I love her F3, think it's super underrated. Now that 33 is plus on block I find myself often doing a d1 into canary cry afterwards. If they start respecting it you can do the 112 string into the command grab or handspring for a mix. And the best part is if they start trying to do a d1 or jab of their own you can often beat it with a F3 for a full combo, since she steps back a bit during the F3 animation.Anyone else been kinda abusing her F3? People know Canarys like to handspring into d3 so they are blocking low but I've been doing it into F3. Caught SylverRye with it a bit in our set earlier. On top of that I've been doing B3, F3, handspring, F3 when they're on their second life bar and I don't want the clash. A lot of people like to roll out to avoid her oki but it puts you at a perfect distance for the tip of F3 to hit.