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General/Other - Commando Commando Variation Discussion Thread

I know that you can cancel f4 into ball but I've really tried to train myself not to setup with things that are unsafe because my reactions are the fastest. I'm not quick enough to hit confirm the f4 and cancel into a ball. So I hit confirm the f4. If it hits I can land the rib breaker for the 16% on top of the 5% from the f4, if they block I just block if the character has fast startups or I d3,d4 and hope for something else there. I do f4 choke some just to mix things up if people are letting go of block after the f4 to try and punish or something but choke is still only 11% dmg vs the 16% from rib breaker so I try to use that initially. It may not be the most efficient way to play but it's been working for me for the most part.


Snappin' spines all day e'ry day.
F4 cancels are VERY powerful, at the LEAST you should be mixing up cancelling it into choke or not each time you do it since the choke leaves you safer. if you mix it up it's very effective trying to catch people being impatient.


Snappin' spines all day e'ry day.
It's not TOO unreliable either, you can tell based on the distance you are from the opponent when you do the F4 if the choke afterwards will whiff or not.


Cutthroat Truther
I play quite a bit of cassie, it whiffs 1st a 50% clip with me. I might just have worse luck,though

Edit: 50% may have been a SLIGHT exaggeration. It's more like... 20%.
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For the Shokan since Mk3
i am think of making Commado my sub to Tremor can someone give me some basics to get me started on getting comfortable with this variation ?


Cutthroat Truther
I need to be weened off Tick throws. they're great, but I really, really shouldn't rely on them. Problem is, they became like, 9/10 of my commando game(Probably why I'm so mediocre with it)


Snappin' spines all day e'ry day.
It's hard to describe, Just need a good sense of the spacing on his normals and how you can use them to get people blocking for Tick throw setups. D4 and B1 are your best friends. I usually just resort to 112xxBall for most punishes but B13xxBall can be good for smaller profile moves. This variations is all about footsies/conditioning, mind games, and reads. Parryable strings are in a thread.

edit: he's one of the few character where almost all of his strings are actually useful.


I'm not the best person to ask, I've only been playing Commando a couple of weeks, but here's my thoughts.

1) Be patient. Commando doesn't do a whole lot of damage and he doesn't have loopable pressure. When Kung Lao can confirm into 40% easily, the temptation is to hastily get in and return the favour. That leads to ruin. The times I do best with Commando are when I'm patient and level headed.

2) Learn to enjoy blocking. Kano has a good reversal in terms of EX up ball, and parry when used well, but they don't lead to big damage. Learn to block well, which strings/combos can be interupted by parry, which moves are +/- and by how much, so that you can play smart and maximise your opportunities.

3) Watch UltraDavid's option select videos and learn how to OS off of d1 and d4 so they come out on block only.

4) Get 'em in the corner. Kano's corner combos max out at around 40%, which overall isn't great. However, the effect that being kept in the corner has on an opponents mental state is. Fear of lengthy combos and starting a round in the corner causes reckless behaviour, which your tool set is built to capitalise on. If done right, each of Kano's pokes and parrys can lead to 20-ish %. Again, not great, but when it comes to chipping away at your opponents confidence (getting a successful parry is the ultimate way of saying 'I'm in your head, asshole') it's excellent.

Ultimately, Commando isn't a grappler, he's a footsie character with the bonus of low damage projectiles, command grabs and parries. Success is built on patience, solid reads and chipping away at your opponents confidence. There is something about being hit with a 16% command grab that really upsets people. When you finally get a win, it's so much more satisfying.

But like I said, I've only been playing him two weeks, so what do I know?


Kuff Bano
F4, b1 and s2 are your best friends. Yes I said s3???? Use it to punish moves that leave your opponent close to you with 32 1+3. Less damage than 112 ball but more oki. Also 32 knife gives you a lot of advantage where you can mix up between command grab or b13 choke. (I posted videos on this a few posts back)

B1 is pew pew anti air and fast and safe on block. F4 smashes their low pokes and you can choke after to stay safe.

Choke mind games are real. It's -4 on block so you can squeeze in non-ex parries vs most opponents (keep in mind if they prefer d4/3 or d1 as counter poke). If they start respecting it just go for a grab (ex or not) or more pressure RAWR.

Also knives. They aren't the best in this variation but backing off and chucking some knives will build some bar. Ex knives after a regular ball will stuff some wake up happy predators or give you advantage to run in. Can also be used for frame traps. (Posted that as well).

Keep in mind power bomb is slightly faster and gives more advantage than rib breaker. Also looks cooler.

ETC AdmiralAugustus

Grabble Frazzled
I don't know if it's already been discussed, but F4 can jump over Erron Black's sand grenade. There might be other moves that he can jump over. It low crushes regular slide from Sub Zero if timed properly.


kick kick
So I picked up Relentless Jason a while ago and wow.. So many tick throws. Not only that but he practically had option select grabs, on block they tick and on hit they combo.
Why can't Kano have more ticks? All the other grapplers in the game have more ticks or ticks off of strings that don't suck. Kotal even has a grappler for dummies input to his and he has quite a few tick throws too.
Does commando have any Option Selects for his command grab, if so how do you do it? I heard its d3 or d4 into ex rib breaker but in Ultradavids video you have to press 1,2,3 at the same time which rib breaker is dbf 4.

Also how do people press 1,2,3 at the same time on a controller? Just use your whole thumb or is there a shortcut like r1/l1?


kick kick
I don't think they really design moves to be ticked. It just happens
I doubt it since Kano's tick is off of a string that's complrtely useless in his other variations. Kotal also has a tick off of B14 which would've been useless outside of War God otherwise.
It seems like they intentionally picked strings that othereise would've been ignored completely and made them tick throwable.


Does commando have any Option Selects for his command grab, if so how do you do it? I heard its d3 or d4 into ex rib breaker but in Ultradavids video you have to press 1,2,3 at the same time which rib breaker is dbf 4.

Also how do people press 1,2,3 at the same time on a controller? Just use your whole thumb or is there a shortcut like r1/l1?
You need to watch the videos he did after that one. That particular option select was removed from the game. He did another video explaining the 3 that were kept in.



Snappin' spines all day e'ry day.
It's just a way to potentially guarantee ticks so you don't eat a punish if your poke hits them.


Snappin' spines all day e'ry day.
Yeah, I've been a little worried about that since... sure I can low poke them all day if they choose to just take the hit, but that can only accomplish so much.


kick kick
Yeah, I've been a little worried about that since... sure I can low poke them all day if they choose to just take the hit, but that can only accomplish so much.
The mid tier non DLC character struggle, mane.
No seriously, he needs more ticks. Don't tell me blah blah he'll be OP. EVERY other grappler has much better ticks. Even Cassie, she can tick throw you off of a 6 frame string that's 0 on block. But Kano? Nah give him a tick off of a string that had even less range than CT's b1. Useless.


Snappin' spines all day e'ry day.
I just don't focus my gameplan around them. if I get throws, great. I beat people with pokes and punishes.

Edit: it sounds weird, but as soon as you try and just win without even using his grabs the sooner you do better. It's easier to start seeing the gaps where you get people blocking to grab them and stuff.