of just the potential vaguery of being behind the keyboard.
No, I am a keyboard warrior. It’s my destiny


Administrator and Community Engineer
It's not directly related to Trump exclusively nor completely devoid of personal choice by any means, but black people suffering adverse health effects due to disproportionate stressors caused by society is absolutely a thing, it's called John Henryism

Not just stress, but also the fact that the supply/demand economic in this country artifically inflates the value of healthy foods and basic organic staples, while making unhealthy ones super cheap.

It costs me $10 to buy a small bag of mixed nuts and $1 to buy a hot dog. Not because of the value of either of those items, but because of the economics of how they're farmed and sold here.


Not just stress, but also the fact that the supply/demand economic in this country artifically inflates the value of healthy foods and basic organic staples, while making unhealthy ones super cheap.

It costs me $10 to buy a small bag of mixed nuts and $1 to buy a hot dog. Not because of the value of either of those items, but because of the economics of how they're farmed and sold here.
That’s a good point. Sometimes a bottle of water is $1.75 yet I can by an Arizona sweet tea for $1.00


It's not directly related to Trump exclusively nor completely devoid of personal choice by any means, but black people suffering adverse health effects due to disproportionate stressors caused by society is absolutely a thing, it's called John Henryism

It can also be affected by things like housing and income, which again can be affected by racism and discrimination.


Alternative-Fact Checker
Low SES in general speaks to ill health effects, indifferent to race or gender. As Crimson pointed out, access to good food and health care is gatekept by wealth, which in this country means that if you're poor, the potential to stay healthy or even take the steps to regulate chronic health issues is kneecapped. And also in this country, the poorest populations tend to be black and brown communities, which then begs the question of why that is. Fortunately, many in this thread have already linked to several studies showing why that may be.

It's not that poor whites, which are a healthy majority of working and unemployed poor, are less deserving of a fairer economic system, it's just that there are even more added stressors for black and brown poor people. Leveling out SES will have to include addressing that inequality as well.


A fat woman came into the shoe store today...
Why would he strike you as such? You know absolutely nothing about him.
I don't strike him as such. He's created a figure in his mind that represents anyone that opposed his ideals.

Meanwhile, he told me...

I highly doubt anybody would say obesity, which is a direct result of ones own lifestyle choices, results from trump or racism.
...and then promptly three people start posting about just that.


Zoning Master
...and then promptly three people start posting about just that.
What did you expect? LOL.

Politically speaking, TYM is filled with radicals who believe that everyone in America is being oppressed except rich white men.

Their solution? Government intervention that would make the Soviets very proud.


Administrator and Community Engineer
...and then promptly three people start posting about just that.
Well, this is yet another example of how people attempt to cherry pick one aspect an issue that's broad, and somehow assigning as a failing of a particular group of people.

If you want to talk about obesity, and you're not being disingenuous, then you'd have to discuss the fact that obesity is a national issue, irrespective of race.

https://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/adult.html#:~:text=Obesity affects some groups more than others&text=Non-Hispanic blacks (49.6%),-Hispanic Asians (17.4%).

"Non-Hispanic blacks (49.6%) had the highest age-adjusted prevalence of obesity, followed by Hispanics (44.8%), non-Hispanic whites (42.2%) and non-Hispanic Asians (17.4%)."

So there's less than a 10% difference between all groups outside of Asians, but of course the choice to open this discussion was a video of African-Americans, rather than a discussion of how this issue affects our nation as a whole. No mention of the fact that more than 40% of both groups are overweight.

Then if you point out that there are economic and social issues that further this problem by a few percentage points among certain demographics, somehow you're the villain. It makes no sense.


What did you expect? LOL.

Politically speaking, TYM is filled with radicals who believe that everyone in America is being oppressed except rich white men.

Their solution? Government intervention that would make the Soviets very proud.
That's quite a lot of hyperbole. Of the solutions being mentioned in this thread, which ones are both "radical" and would "make the soviets very proud"?


You quoted the post here.

Why would he strike you as such? You know absolutely nothing about him.
Exactly my point, he knows nothing about me either. I’ve been in the gym at least 5 days a week for 9 years, only not going if I wanted to focus on school or now due to covid. Before that I was playing organized sports for the schools I was attending. What I’m trying to say is I am more than well versed enough to know the importance of diet and exercise to maintain a healthy weight. He didn’t necessarily @ me and he did say “some” so I may be wrong but if he was referring to me directly I take offense to that. Because I don’t care if you’re green, blue, white, black etc. You’re the person in charge of your own weight not trump. However as others have pointed out there are some other things I neglected to take note of like the price of healthier alternatives.

Edit: seems like it was towards me @ChaosTheory find me what I said that led you to think I'd actually agree with the premise of the video?
Last edited:


Oh dear, the mask has fully slipped off Dave. Ranting about how we’re all wanting America to be like the Soviet Union.

Spinny McSpin.


Zoning Master
That's quite a lot of hyperbole. Of the solutions being mentioned in this thread, which ones are both "radical" and would "make the soviets very proud"?
  1. Cancel culture
  2. High taxation
  3. Reparations for slavery
There is no chance that any such policies would ever pass in Congress, even if the Democrats controlled the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the White House.


  1. Cancel culture
  2. High taxation
  3. Reparations for slavery
There is no chance that any such policies would ever pass in Congress, even if the Democrats controlled the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the White House.
Bahahahahahahahaha. Let me just focus on the cancel culture bit here - again you link it to democrats. I’m pretty sure people in this thread have mentioned to you MULTIPLE times how the right actually contribute to cancel culture too, because guess what? They do.

Jfc dude, you’re teaching the next generation....


Administrator and Community Engineer
  1. Cancel culture
  2. High taxation
  3. Reparations for slavery
What you're calling 'High taxation' is practiced by the least radical countries on earth. Denmark and Sweden, so radical :coffee:

What you're calling 'Cancel culture' is driven by the people, so it clearly wouldn't make the Soviets very proud, as communism is driven by autocrats and is all about centralizing control, rather than dividing and distributing it to the people.

And reparations are far from a radical idea. For example, the Facist countries paid reparations after WW2. I'm pretty sure that the actual radicals weren't too excited about the idea of having to pay compensation for their wrongs.

So I think this declaration of a Soviet celebration is a bit too soon :p


  1. Cancel culture
  2. High taxation
  3. Reparations for slavery
There is no chance that any such policies would ever pass in Congress, even if the Democrats controlled the House, the Senate, and the White House.
Cancel Culture is not a political policy. As been pointed out before, it's also not exclusive to left wing politics.

Asking for higher taxation has nothing to do with soviets, nor is it "radical". If anything America is an outlier for how low taxes are: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_tax_revenue_to_GDP_ratio

Reparations for slavery also has nothing to do with Soviet policy. It's certainly not a popular idea, but I wouldn't call it radical.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
It's not directly related to Trump exclusively nor completely devoid of personal choice by any means, but black people suffering adverse health effects due to disproportionate stressors caused by society is absolutely a thing, it's called John Henryism

That was an interesting read

Lt. Boxy Angelman

What did you expect? LOL.

Politically speaking, TYM is filled with radicals who believe that everyone in America is being oppressed except rich white men.

Their solution? Government intervention that would make the Soviets very proud.
Bruh, how do you feel so snug speaking on everyone else's behalves when it comes to what we believe and how we'd solve problems and putting words in peoples' mouths? Meanwhile, I gave you the answer to your question and you had no response for it, but you are STIIIILL bunching people into convenient little groups to make your argument sound more rational.

The definition of "radical" is policy that wouldn't be passed by a party mostly made of center-right bureaucrats at the highest echelons? Times have changed...
Literally the point I've been trying to make to him and everyone else this entire time. Maybe they'll listen to you, Hippo. My credentials must not be good enough around here to be validated when the man through a thousand posts of debate STILL can't invalidate my position or prove me wrong without the name-slinging and hyperbole. Christ on high.


Zoning Master
Bahahahahahahahaha. Let me just focus on the cancel culture bit here - again you link it to democrats. I’m pretty sure people in this thread have mentioned to you MULTIPLE times how the right actually contribute to cancel culture too, because guess what? They do.
I would like to believe that I have been consistent on this issue. I discussed the NFL's unfair treatment of Colin Kapernick before anyone else did as an example of cancel culture by conservatives. But please let us not pretend that the mob on Twitter that is presently promoting cancel culture consists of conservatives. The movement had become so radical that liberals, some of whom were later canceled, signed a letter fostering an open and sincere debate without consequences.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

  1. Cancel culture
  2. High taxation
  3. Reparations for slavery
There is no chance that any such policies would ever pass in Congress, even if the Democrats controlled the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the White House.



Cancel culture is the closest thing society has come up with as far as widespread accountability. It is not the culture's fault that the societal toxicity in America and elsewhere has gotten thick enough that such tactics are necessary.
There is no reason on God's green Earth we should not have high taxation on the super-wealthy. None whatsoever.
And I would LOVE to hear your argument against reparations.

Also, as far as the "mob on Twitter" is concerned, that's not the only place where this conversation is happening, y'know. I don't know why anyone would ever try and have a civil discourse of any sort in that cess pool in the first place.


I would like to believe that I have been consistent on this issue. I discussed the NFL's unfair treatment of Colin Kapernick before anyone else did as an example of cancel culture by conservatives. But please let us not pretend that the mob on Twitter that is presently promoting cancel culture consists of conservatives. The movement had become so radical that liberals, some of whom were later canceled, signed a letter fostering an open and sincere debate without consequences.
You haven’t been, no. I also love the shrugging off of conservative cancel culture because the spotlight has been on the left in the last few months. As Marlow pointed out, cancel culture isn’t politically exclusive nor run by politics, it’s run by the people. You’ve decided to box it into what you want it to be.

Literally yesterday I saw people try to cancel the game developer Swery65 because he dared to change a bit of content in his latest game which was considered transphobic (which wasn’t his intention, think it was more of a lost in translation issue). There were TONS of responses saying “I was going to buy this game, but not anymore now you’ve bent the knee to the woke mob”.

Something, SOMETHING, tells me that they aren’t liberals - yet they seem adamant on cancelling him. Hmmmm.


Administrator and Community Engineer

Lt. Boxy Angelman

You haven’t been, no. I also love the shrugging off of conservative cancel culture because the spotlight has been on the left in the last few months. As Marlow pointed out, cancel culture isn’t politically exclusive nor run by politics, it’s run by the people. You’ve decided to box it into what you want it to be.

Literally yesterday I saw people try to cancel the game developer Swery65 because he dared to change a bit of content in his latest game which was considered transphobic (which wasn’t his intention, think it was more of a lost in translation issue). There were TONS of responses saying “I was going to buy this game, but not anymore now you’ve bent the knee to the woke mob”.

Something, SOMETHING, tells me that they aren’t liberals - yet they seem adamant on cancelling him. Hmmmm.
I cannot wait to see how these two posts get pretzel-twisted into radical liberalism.

I wish I had popcorn.