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Do you think there's a final hotfix left with the release of MK Komplete edition?


Worst Sub-Zero Ever
Sub-Zero is the walking wounded at the moment. Everybody says Sub-Zero is a rushdown character, well, he's the worst rushdown character ever in that case because no other rushdown character in this game relies on strings that whiff on 9 of the cast when they're crouch blocking. All the other rushdown characters have much easier and safer ways in than Sub-Zero or they have some way of counter zoning. This is a character who is completely worthless outside of the corner and gets lamed out and turtled worse than any character apart from Johnny Cage and Sub-Zero does not have Johnny Cagelike rushdown. Do not think you're kidding anybody by saying he does.

The very least that could happen for Sub-Zero is that he gets some of his old damage back (and I don't mean the reset as I don't agree with absuing unavoidable crap like that). Nobody can say Sub-Zero doesn't deserve his pittance of damage with the crap this character has to wade through against over half the cast, lol. Take the armour on en slide away if you must, that thing is garbage anyway and just seems to be used as an excuse to keep Sub-Zero ineffective in a great deal of his matchups.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Sub-Zero is the walking wounded at the moment. Everybody says Sub-Zero is a rushdown character, well, he's the worst rushdown character ever in that case because no other rushdown character in this game relies on strings that whiff on 9 of the cast when they're crouch blocking. All the other rushdown characters have much easier and safer ways in than Sub-Zero or they have some way of counter zoning. This is a character who is completely worthless outside of the corner and gets lamed out and turtled worse than any character apart from Johnny Cage and Sub-Zero does not have Johnny Cagelike rushdown. Do not think you're kidding anybody by saying he does.

The very least that could happen for Sub-Zero is that he gets some of his old damage back (and I don't mean the reset as I don't agree with absuing unavoidable crap like that). Nobody can say Sub-Zero doesn't deserve his pittance of damage with the crap this character has to wade through against over half the cast, lol. Take the armour on en slide away if you must, that thing is garbage anyway and just seems to be used as an excuse to keep Sub-Zero ineffective in a great deal of his matchups.
would you rather have 4% more damage... or the ability to pressure the entire cast with 2,1? I'd take the latter.


missiles are coming
remove the cyrax, jax and smoke resets that are unavoidable. Give the final 8 characters that dont have armor, one armor attack on an enhanced special --> especially Sindel and noob. remove negative edge or give us an option to turn it off in button config if possible..

Was reading the whole thread looking for someone who mentioned the 8 characters not allowed to have armor. Everyone should have at least one armored move on EX since 70% already does.

I also personally think that a move that has armor, is safe, and goes into combo is too much. The only one I can think of right now is Sonya's cartwheel.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Nobody mentions the bullshit hitboxes from some of the characters standing jabs. Jax, Cyrax, and Smoke all have standing jabs that hit behind their head, and sometimes in front of them nowhere near their hand. ofc these lead to combos which makes it even more stupid.
yea but that cant and wont be fixed in a patch. thats just MK9. :/


HD Smoke


Was reading the whole thread looking for someone who mentioned the 8 characters not allowed to have armor. Everyone should have at least one armored move on EX since 70% already does.

I also personally think that a move that has armor, is safe, and goes into combo is too much. The only one I can think of right now is Sonya's cartwheel.
NRS listen to what Swift said ^^^^

Vulcan Hades

Oh yeah, btw NRS please fix Stryker's EN moves in the last hotfix.

Right now EN Baton Sweep seems to have random armor properties. Sometimes it absorbs 1 hit, sometimes it absorbs 2 hits, but half of the time it has no armor at all. I just really hate losing rounds and matches because my armor properties didn't kick in when they were supposed to.

Feels like I'm testing my luck every time I try to use that move to get out of frame traps. Shit is whack.
Anyways, if it does come down to a final patch I hope NRS does it right. No buff/nerf/fuck over all the time we've spent on a character figuring out new shit and then nerfing it, bullshit.

Vulcan Hades

If they're going to give Kitana and Sektor armor then I prey to god they also cut their limbs in half.

Kitana's EN Fan Lift with armor would be so stoopid.


Brain Dead Bro
1. That would make Sub extremely stupid.
2. Skarlet 1 jab should recover faster, I agree.
3. All Jade needs is slightly longer EX Glow and to be able to build meter while it is active again like it was in the beta. NO damage increase.
4. Fuck the input bug!!! >:eek:

Don't forget the Jax EX Ground Pound corner reset, the damage should scale.
Honestly Konqrr I don't think it would make him stupid but if they DON'T give him armor at least don't make the beam disappear when it's already HALF WAY ACROSS THE SCREEN.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
the entire cast doesn't need armor. if that is what people are wanting... then you can have sub's armor on slide and give me exClone that negates armor and proximity. You'll want the "not armor" moves back.

I do agree that they shouldn't be safe. Don't care if they launch if I can block and punish it. exCartwheel is dumb.