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Question Changes for MK9 PC. Can we agree on a tournament mod?


I Break Hearts, Not Combos
CSZ needs NORMALIZED pokes. Yes normalization can be a good thing. Something is wrong when your d4 gives you more advantage on block than hit and you're still negative and your d1 is 9 frames.

...fix his teleport and decrease the start up on his normals and strings except his standing 1 by 3 frames plox.


Mods? I'm too busy salivating at the though of playing this game at 1920x1080 with a solid, constant 60 FPS over an internet connection uninhibited by PSN or XBL.


Can Noob's standing 2 hit mid?

I'd just make his shadows less punishable and EX portal could work the way it's supposed to with his inputs(or make his lord of shadow glitch a real setup huehuehue). I don't think EX Upknee should have armor though.

And that's all. :)


Can Noob's standing 2 hit mid?

I'd just make his shadows less punishable and EX portal could work the way it's supposed to with his inputs(or make his lord of shadow glitch a real setup huehuehue). I don't think EX Upknee should have armor though.

And that's all. :)
If they patch the glitch I'll go into a deep depression.


no, make it real set-up. ;_;

I wouldn't mind some faster footsie normals either. b.1/f.3 being at least 3 frames faster each = me being very happy.
Yeah that would be sick. I wonder if it's possible for somebody to replace his EX Portal with the glitch. Instant Top Ten.


If we are to agree on changes, then I think everyone should brainstorm possible nerfs/buffs/fixes in whatever character's forum and come to an agreement on the most reasonable, least game changing fixes. Then, these suggestions should have to pass through a council of some sort who would approve or deny those changes. Although we're kind of jumping the gun here without knowing if PC version will be patch-able. Not like that's going to stop all of you from creating Kabal nerf suggestion threads.

G4S Claude VonStroke

@MK_ClaudeVS on twitter
If you nerf kabal and kenshi than the Kung Laos will dominate the world. The game must always have a #1. It'll always be something to nerf with this community lol. At least we are used to kabal being top!!! :p

Nerf kabal so his f4 only hits a standing reset if done right at the ground. Make saw blade more easily punished. Gotta keep the EX NDC though.

Make millena ex tele safe (jail standing). Make jade glow better and her strings safer. Give more low tier characters armor
I don't think anyone should have a safe armor launcher.. So yeah that's why lol


Nightwolf of the galaxy
Cyrax- Increased window to tech command grab. Reduce duration of net. Make standing 2 more consistent on crouching hitboxes. Reduce base damage of bombs and Ex bomb. Make both hits of b2 breakerable.


for this to work everyone must own the pc version of it. how can they practice for a version of a game that they dont even have?

DuBBer Kiir

How about for Cyrax, a second net used in a combo causes the recipient of said net be knocked to the ground with invincibility, no more resets. I mean good lord the guy can get upwards of 55% with one bar, does he really need resets?


"130 ms is more legit than Labbing" - TYM
I already so some ridiculous suggestions. LOL at all the armor bullshit if anything they need to get rid of alot of it


Skarlet who ?
- Can no longer cancel Nomad Dash ( couldn't cancel it in other games, so no reason he should do it here)
- Remove the pushback on Sawblades
- Remove the pushback on his Overhead special

- F2B1 change in hit levels. F2 - overhead, B1 - mid.
- B1 does 7%, instead of 5%.
- Slow ball does 6% and 9 % EX.
- EX green hand does 10%, instead of 8%. 0 on block, instead of -4.

- F3 is a low attack.
- Increase the speed of his arrows coming out (there is a glitch if you juggle the opponent and try do an arrow they're coming faster).
Regular arrow does 8%, instead of 6%.
- Reflect move reflects all projectiles.
- Lightning does 10%, instead of 8%, on both versions.
- B4 is 0 on block.
- Axe swing from -6 to -3 on block. EX version +1 on block, second hit of it is an overhead.

- Air Ball (regular version) does 11%, just like Up-ball and Horizontal ball.
- Less duration on whiff from Air balls.
- Choke on hit is +3 instead of -3.
- F3 is 15 frames instead of 18.
- B2 is 19 frames instead of 23.
- Knife throw is 15 frames instead of 17. Reduced recovery.
- Upball -8 on block.
- Last hit of b112 is an overhead.
- F1 is 12 frames instead of 14
- 1 is 10 frames.
- F1,2 advantage on hit is +20, instead of +8.

- Increased recovery on all bombs, regular and EX.
- D4 is +12 instead of +24 on hit.
-Increased recovery on landing after an AA-grab.
- Teleport is -11 now.

- Add ground recovery on ball.
- No pushback from teleport on block, both versions.

- Cartwheel is -11 on block, both versions.

Kung Lao
- D2 is 10 frames, instead of 7.
- All teleport options are negative on block.

- Spirit charge -13 instead of -10 on block. Spirit Vengeance is 0, instead of +7.
- Slash is -9 instead of -7 on block.

- U4 is o on block, instead of -4. 20 frames instead of 25.
- B3 is low.
- D3 is -2 on block, +1 on hit.
- EX levitation options should have armor.

- b2,1+2, bf3 connects on every character and is no stance specific.
- 1 is 11 frames, instead of 13.
- 4 is 11 frames, instead of 13. -5 on block instead of -10.
- f4 is 15 frames instead of 17. -5 on block instead of -7.
- f3 is 18 frames, instead of 26.
- Low grab is 15 frames, instead of 20.
- Grab n Punch is 20, instead of 25.
- B2 is 20 instead of 28. B2 can be cancelled and both hits of B2, 1+2 come out on block and can be cancelled too.

Quan Chi
- remove damage scaling from U3.
- allow to do Skeletal Boost during trance.
- 2,1,U+3 is 0 on block, instead of -20. U3 is also 0 on block and is 20 frames, instead of 26.
- Ground Burst is -5 on block instead of -9.
- F1 is 14 frames, instead of 16.
- B3 is 16 frames instead of 17.
- Skull Chomp should not push the opponent back from you.

- 2 is 13 frames instead of 18.
- 3 is 10 frames instead of 13.
- B1 is 14 frames instead of 16.
- B3 is 17 frames instead of 26.
- Baton sweep is 20 frames instead of 27, both versions.
- Both grenade tosses are 19 frames instead of 22.
- Roll toss is 18 frames instead of 21.
- 2,3 advantage is 0 instead of -17.
- Baton sweep is - 7 on block instead of -11.
- Roll toss is -6 instead of -7.

- Make it so he cannot gain meter from GP cancels, only if he commits to them.
- F4,1,3 launches closer and higher allowing to combo mid screen.

Shang Tsung
- D2 is 15 frames , instead of 18.
- F3 is 18 frames, instead of 22.
- B2 is 18 frames, instead of 20.


Cold day in hell...
I'm not going to pretend to know what this game needs but if we could get our top players together to make a list of changes this could be amazing. it would have to be done as a panel and agreed on though otherwise we could end up with a mess.


CSZ needs NORMALIZED pokes. Yes normalization can be a good thing. Something is wrong when your d4 gives you more advantage on block than hit and you're still negative and your d1 is 9 frames.

...fix his teleport and decrease the start up on his normals and strings except his standing 1 by 3 frames plox.
What he needs is his bombs to actually freeze the opponent, always! Not that - only when thrown out while the opponent is blocking- bullshit.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
don't change Kabal he's too much fun

cyrax's innescapable resets should be removed, everything else should be untouched.

Kratos: B12 safe on hit tech roll, Zeus rage -5 on block, Ex Zeus Rage has armor, Hermes dash both ex and normal launch for full combo, Ex helios head faster startup and with full armor. (altho with as slow as that move is, i wonder if making it unblockable would be legit?) also making some of his strings a bit faster.


Armor on EX choke grab
Kano has armor on his EX Cannonball which is one of his best tools. He doesn't need more armor, he needs better frames. Give the guy some workable frame advantage on a few of his strings, for cryin' out loud.

I don't agree with changing his inputs like someone else suggested. Any Kano player worth his salt should be able to do instant cannonballs/downballs on reaction - the 360 motions are what make him fun and unique.

- Air Ball (regular version) does 11%, just like Up-ball and Horizontal ball.
- Less duration on whiff from Air balls.
- Choke on hit is +3 instead of -3.
- F3 is 15 frames instead of 18.
- B2 is 19 frames instead of 23.
- Knife throw is 15 frames instead of 17. Reduced recovery.
- Upball -8 on block.
- Last hit of b112 is an overhead.
- F1 is 12 frames instead of 14
- 1 is 10 frames.
- F1,2 advantage on hit is +20, instead of +8.
I'd agree with most of these changes. Slightly better speed and recovery on his knives (like he used to have) would be great, and + frames on choke could make for some interesting setups. Another overhead would be a great tool for him, but speeding up b2 would work just as well if not better.

If people feel compelled to give Kano another armor move, I'd nominate his EX Downball. As is, it's not a particularly wise use of meter, spare for closing out rounds in a clutch. There's no way to combo from it, it does paltry damage, and it's full combo punishable- armor would just ensure that it always beats out and punishes projectiles, which I see as its intended purpose.