<3All in all Im sick to death of this community, its elitism, its gimme gimme, serve me, cater to me, be at my beck and call, when I want, how I want attitude. We broke our asses for you guys for two days straight, brought tons and tons of gear that we spent our own money on, ran two streams simultaniously the whole time plus recorded matches on yet another station(Thank you Pherleece) and because of a few problems that were beyond our control, and because people want to jump to conclusions rather than ask us whats going on, we are gonna get blown up and shit on for all the hard work we did solely for you guys and to try and give you the best tournament we could.
It's fair to speak about pains from every tournament.. However you specifically called this entire tournament 'terrible', which is insulting to all of the people that worked very hard for weeks to make it come together.I think there's a slight misconception here that I'm pointing fingers. As PL and Slips both know, all of my concerns apply to every tournament. The details I mentioned about this weekend are just that: details. They are merely examples of real issues that apply everywhere. My goal with this thread is to make the community aware and to start working towards solutions.
This is gonna seem like a completely ridiculous suggestion, but...shit, if you guys want for Winter Brawl, I'll do it.Who should make the brackets for grass roots?
As much as I respect your knowledge of the community and appreciate you as a person, I disagree with this.. I think the only fair way to solve this problem is to base this off 2 things:\
So if you guys - Phil, Rob, Shock, Summoning, all of you who'll be running the gamut for WB - will give me the honor...if what's gonna solve the problem and give EVERYONE peace of mind - at least for WB7 if not for other shows but we'll figure that out later - is a neutral party to build neutral, worry-free, well-plotted pools and brackets to provide for a gargantuanly awesome show, then I'll save myself an ass-kicking and volunteer.
No, I agree complete. That's exactly what I'd set out to achieve.As much as I respect your knowledge of the community, I disagree with this.. I think the only fair way to solve this problem is to base this off 2 things:
1) Actual results
2) Geographic placement
It's easy enough to set this up based on actual data without 1 person calling all the shots.. And I think that as long as you keep trying to rely on X person or Y person to put who they think are the top players in X/Y pool or Z seed, you'll run into the same kinds of issues.
Hehe, I feel you -- but the thing is, the system to do this correctly is already being built.. I just need to make sure that it's filled with all of the necessary info to work correctly. I've been working on it for some weeks at this point. When it's complete it'll solve the problem not just for 1 tournament, but for tournaments in general.No, I agree complete. That's exactly what I'd set out to achieve.
As in, if they said "Hey, you're in," today, I'd be making a thread soon after to start scouting for who's gonna be on hand for it, taking note of everyone entering/registering and their locations/stats, consult accordingly with other neutral heads as far as judgements in the event I get stuck on a choice, etc...
I know it seems like a risky idea, and it's no sweat off my soul if they handle it elsewhere, but I'm telling you, I could do it.
And for lack of less vulgar expressions, it would give you guys a boner.
Agreed completely. Know what works, know what doesn't.Hehe, I feel you -- but the thing is, the system to do this correctly is already being built.. I just need to make sure that it's filled with all of the necessary info to work correctly. I've been working on it for some weeks at this point. When it's complete it'll solve the problem not just for 1 tournament, but for tournaments in general.
On another note, unrelated to Box's comment: as far as finding the One Setup to Rule Them All, I don't think everyone is going to buy exactly the same equipment for every tournament. I think the best thing to do is to find 3-4 diff. combinations of pieces of equipment that work (monitors/converters/splitters), and to also verify which setups are problematic and should be avoided. And for those 3-4 setups, make sure that everyone knows the optimal settings for each piece to minimize the lag.
That way people have choices, won't have to buy all new equipment, and can work with whatever sponsorships they have.
I swear to God when I was just reading the picture of the brackets I was thinking where is Arez name? Then i saw your post. BTW we had some good casual UMK games. Didn't have a chance to say peace out (had to leave quick) but good games and nice meeting you in person.
AREZ I did see you on the paper pools. Idk why you weren't on there.
Much apprecation to all of you who have kept me in your thoughts and considered my feelings on the matters at hand. There WILL be some shoutouts but unfortunately the length of it will be only for a select few individuals that made my weekend pleasurable, not collectively as a group.Yeah, I thought Arez was in my pool.
I seen that too, and when you consider I been planning for this for over 6 MONTHS and I have promoted NECXIII EASILY MORE THAN ANY OTHER MEMBER (not shouting, just putting emphasis, GoldieView attachment 2970
Yea. Definitely there.
Best post in the entire topic.I'm not even close to a top player, I'm just a player who loves the game and wants to support it. In 2011, I went to every tournament within a 10 hour drive of me:
East Coast Throwdown
Civil War
Summer Jam
A few Console Combats
And the OP brings up some really good points. Nearly every tournament I went to, it was very chaotic, and never finished even close to on time. I once sat in a hotel hallway for 12 hours without playing a single game.
The only reason I comment on this is because I believe it is a barrier to growing the offline community--I stopped going to tournaments because of some of these reasons. I imagine anyone who isn't a top player or know a lot of people would also be detered from going--it's tough to sit by yourself, not able to play for hours on end, even though you showed up on time and did everything that was asked of you. It isn't being ungrateful or anything of the sort--if I drove a distance to get there, payed my event and entree fee, showed up on time, but was disappointed that I had to sit for hours without playing--that isn't being ungrateful, it's disappointment.
Getting to the point: there are reasons people do things, and that includes attending tournaments. For top players, I think we can say that they at least attend because they have a very good chance of placing well (and this includes a financial incentive in addition to the fun/happiness of placing well). This doesn't change because of the issues described in the OPs post.
For players that attend for fun or to support the community, including those that are not social butterflies, it will be tough for them to continue to attend events when not only are they getting bodied, but they are giving their entire day, and possibly their weekend, paying for hotel rooms, etc. to basically have a DMV experience of sitting for hours, not having much fun, and paying money to do so. Also, sometimes you cannot get in casuals before the tournament starts, and if you practice on a lag free set up, and your matches are on a laggy set up, you have to in your first match without practice adjust on-the-fly. Maybe your opponent is in a similar situation, hopefully so, but you'll never know and it will certainly stick in your mind.
Now you can say screw them, who cares if they attend, but that's my point--if tournaments only want hardcore FGC players then they don't need to do a thing, but if you want new blood, I think something will need done to make it easier for them to attend. In most of the tournaments I attended, I at least made it a few rounds in and even then it was still a lot of money and wasted time to attend--I cannot imagine how the person who went 0-2 in the last pool feels.
For those that put on tournaments, I assure you the community appreciates your dedication to the game they play. Though, I'll draw this anology:
Your girlfriend spent 10 hours making a feast for dinner (maybe Thanksgiving), but not everything tasted so great. Do I appreciate her thinking of me and making me dinner? Of course. But does her dedication change the fact that the food tastes awful? No. And I bet 9 out of 10 times, the girlfriend would want you to tell her you didn't like it, so that she adjust what didn't come out so well.
Luckily for me, it was just a tournament for a video game, so I just decided to stop attending, but hopefully my point isn't lost.
So im not followingI seen that too, and when you consider I been planning for this for over 6 MONTHS and I have promoted NECXIII EASILY MORE THAN ANY OTHER MEMBER (not shouting, just putting emphasis, Goldie), you can clearly see how many people considered the importance of even including me at all.
Does ANYONE know of another person who started on this whole NECXIII-hype/promoting before AREZ God of War?
Why was everything in regards to me last minute? It's like I had to pull teth just to get registered.....in ALL 4 gmes everytime. Maybe I shoulda showed-up at 6PM on Sunday, gotten thrown into a bracket last minute and I would have gotten treated better.
And just so everyone knows, when i got DQ'd Sunday morning for being a few minutes late or whatever these people were crying about , that was when i quit my Staff position, so that's why I didn't play or participate. You wanna treat one of your own like that?
Seriously. Do everything yourselves. You want me to brush it off? I'm brushing YOUS off like the specks of dust you are to me.
I was DQ'd.So im not following
Were you allowed to play or were you removed or what?
whyI was DQ'd.
If I knew why i was DQ'd, I'd tell you but like I said, we wait for "celebrity players" for close to an hour or more, but when someone like me who Staffs and has slept a total of 4 hours Friday night and ONE hour Saturday night doesn't make it in the MK room MIND YOU, which was last minute cuz we all "randomly" found out that we were getting kicked out of th4e MK room at Midnight.....I, a STAFF gets DQ'd for being 10-15 minutes late.....but we got people coming and going as they please and it's ok because they are high-level players or "popular in the kommunity"???why
btw to answer your original post the first person to EVER talk about nec is you
Its appreciated