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F Champ Receives Lifetime Ban, Racism in the FGC/USA, and Other Prevalent Social Discussions

Professor Oak

Are you a boy or girl?
This statement is a more accurate indicator of the difference between me and you. I also value people over money which is why I believe that you ought to be compensated for making the shirt if you choose to engage in a voluntary transaction. No person or entity has the right to take away your creation without your consent.
Within my reference I explained that money did not exist at a point in time, and I could have been clearer, Im sorry. In that scenario, maybe you are a baker. If someone made you a shirt, you gave them a pie. Compensation is still achieved. I never said you stole clothing from the seamstress. I really get the impression that youre just a contrarian, but ayyy, maybe thats just part of your culture. /s

Also, to fixate on the most insignificant detail of my metaphor is telling. Do you not get the rest of my post? I am confused by you at this juncture.
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If workers in the service sector earn $15 an hour, food prices will go up, which will affect the workers more than middle-class people like you and me.
True, but if their wages are going from $12 an hour to $15 an hour, they're still coming out ahead depending on the actual price increase, which again was something like 4% based on the article you linked.

What do you mean by "housing discrimination"?



That's a lot of links, but I don't want to bury you in it. I'll do my best to summarize.

Red lining was a thing, and even though it's illegal we're still seeing the effects of it today. Housing discrimination can also still be present in banks refusing to issue home loans to people based on their ethnicity and landlords refusing to rent to people. This can be implicit or explicit.

These housing issues can become real stumbling blocks when it comes to accumulating wealth, in addition to shaping other outcomes. Where live can greatly impact what kind of school you have access to you, what kinds of jobs are available, what kind of food you buy. There could also be additional health risks depending on if the housing is closer to more heavily polluted areas, and it could also result in being further away from adequate health care options.

From my research, if you account for factors such as experience, status in the company, and hours worked per week, the pay gap between men and women of all races almost vanishes.
I think that's good, it shows that if we can find ways to close the experience, status in the company, and hours worked per week gap we should be able to make more progress in closing the wage gap.


Administrator and Community Engineer
From my research, if you account for factors such as experience, status in the company, and hours worked per week, the pay gap between men and women of all races almost vanishes.
From what research? You realize that there are numerous studies showing that if you send the exact same CVs, women are less likely to get the call for corporate-level positions than men:

Hiring affects income. I don’t see anything in your ‘research’ that accounts for this, as background and experience are completely normalized here, and ‘hours worked’ is a nonfactor in the hiring.


Zoning Master
From what research? You realize that there are numerous studies showing that if you send the exact same CVs, women are less likely to get the call for corporate-level positions than men:

Hiring affects income. I don’t see anything in your ‘research’ that accounts for this, as background and experience are completely normalized here, and ‘hours worked’ is a nonfactor in the hiring.
This article indicates that women have overtaken men as the majority of the workforce citing data that "reflect growth in services industries that employ higher numbers of women." If men are subconsciously preventing women from getting hired, they are doing a lousy job.

Look, you and I can play this game all day. I am more interested in what you think, though.


Up rock incoming, ETA 5 minutes
True, but if their wages are going from $12 an hour to $15 an hour, they're still coming out ahead depending on the actual price increase, which again was something like 4% based on the article you linked.
Not if those their employer cuts their hours or even cuts their job. McDonald's will find a way to deal with the loss of profit but plenty of smaller businesses could be hurt. There's also a lot of part time jobs that just don't pay well and probably shouldn't.

I think there should be a minimum wage, but raising the minimum wage to higher numbers can be counter productive. Maybe 15$ an hour isn't an outrageous number, but prices vary by area. I wonder if it would be more effective to regulate the wage of companies that have higher numbers of employees, to give better benefits if you are working long hours, things along those lines. I just don't think minimum wage hikes are the best solution, but it is quite low in some states.

I also wonder about the service industries lower pay tied to tips.


Administrator and Community Engineer
This article indicates that women have overtaken men as the majority of the workforce citing data that "reflect growth in services industries that employ higher numbers of women." If men are subconsciously preventing women from getting hired, they are doing a lousy job.

Look, you and I can play this game all day. I am more interested in what you think, though.
Dude. First of all, you don't seem to understand concepts of basic math -- like totals vs. proportionality. This isn't about the totals of people in the workforce, it's about incomes and the fairness in hiring for corporate positions.

Please learn simple math before you turn yourself into the ChernyVolk of statistics.

Secondly, that's exactly the problem that is being highlighted here. Do you realize what the service industry is? Waiting tables. Cleaning hotels. Housekeeping. Minumum wage. Tips. That is exactly the disparity that is being talked about. You've once again made my point for me, without realizing it, because you don't actually read any of these things through before you comment.


Can we all just agree hes an idiot and move on? Like why does Daves opinion matter to us so much right now?
I’m convinced he’s trolling at this point.

He ignores quality points in lengthy posts that people make and hones in on really irrelevant bits to blow it out of proportion and twist it into something they never said.

Angelman said it best earlier - he’d make a great politician. Unfortunately, only for the fact that he can dodge any questions and counterpoints and keep confidently spreading bullshit (for lack of a better word).


Zoning Master
Can we all just agree hes an idiot and move on? Like why does Daves opinion matter to us so much right now?
Move on to what? Scream about how racist and sexist America is and pat yourselves on the back while doing so? LOL.

I think I have done a good job presenting the moderate and center-right perspective in this thread. I know people in this community who feel the same way as I do, but they are afraid that far-left ideologues will label them as racist or sexist. I understand why they were concerned. Thank Goodness that most Americans outside of the Internet bubble do not think this way.

Professor Oak

Are you a boy or girl?
Move on to what? Scream about how racist and sexist America is and pat yourselves on the back while doing so? LOL.

I think I have done a good job presenting the moderate and center-right perspective in this thread. I know people in this community who feel the same way as I do, but they are afraid that far-left ideologues will label them as racist or sexist. I understand why they were concerned. Thank Goodness that most Americans outside of the Internet bubble do not think this way.
Move on from giving a fuck. To my job, my life, just things. Youre opinion isnt relevant to anyone's life. Trolling was cool the last time you or your pals mattered, so Ill give it a pass, but Im moving on.


Zoning Master
I prefer to give people the benefit of the doubt. At least Dave's kept things pretty civil and has a viewpoint I can somewhat understand, even though I disagree with it. He's not MKF30 level bad.
Where has MKF30 been anyway? He would have added lots of flavor to this discussion. LOL.


Where has MKF30 been anyway? He would have added lots of flavor to this discussion. LOL.
O god the rabbit holes we'd have gone down.

I don't know, I thought at one point he was temporary banned from posting stuff in the COVID thread. That should have worn off by now. I was surprised I didn't see him show up to talk about the Raiden buffs, figured he would have appreciated those.

Honestly I don't know what's more exhausting, talking to him about politics or trying to talk to him about Raiden.


Move on to what? Scream about how racist and sexist America is and pat yourselves on the back while doing so? LOL.

I think I have done a good job presenting the moderate and center-right perspective in this thread. I know people in this community who feel the same way as I do, but they are afraid that far-left ideologues will label them as racist or sexist. I understand why they were concerned. Thank Goodness that most Americans outside of the Internet bubble do not think this way.
The issue many people are having with you is that you are skating around questions instead of answering them directly. In order for me to get you to answer my questions I had to redirect you from whatever it was you were saying back to my question. For example,
The better question is, why would any person choose a career or job that pays less on average? Thomas Sowell tackles this question and provides evidence. The following are some of the factors.

1. Culture. Different cultures have different values which are reflected in career choices. Asian Americans are over-represented in STEM. Jewish Americans are over-represented in finance. African Americans are over-represented in the NBA and the NFL. Persian Americans are over-represented in business. White Americans are over-represented in leadership positions. And so on.

2. Immigrants. Some people who have recently relocated to the United States accept low-paying jobs or careers before learning English and/or a skill. I am an example.

3. Women. Some women may choose careers that have extended vacation days because of childbearing. Women may also work part time for the same reason, which means that they earn less money.

4. Adolescents. Similar to immigrants, some teenagers who have just graduated from high school may accept low-paying jobs or careers before learning a skill. Teenagers may also work part time while attending a college or university, which means that they earn less money.

The evidence is boring and offers no political expediency to politicians. The narrative that America is a racist, sexist, and xenophobic country that oppresses everyone except rich white men is more attractive, particularly to the media. Blaming every inequity on discrimination is a massive oversimplification.

How would you solve the wage gap between White and Black Americans?
See? You didn't answer the question you just asked him a question back, in fact you actually told him his question was inferior. He didn't say hey Dave, how can I word this question better? He asked you, "Why would people, as a race, chose careers that pay less on average?" You instead talked about what careers certain races are shown to be associated with, it doesnt answer his question. That comes off as very disingenuous and would rub anybody the wrong way regardless of if your viewpoint is correct or not. I myself am very curious as well to hear your actual answer, if you did it more often people would be less hostile with any further questions you had. So yeah, can you give us a straight answer as to why black people choose careers that pay less on average?


A fat woman came into the shoe store today...

Some of you sound like you'd be in this audience nodding along with everyone in agreement with this woman as she blames Trump and racism for her obesity.


Zoning Master
So yeah, can you give us a straight answer as to why black people choose careers that pay less on average?
I have already answered the question. I have nothing else to add.

Some of you sound like you'd be in this audience nodding along with everyone in agreement with this woman as she blames Trump and racism for her obesity.
Waiting for Crimson to create a connection between racism and obesity in three, two, one...

The YouTube comments did not disappoint.



Some of you sound like you'd be in this audience nodding along with everyone in agreement with this woman as she blames Trump and racism for her obesity.
Not sure who you are referring to but why don’t you just state whatever it is you want to state? I highly doubt anybody would say obesity, which is a direct result of ones own lifestyle choices, results from trump or racism. Here I can be just like you, would you be one of the people in this video? Personally you strike me as the second guy who thought Obama was involved in 9/11.


I have already answered the question. I have nothing else to add.

Waiting for Crimson to create a connection between racism and obesity in three, two, one...

The YouTube comments did not disappoint.
Ok, can you please point out to me where you answered it? I won’t jump on what you say I’m just genuinely curious cuz I feel like I didn’t see it personally.
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Alternative-Fact Checker
It's not directly related to Trump exclusively nor completely devoid of personal choice by any means, but black people suffering adverse health effects due to disproportionate stressors caused by society is absolutely a thing, it's called John Henryism

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Lt. Boxy Angelman

I can't reemphasize enough how much want someone/wish I had the time and money to make a specifically geopolitical pod for the FGC types.
I bust Dave's chops and he busts mine and we all bust each other's, but these subjects need more actual out of the furnace discussion, with voices and faces and our real life enthusiasm instead of just the potential vaguery of being behind the keyboard.