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D2s Need To Be Unsafe


100 percent! Im back less than a week and already fucking annoyed with the pushback and range of D2's Noob and JAde and just there sheer volume of how many of them I see in those match ups. MF's just mash that shit out in any situation where they are scared and don't know what to do and it you end up getting KB'd

The Ultimate

aka CommandThrower
Part of me wants to say that they shouldn't be unsafe, but more minus on block, so that even with the pushback, you're put into a disadvantageous situation in the neutral. Cause blocking a D2 damn near resets the neutral as is.

But, this is the hand we are dealt.


There it is...
Every single fatal blow in the game is unsafe
A lot of specials are unsafe and the ones that aren’t isn’t a big deal
There are tons of strings and normals that are unsafe

What was the point of your comment?
they routinely go unpunished at the highest level to be fail.


The Ignore Button Is Free
Lol I can tell the people who think this is “fine” have never played any other FG in their lives.

There is NO FG out there that has a move this powerful safe on block. That’s like saying High/low crushes should be safe in Tekken or DPs should be safe in SF. Let’s get the knowledge in before we type lol.


Dojo Trainee
I honestly cant believe there are sincere arguments for the other side. In particular in a game of slow ass mids. I cannot stress how many BS wins with cassie I have. FB on block Mash D2 KB because I actually only play sups od to troll. Did push back make it so you f12 came out as a 2 sorry you're dead. did you try and throw me sorry youre dead did you d1 my d2 mash try and take your turn with a 8 frame high only guarantee plus 7 on hit but were a frame off sorry you're dead. Even as a scrub reason it sounds stupid. In particular because micro duck buttons is a thing. Its probably why 75 percent of the community or people I play against will not do F block or micro duck buttons . Its beyond scrubby and perpetuates the nonsense I have to hear about this game. Honestly. I really want everyone to play cassie or jackie for a day and after a blocked d1 or your hit confirm d1 check with the 9f mid. it's going to hit 9 out of 10 times you wont even condition them out of it. Why because they are so content on just mashing d2. It's not a read or an educated guess. It just literal mashing. One of the biggest things I like about MK are turns feel like mash D2 takes away from that a little more than maybe it should. Or more than I should let it. But I'm sure even on a hard read me going for a throw while you're in FB range shouldn't lead to upwards of 47 48 50 percent.
Every single fatal blow in the game is unsafe
A lot of specials are unsafe and the ones that aren’t isn’t a big deal
There are tons of strings and normals that are unsafe

What was the point of your comment?
Unsafe but with pushback.

The point of my comment was to riducule your stupid one.


The Ignore Button Is Free
Unsafe but with pushback.

The point of my comment was to riducule your stupid one.
With the pushback, there’s still very unsafe. Some FBs, you can legit just walk up after blocking and punish.

You’re trying to ridicule my “stupid” comment and doing nothing but making you look even more stupid lol. You’re welcome to try again tho.


There is NO FG out there that has a move this powerful safe on block. That’s like saying High/low crushes should be safe in Tekken or DPs should be safe in SF. Let’s get the knowledge in before we type lol.
Bro, you got hit with Jade's D2 KB. I get it, we've all been through it but do you really got to make a super inaccurate comment like this?

From the little knowledge that I know about you, you seem like a well-rounded player so what gives?


The Ignore Button Is Free
Because of all things that are stupidly safe you're complaining about d2

Who hurt you in Kombat League?
Says the guy who was trying to say FBs are safe lol.
I really can’t think of anything in the game that’s stupidly safe besides D2s, and there’s a lot of people who agree with me tho so idk what to tell you. If you don’t agree then that’s your opinion but If you’re going to make a stupid comment with no reasoning behind it, please expect a comment right back to highlight how stupid you sound.
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The Ignore Button Is Free
Bro, you got hit with Jade's D2 KB. I get it, we've all been through it but do you really got to make a super inaccurate comment like this?

From the little knowledge that I know about you, you seem like a well-rounded player so what gives?
How is in inaccurate? In what game are DPs safe? In what game can you do a low crush and be safe? Yea you can spend resources in those games to make them safe, but just throwing them out there is death. D2s in this game should work the same. Just being able to mash it with very little risk is pretty dumb.
It has nothing to do with jade at all. D2s are too powerful and it’s facts. I really don’t care if you or whoever doesn’t agree but it’s been a topic for quite some time now and it needed a thread.
And there's people that disagree with you too. I'm just not gonna bother and politely see things your way.

Your point of view is crapgarbage, what do you want me to say? You are placing priority on d2s instead of FBs/Strings/Specials with pushback.

According to you those are fine but the d2s wahhhhh
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The Ignore Button Is Free
And there's people that disagree with you too. I'm just not gonna bother and politely see things your way.

Your point of view is crapgarbage, what do you want me to say?
Ok but the people who disagree either gave a legit reason as to why they do or they didn’t give a reason at all.

You’re the one who came in here and tried to make it seem like FBs, strings and specials are safe lol. We have a lab you know..

You don’t have to say anything lol you’ve already said enough to confirm your argument is void.
WHAAAT? We have a lab?!
You mean like some sort of practice mode where you can test things? Whoah.

My argument may be void but your argument just reeks of someone that got hit with too many d2s.


Lol I can tell the people who think this is “fine” have never played any other FG in their lives.

There is NO FG out there that has a move this powerful safe on block. That’s like saying High/low crushes should be safe in Tekken or DPs should be safe in SF. Let’s get the knowledge in before we type lol.
I think generally you're one of the more reasonable players here, but I don't think we need to create a narrative of either you agree with me or you don't have any experience with other fighting games because not only does that not prove a point, it's also not true. Some of the people that may not agree have played many other games and delved into the mechanics of those games too, but that shouldn't be part of the debate or whether someone has a reasonable point.

It's not like other fighting games don't have scenarios or options that are more damaging than down 2 whether that's 60% combos off one touch or super ambiguous cross ups or whatever the case might be in other games. Also technically speaking whether we want to acknowledge it or not, down 2's are unsafe on whiff or flawless block. Whiffing is the easiest of the two and is a universal option to punish them. No matter what anyone says, it is punishable already. Whereas I don't think you can neutral duck dp's though can you? Correct me if I am mistaken.

Not liking it because of the potential damage or safety is okay fine/fair enough but I don't think it benefits the point for everyone and not just you to adopt a mindset of agree or you're wrong. It's very polarizing for no reason.

I'll never understand why we can't just dialogue about these thing constructively.


Joker waiting room
How is in inaccurate? In what game are DPs safe? In what game can you do a low crush and be safe? Yea you can spend resources in those games to make them safe, but just throwing them out there is death. D2s in this game should work the same. Just being able to mash it with very little risk is pretty dumb.
It has nothing to do with jade at all. D2s are too powerful and it’s facts. I really don’t care if you or whoever doesn’t agree but it’s been a topic for quite some time now and it needed a thread.
Saying something is broken unlike anything else is 99% of the time wrong.

I can name you at least 10 things from GG/SF4 alone that are more broken than D2s in this game. As for low crush, Johnny in xrd has a bunch of low crushes, one of which is + on block.

Nobody is arguing the game isn't scrub friendly, it's literally made to be as simple as possible, but that statement about brokeness is wrong.

IMO D2s shouldn't launch, I find it unacceptable that the easy mode alternative to microducking, which takes actual skill, rewards you more than doing a combo even though it's significantly easier.


Every time someone farts, a demon gets his wings
A D2 is now the same as a DP????

Hell to the NO! I played SF for years and years and I´m sorry to say but a MK D2 is miles away from what a DP is in SF. You really wanna compare a special attack to a normal attack?

I´m with the, it looks like minority here, D2´s are not the problem in MK11

I would be ok if D2 KB requirements would be changed to "only triggers if punishing a throw attempt"


1 2 3 drink
Yall better stay away from games like ki if u think d2 is too strong in mk11. Imagine a character who can not only cancel his dash in a dp and cross u up (his dash functions as a teleport) but he can also cancel his dp in another dp. And you dont have a block button lol.
This community getting soft af

Ps a dp cant even be compared with d2


How is in inaccurate? In what game are DPs safe? In what game can you do a low crush and be safe? Yea you can spend resources in those games to make them safe, but just throwing them out there is death. D2s in this game should work the same. Just being able to mash it with very little risk is pretty dumb.
It has nothing to do with jade at all. D2s are too powerful and it’s facts. I really don’t care if you or whoever doesn’t agree but it’s been a topic for quite some time now and it needed a thread.
d2 isnt a dp bro. In no game does a dp whiff if u duck. The move itself is not a high crush. The duck part is a high crush which happens in every game ever. If d2 were unsafe u would lose 50% of ur hp in some matchups because u tried to get 10% hp. Characters with decent horizontal range on their D2 would get a huge nerf if d2 became unsafe because they would be scared to push this button other than the same way most other characters use it which is after a whiffed high or as an AA. I would rather some changes be made to the WU system than D2 but thats just my 2 cents.

Your post does kinda act as an eye opener tho about how stripped this game is. "Nerf the uppercut" is a legit argument in mk11. Mk12 is gonna be like 4 buttons and people gonna be complaining about sweeps and jump kicks (cuz everything else is absent or irrelevent).


Kuff Bano
The fact that mash d2 is a semi-legit strategy is kind of stupid to me. Ducking d2's is a valid strat, but very risky, especially vs characters with good mids. Not sure what the solution is but I could see them being more minus, have less pushback or more recovery. But tbh I'd be fine with them if they didn't have a KB attached to them, that really irks me.

The thing is I don't really know what role d2's are meant to fill. They're pretty meh AA's across the board, rarely function as combo extenders and they don't really seem to do anything other than being something you can mash out to catch a throw or a high.