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Community Concerns Regarding NEC '13

G4S Claude VonStroke

@MK_ClaudeVS on twitter
I really wish you didn't feel that way, if you weed through the "bruntness" that is Soonk, you'll see that he really is voicing some valid concerns, without saying shock, phil, rob, or summoning did anything wrong.

He's trying to say that, making an exception to add a player just because he's a top player is not fair to the hundred players that had already been seeded and starting preparing for their pool.

He's also saying that in order to prevent allegations of "rigging" (which have been happening since FR last year), that NO COMPETITOR should be helping with brackets.

He's also saying that it's not community building if whenever someone brings up a concern about a laggy stream setup, that they get told to fuck off because they aren't a top player. And when a top player DOES bring it up, they get told to stop being a fucking diva.

Whether you feel it's the "competitors" fault that you don't feel like part of a community or not, you have to understand there are 2 sides, and even though Soonk can come off as a dick, he's doing more to help correct these problems than the TO's did at the time. And if it wasn't for this thread, we wouldn't have gotten the answers from Dark Rob that the people who competed deserved.
It's not soonk why I feel this way, he's entitled to all of his opinions just like everyone else is. Personally I don't think anyone should be allowed to enter late into a tournament but if it was pre arranged and a simple mistake like Rob said I understand. I was not aware of any of that situation so if Rob says it was a mistake then it was a mistake. We are all human.

But the vibe of his tournament was great and everyone was really excited but after a while things turned ugly and it was just a nightmare for me personally.



We're just wondering where pimpuigi and riu48 are, that's all.
RIU48 isnt there because I forgot to add him, and again IM SORRY, I forgot. Im not perfect and I had a ton of shit going on and so much heat on me to get the brackets done and get the tournament going. I didnt remember about RIU48 until he literally drove up. IM SORRY!

Pimpuigi is Marrian Mclean. He tried to pull some kind of scam with registering apparently from what I heard to get into the tournament without paying.


Dojo Trainee
I'm not even close to a top player, I'm just a player who loves the game and wants to support it. In 2011, I went to every tournament within a 10 hour drive of me:
East Coast Throwdown
Civil War
Summer Jam
A few Console Combats

And the OP brings up some really good points. Nearly every tournament I went to, it was very chaotic, and never finished even close to on time. I once sat in a hotel hallway for 12 hours without playing a single game.

The only reason I comment on this is because I believe it is a barrier to growing the offline community--I stopped going to tournaments because of some of these reasons. I imagine anyone who isn't a top player or know a lot of people would also be detered from going--it's tough to sit by yourself, not able to play for hours on end, even though you showed up on time and did everything that was asked of you. It isn't being ungrateful or anything of the sort--if I drove a distance to get there, payed my event and entree fee, showed up on time, but was disappointed that I had to sit for hours without playing--that isn't being ungrateful, it's disappointment.

Getting to the point: there are reasons people do things, and that includes attending tournaments. For top players, I think we can say that they at least attend because they have a very good chance of placing well (and this includes a financial incentive in addition to the fun/happiness of placing well). This doesn't change because of the issues described in the OPs post.

For players that attend for fun or to support the community, including those that are not social butterflies, it will be tough for them to continue to attend events when not only are they getting bodied, but they are giving their entire day, and possibly their weekend, paying for hotel rooms, etc. to basically have a DMV experience of sitting for hours, not having much fun, and paying money to do so. Also, sometimes you cannot get in casuals before the tournament starts, and if you practice on a lag free set up, and your matches are on a laggy set up, you have to in your first match without practice adjust on-the-fly. Maybe your opponent is in a similar situation, hopefully so, but you'll never know and it will certainly stick in your mind.

Now you can say screw them, who cares if they attend, but that's my point--if tournaments only want hardcore FGC players then they don't need to do a thing, but if you want new blood, I think something will need done to make it easier for them to attend. In most of the tournaments I attended, I at least made it a few rounds in and even then it was still a lot of money and wasted time to attend--I cannot imagine how the person who went 0-2 in the last pool feels.

For those that put on tournaments, I assure you the community appreciates your dedication to the game they play. Though, I'll draw this anology:

Your girlfriend spent 10 hours making a feast for dinner (maybe Thanksgiving), but not everything tasted so great. Do I appreciate her thinking of me and making me dinner? Of course. But does her dedication change the fact that the food tastes awful? No. And I bet 9 out of 10 times, the girlfriend would want you to tell her you didn't like it, so that she adjust what didn't come out so well.

Luckily for me, it was just a tournament for a video game, so I just decided to stop attending, but hopefully my point isn't lost.

GGA soonk

ĜĞÅ §ººñ|<®©™
RIU48 isnt there because I forgot to add him, and again IM SORRY, I forgot. Im not perfect and I had a ton of shit going on and so much heat on me to get the brackets done and get the tournament going. I didnt remember about RIU48 until he literally drove up. IM SORRY!

Pimpuigi is Marrian Mclean. He tried to pull some kind of scam with registering apparently from what I heard to get into the tournament without paying.
That's all we wanted. Even everybody believes something different, your side of the story is better than nothing.


That's all we wanted. Even everybody believes something different, your side of the story is better than nothing.
Its not a side of the story dude. Its the gods honest truth. Why do you think Im conspiring against you? Why would you think I would purposly fuck with brackets in a tournament I wasnt even playing in. I came down there SOLELY to help run this thing for you guys. And Im sorry not everything went according to plan, and I wish I had more control over when shit got started and I wish I could have made everything perfect for you guys. Thats all I was ever wanting to do. You were there dude. Didnt you see me screaming over that megaphone all day? I was working like a slave for you guys, trying my best to get shit done. I was heart broken when the hotel kicked us out. I would have kept running pools until I could stand or shout anymore.
Is it really so hard to believe with all the shit I was dealing with that I forgot about an arrangement with RIU48 that was made 2 weeks prior?

Do I really have a reputation of being a liar and a cheater in this community? If so I will gladly step down. Im not here to ruin anyones day and if my oversight was so drastic and Im such a fucktard because of it, then I wont ever run another pool again because it seems like alot of you feel like im seriously not cut out for it. All I can say is I tried my hardest dude. Im sorry it wasnt good enough.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
RIU48 isnt there because I forgot to add him, and again IM SORRY, I forgot. Im not perfect and I had a ton of shit going on and so much heat on me to get the brackets done and get the tournament going. I didnt remember about RIU48 until he literally drove up. IM SORRY!

Pimpuigi is Marrian Mclean. He tried to pull some kind of scam with registering apparently from what I heard to get into the tournament without paying.
Honestly PimpUigi should be banned from tourneys lol

Dude ALWAYS tries to get in for free and play for free and free ride his way the whole weekend

Seriously I havent heard his name since FR


I still don't understand why all 7 or 8 setups that we had to utilize, were not being utilized. Most of the time I would look over at the setups against the windows and 3 or 4 would be empty and the rest would be people playing casuals. We could've easily gotten down to top 8 if there wasn't such a concern to get matches on stream. Pools should've never stopped being played even if some top players had to play off stream. About once every hour or so the people playing casuals were hauled off for no reason at all because only 2 or 3 matches were being played on the respective setups at a time.


Fuck off, I'm not grumpy
All I can say is I tried my hardest dude. Im sorry it wasnt good enough.
You shouldn't apologize. There's a whole bunch of groundless accusations in this thread from people that are telling you to get off your high horse. The irony is embarrassing.


You shouldn't apologize. There's a whole bunch of groundless accusations in this thread from people that are telling you to get off your high horse. The irony is embarrassing.
No. Lord of the fly is right. I snapped off at the entire community because I was angry and spoke without thinking and he was right to put me in my place. When Im wrong I will bow the fuck down and admit it.


a lot of this Will be talked about during this weeks episode of the on blast show. I have a lot I want to say about this event and so does James.


Fuck off, I'm not grumpy
No. Lord of the fly is right. I snapped off at the entire community because I was angry and spoke without thinking and he was right to put me in my place. When Im wrong I will bow the fuck down and admit it.
But in that quote you were apologizing for trying your hardest. Fuck that. It's true you shouldn't have told everyone to fuck themselves.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
And I want to hear about this.
Well at FR he kept asking me ALLLLLLLLLLL DAY during the tournament anytime someone wouldnt show up for their matches could he take their spot. Ive never been attacked that viciously and annoyingly by a nat ever before. Id had given anything to swat him away but thats illegal

It was obnoxious

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I dont know all the details and I wont speak about something Im not fully informed about. But Marrian Mclean is apprently Sonic Fox's mom and Pimpuigi I guess tried to get in for free using her name or something to that effect.

SEE my above post

PimpUigi GTFO here you bum and you smelled so bad at FR which brings me to my next thread

NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)

Dude, you should be ASLEEEEEEEEP. Put up pitch black curtains on your bedroom windows. Turn off all of the lights. Let nothing disturb your slumber for, at least, the next 12 hours. lol



Dude, you should be ASLEEEEEEEEP. Put up pitch black curtains on your bedroom windows. Turn off all of the lights. Let nothing disturb your slumber for, at least, the next 12 hours. lol
I cant man. Im almost in tears over this. If Im to be accused of anything then let it be incompetence. That I can at least live with because I tried my best. But Im not a liar and a cheater.


TYM White Knight
Why does playing competitively have to be synonymous with playing for money? I wasn't at NEC but I suspect most of the people there were there because they love the game, love playing each other, and like seeing who's the best and how they measure up - the prize money wasn't even a factor for most of them. The first place prize probably could have been $20 and a lot of the same people would have showed up.

I agree with most of your points, if we're competing it's best to do it in a systematic way that's most likely to actually show who's the best and provide a fair experience everyone playing - especially when people are paying hundreds of dollars to travel and compete - I just don't like the mindset that playing competitively is about the money. It's great that our top players can make money playing this game, but that's not what competing is about.
My point wasn't about the money. But when you look at guys like REO, @PerfectLegend, Maxter...those guys want to get first place, and they want to get paid.

Even if you take the money out of the equation the points still stand. I will never win a major, but I still play this game btw :p

Also, Dark Rob, I don't think anyone in here is intentionally attacking you. It's just one of those things where if we can improve, why not improve?


Maining the Roster
i don't want to derail this, but let me just say that, as a spectator, i enjoyed the tournament streams on sunday (time zone differences + no leasure time saturday) and it saddens me to hear that so many issues appear to have been going on. rob, i do not think ppl are crucifying you, though i can under the circumstances at hand and all your hard work see why you would feel that way. also, shoutouts to claude and swift (if i remember correctly) for helping out.

as for the riu48 situation, i can understand how ppl affected by it got upset, but i think you guys need to get off rob's back now that he has explained it (not saying you are planning to harass him) b/c if it were me who made that mistake i wouldn't want riu48 to be unable to compete after driving/flying there b/c of a mistake i made.

as i have never played on a stream station (duh) i can't make a call on that, but it SEEMS to be a legit thing seeing how everyone is talking about it. in general, i think many ppl have made valid points. and the only way to get those issues addressed is by talking about it, so ppl pls don't take this as me hating on soonk, seeing how he makes valid points. as for ps3 VS 360, i don't think it should be a topic of discussion, though, b/c ps3 just happens to be the standard now and if 360 were to be used instead, the other half of ppl would be crying, esp seeing how stream etc apparently affects lag on top of all the other things. again, this is me talking out of my ass so take it with a pinch of... salt?

rob: i am not a tournament competitor, but i'm still part of this community and want to see the game do well. i appreciate all the wotk you guys have done. still, iask you to take a step back, take a moment, and look at the issues as they are presented, and discuss them, b/c i believe alot of this is not directed at you as a person but just represents omnipresent issues which are brought up b/c of things experienced at nec. i can see how the thred title gets to you, though. please don't get offended, b/c i don't think ppl want you to turn away from the community. i think now that the riu48 situation has been talked through, most of the heat is gone as the element of speculation is eliminated.

again, i'm sorry to hear these things, as for me (at home, granted) it was a great tournament, great experience.