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General/Other - Commando Commando Variation Discussion Thread


Snappin' spines all day e'ry day.
LOL yes, I love using F33 to catch people not blocking low on the second hit. D4 does't tick consistently at like 3/4-max range either, but I suppose that's ok since the range on D4 is realllll good. D4 tick and just D4 in general though are like my most used move.

cR Biohazard

Team Torr
Taquitos u can parry his whips from max distance LMFAO. I'd say Kung Lao since he zones him out well and if he teleports ure knives will auto correct to an up ball. Also when facing Jax, commando really checks the hell out of him with his parry since jax players like to poke the fuck out of u. Btw sweet ferra torr
Thank you, Takeda and Kung Lao can both be troublesome. How does he fair against Kenshi and Shinnok? I imagine that off a whiffed tele-flurry you get a free knife and can run in to close the distance. I read in the forum that Kano can parry Kenshi's rising Karma as well. Also I tried doing a 112 command grab to punish sub zero slide as I saw in a previous video, was that patched out?


Snappin' spines all day e'ry day.
112xxchoke is the only grab that works and you might as well end in ball or knife or get EX ball cancel for the full combo if you want.
I don't like commando vs shinnok at all from my experience.


I'm going to make Fate top ten
LOL yes, I love using F33 to catch people not blocking low on the second hit. D4 does't tick consistently at like 3/4-max range either, but I suppose that's ok since the range on D4 is realllll good. D4 tick and just D4 in general though are like my most used move.
It's like bitch commando only got lows, why the fuck u blocking high. check that bitch with an RKO so next time they'll remember. Sorry for the cussin lol


I'm going to make Fate top ten
Thank you, Takeda and Kung Lao can both be troublesome. How does he fair against Kenshi and Shinnok? I imagine that off a whiffed tele-flurry you get a free knife and can run in to close the distance. I read in the forum that Kano can parry Kenshi's rising Karma as well. Also I tried doing a 112 command grab to punish sub zero slide as I saw in a previous video, was that patched out?
Have u tried njp. Dunno if this works for subs slide. Doubt it will, Ando1184 posted a video A long time ago bout usin njp to punish since u can only get midscreen dmg from using a bar. Don't quote me on this but when I pplayed Kano I remember havin matches with my friend who mains kenshi, and I'd seem to win the zoning battle. Not sure but I think shinnoks f224 has a gap where u can parry and u could probably punish hell sparks with all 3 hittin with a knife or ball, don't remember but possibly run up with a b1 or f4 to punish as well. U can parry Cassies godlike footsie tool with a parry if they go for the third hit. Forget the inputs


I'm going to make Fate top ten
Have u tried njp. Dunno if this works for subs slide. Doubt it will, Ando1184 posted a video A long time ago bout usin njp to punish since u can only get midscreen dmg from using a bar. Don't quote me on this but when I pplayed Kano I remember havin matches with my friend who mains kenshi, and I'd seem to win the zoning battle. Not sure but I think shinnoks f224 has a gap where u can parry and u could probably punish hell sparks with all 3 hittin with a knife or ball. U can parry Cassies godlike footsie tool with a parry if they go for the third hit. Forget the inputs
It was a while after that when I tested it. Tanya was already out
I dunno I forget when Kano got nerfed. Possibly second dlc

cR Biohazard

Team Torr
Have u tried njp. Dunno if this works for subs slide. Doubt it will, Ando1184 posted a video A long time ago bout usin njp to punish since u can only get midscreen dmg from using a bar. Don't quote me on this but when I pplayed Kano I remember havin matches with my friend who mains kenshi, and I'd seem to win the zoning battle. Not sure but I think shinnoks f224 has a gap where u can parry and u could probably punish hell sparks with all 3 hittin with a knife or ball, don't remember but possibly run up with a b1 or f4 to punish as well. U can parry Cassies godlike footsie tool with a parry if they go for the third hit. Forget the inputs
I never thought of using instant NJP as a punish, good to know I will try that out, been trying to get the hang of his 35-36% 1 bar punish mid screen


I'm going to make Fate top ten
I never thought of using instant NJP as a punish, good to know I will try that out, been trying to get the hang of his 35-36% 1 bar punish mid screen
Ya that combo takes a lot gettin used to. Online makes it ten times more difficult. But offline is a lot easier. If I were u id practice waking up with ex kanoball cancel into dash f njp


ADM Riddles
Yea those ex ball cancels into dash njp are tough I can't get them consistently. I just stagger strings into choke and grabs to try and work my way to corner since my midscreen isn't that great

cR Biohazard

Team Torr
Ya that combo takes a lot gettin used to. Online makes it ten times more difficult. But offline is a lot easier. If I were u id practice waking up with ex kanoball cancel into dash f njp
seems that a njp punish is only useful in certain situations where the opponent doesn't have any push back on their special move and they have a decent amount of recovery time, gonna practice that 112 EX Kano ball punish :p


Snappin' spines all day e'ry day.

I dunno I forget when Kano got nerfed. Possibly second dlc
He got originally nerfed on the B1 and stuff like week 2 or whenever the very first global patch was. He got the choke buff patch notes after Jason I think, maybe with tanya release?


I'm going to make Fate top ten
seems that a njp punish is only useful in certain situations where the opponent doesn't have any push back on their special move and they have a decent amount of recovery time, gonna practice that 112 EX Kano ball punish :p
Yea it's good to know when u can and can't njp punish it's not like ure losin a lot of dmg since it does take a bar. Also f4 and b14 for certain punishes


Cutthroat Truther
I remember seeing in this thread a page pack about someone doing 32 32 32 xx DBF4 in a NJP combo. But I, for the life of me can't do it

ETC AdmiralAugustus

Grabble Frazzled
Regardless of when it was changed, it's dope that your opponent has to hold the command grab if they don't have meter.

Now that I have an X1 I can finally sit down and practice ex ball cancel dash njp. Really up my midscreen game.
so have you seen the stream with biohazards 4 day commando yesterday? he went toe to toe with honeybees d'vorah, evn though i gotta admit thats probably one of commandos best matchups.
Can you post a link to archive? Would like to see.

Also regarding matchups,

Some of my problem matchups (that I switch to cyber for) are kitana, sub-zero, kenshi, ermac. Some MUs that I think suck for both variations: shinnok, raiden and tanya. So his MU spread is pretty good I think.
I also think cyber kano beats commando kano in that MU, but commando kano has more favorable MUs overall.


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
Some MUs that I think suck for both variations: shinnok, raiden and tanya. So his MU spread is pretty good I think.
I also think cyber kano beats commando kano in that MU, but commando kano has more favorable MUs overall.
Uh Raiden doesn't suck for Cyber...but if you want to discuss it we'll do that in the Cyber thread lol.
Uh Raiden doesn't suck for Cyber...but if you want to discuss it we'll do that in the Cyber thread lol.
I think the gameplan is pretty similar for both Kano variations. Abuse the shit out of d4 (raiden hs poor answers to deal with it), win the zoning war and force him to approach, keep him out, guess right on his 50/50s and don't go in too hard on his wakeup. Anything else I'm missing?

I think this gameplan plays better into cyber's strengths... but I don't see how it's a winning MU. Raiden out damages Kano and he's going to get in eventually

EDIT: Admittedly I only have high level experience with commando vs raiden - so I'm open to anything that will help

ETC AdmiralAugustus

Grabble Frazzled
yeah I'd like a video of that please lol, only getting 31% off of my NJP with b1 32 112 command grab
I wouldn't worry about it. It only does 31%, which is the same as your combo, and twice the execution. I'd upload a video, but I don't think it's worth it, and I don't know how to do it on X1 lol

EDIT: Although I do find the 32 x 3 combo much easier off a instant njp, and your combo easier off a delayed njp

ETC AdmiralAugustus

Grabble Frazzled
So since I have an X1 I can finally sit down and practice:

B1,3 xx EX Ball (cancel), dash, njp, run, 32, 112 xx rib strike.

I have got it a few times, but man is it strict. I have a problem either canceling the ball fast enough, or getting the dash out as soon as possible. Is there a trick to this that you guys' use, or should I just keep practicing until I get the muscle memory?