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General/Other - Commando Commando Variation Discussion Thread


kick kick
I just don't focus my gameplan around them. if I get throws, great. I beat people with pokes and punishes.

Edit: it sounds weird, but as soon as you try and just win without even using his grabs the sooner you do better. It's easier to start seeing the gaps where you get people blocking to grab them and stuff.
Why o why would you use a grappler for anything other than his command grabs? If you want punishes and pokes, then cyber and CT should be your go tos.


Snappin' spines all day e'ry day.
yeah, I know. It's really just preference at that point, and honestly I've been playing a lot more Cyber lately.


Kuff Bano
I just don't focus my gameplan around them. if I get throws, great. I beat people with pokes and punishes.

Edit: it sounds weird, but as soon as you try and just win without even using his grabs the sooner you do better. It's easier to start seeing the gaps where you get people blocking to grab them and stuff.
I agree. I think commando can only get stronger with time when we learn to base our game around rock hard defence (parries) and mixing up with grabs. Armoured grabs are really good wake ups so we have less to fear on KD and we can counter most brain dead pressure


Because in this game, command grabs to bugger all damage.

Instead of ticking off D4 and hoping for the grab, try ticking off D1 and immediately following up with a string, jump in attack or another tick attempt. D1 is +25 on hit, so you can follow it up with b13, b31, 32, 112, f4, pretty much anything. Or you could so nothing and parry their counter poke. Or back dash and punish. If they block the first hit, they get thrown, if they get hit, they have to block, and Kano can confirm off several safe strings, or end strings in choke.


Played a set against a friends Kenjitsu Kenshi last night. Over all, I found Commando to fair quite well. Kenjitsu has no full screen presence. Parried knives can be ducked, and whiffed knives are free meter (albeit a small amount). His strings aren't to difficult to defend against once you become familiar with them, although online input delay can cause issues. On wake up you can run into issues. He has two armoured wake ups, one is an overhead that can be parried and one is his tele grab, which cannot. I haven't figured out yet if telegrab can be beaten with armoured command grab, but it is easily punished on whiff.

The more I played, I found greater success in patient play and forcing Kenshi to come in on me. Also, picking the corner without the escape interactible and slowly moving him there caused a lot of panicked wake ups and jump out attempts.


Watcher from the sky
WTF bf2 (roll ball) of Lakcey Ferra-torr cannot be parried? WTF???
It's mid! Why I cannot parry it?
That is right, huh?


Snappin' spines all day e'ry day.
That's strange, I would assume you can, though I believe that move has armor properties even when not EX. May just not be parryable.


kick kick
There's tons of moves that aren't parryable for some weird reason. I know Liu Liu's flying kick and Kitana's butt lunge can't be parried.


Air borne attacks aren't parryable, but some attacks that look air borne are (like Kung Lao's teleport).

I know we have a list of parryable strings, but has anybody compiled a list of parryable specials?


kick kick
Air borne attacks aren't parryable, but some attacks that look air borne are (like Kung Lao's teleport).

I know we have a list of parryable strings, but has anybody compiled a list of parryable specials?
But can't Kano Balls be parried? Even though they're technically airborne?


Snappin' spines all day e'ry day.
Jax's rush punch is parryable as well even though he looks like he comes off the ground with both feet as well. I'm pretty sure ETC tested a lot of the common StringxxSpecials that characters use but I'm not sure off the top of my head if he did specials. Testing all the specials wouldn't be too hard, I'd prefer to just know WHY this inconsistency exists and just be able to know when it'll work and not, but I guess we'll keep tallying up ways commando is just inconsistent when playing as him...


I've just read through the parry thread, it's focused purely on strings. Specials are mentioned, but only in the sense of 'you can parry in the gap between this string and this special'.


Why do you think its useless to do that?
Several reasons. First of all it has no range, you have to be on top of them to land it. Second, it has two hits, so if a person knows what they're looking for they can armour after the low as it will beat out command grab and Kano ball, which is your only real mix up off of it. Thirdly, if the opponent blocks high, the second hit will connect and the command grab will whiff (if you cock up the OS timing).

With D4 you get to tick on crouching opponents from much further out, and with D1 it's faster, so less time for you're opponent to react, and is+25 on hit, so you can follow it with: another tick, a pause and a raw command grab, b1, b14, b14-choke, f4, b3, b32, b31-choke, 1, 11, 112, 112 choke, cross over jip into one of the previous options, cross over jik3 tick into choke.


Because the 2nd hit has half the range of the first hit. You have to be reaaally close for the string to connect, meanwhile you can just use d1 or d4 which have much better ranges. (Although the grab will whiff if at d4's max range)
And now this. I didn't realise second hit had less range.

D4 whiffing at max range is a pain, but it's +18 on hit so if you get the OS timing right, you have options.

One thing to practice is d1/d4 OS into b14/112/b31 against the dummy set to block random combo. Try to drill into your muscle memory not only the option select, but the follow up if the hits connect.


Ive seen the leprechaun
Several reasons. First of all it has no range, you have to be on top of them to land it. Second, it has two hits, so if a person knows what they're looking for they can armour after the low as it will beat out command grab and Kano ball, which is your only real mix up off of it. Thirdly, if the opponent blocks high, the second hit will connect and the command grab will whiff (if you cock up the OS timing).

With D4 you get to tick on crouching opponents from much further out, and with D1 it's faster, so less time for you're opponent to react, and is+25 on hit, so you can follow it with: another tick, a pause and a raw command grab, b1, b14, b14-choke, f4, b3, b32, b31-choke, 1, 11, 112, 112 choke, cross over jip into one of the previous options, cross over jik3 tick into choke.
Because the 2nd hit has half the range of the first hit. You have to be reaaally close for the string to connect, meanwhile you can just use d1 or d4 which have much better ranges. (Although the grab will whiff if at d4's max range)
It has shorter range but its still a useful tool imo. After a regular kano ball hits you can run up and be in range of it. Yea you can armor after the low but then you also have the parry option against pretty much every character. Its a tick throw people cant jump out of which is especially goid if they have no meter. If they start getting wise up kano ball (Especially with meter) that way you have an armored safe move just in case. In the corner if u do it on wake up ive had it break armor. Im not saying its great im just saying i dont think its useless. its a tool you have to cocondition the opponent to respect. Its worked well for me.


What are people using to punish Kung Lao's ex spin on wake up? I've tried several things and the easiest and most damaging I could find was 2-exdf1 for 22%, which feels like a waste of meter. I've tried ball cancels (b1-3-ball-cancel) but it pushes Lao quite far out, and a jump in 2 always gets blocked by the dummy. 112 gets blocked often due to the short range on the first 1, although I can get it to hit if I activate it fast enough.

I know it's not the biggest problem, but if anybody has anything better than 22% 1 bar please let me know. I'd be delighted with anything 25%+


Snappin' spines all day e'ry day.
Looks like EX spin is -19 on block (according to the APP data) so you should be able to like throw a tea party, run out of tea, go get more tea, finish the party, and then punish with whatever you want. Regular spin is -25. I would probably just do 112xxBall or B13xxBall like you said. Even though he's commando I really don't mind the distance. You can just chuck some more knives for meter gain or try to bait out his teleport if he doesn't close distance. Or just run forward and cancel into parry on reaction if they press buttons or just Run up D4 after putting them at a distance since the D4 max range is pretty great.

F4 (11 startup) should punish EX Hat I believe, which I would just cancel into ball, or if you want to burn the meter you can cancel into EX ball and do your ex ball cancel combo from there.


coming back to the parry conversation, but I noticed kano ball and upball can be high parried but only on startup. However characters like LK flying kick and Kitana's Squarewave attack can't be. To me, that says that kano's "balls" aren't true airborne attacks :( IDK why jax and KL teleport attacks work either but to be honest, I think "ALL" special moves done from a grounded position should be parriable. I mean it's bad enough that parries don't work properly anyway on top of inconsistent BS like this.


Looks like EX spin is -19 on block (according to the APP data) so you should be able to like throw a tea party, run out of tea, go get more tea, finish the party, and then punish with whatever you want. Regular spin is -25. I would probably just do 112xxBall or B13xxBall like you said. Even though he's commando I really don't mind the distance. You can just chuck some more knives for meter gain or try to bait out his teleport if he doesn't close distance. Or just run forward and cancel into parry on reaction if they press buttons or just Run up D4 after putting them at a distance since the D4 max range is pretty great.

F4 (11 startup) should punish EX Hat I believe, which I would just cancel into ball, or if you want to burn the meter you can cancel into EX ball and do your ex ball cancel combo from there.
I didn't think to try f4-ball cancel. I'll give it a go tonight.