No no I mean in the move list pics from RFD. You can adjust your buttons very easily and intuitive. It's just the sticks at RFD had the buttons laid out had them in weird positions. I played with the following scheme
L ight Medium Stage Throw
Heavy Trait Meter Stance
(L was LI, M was Square and H was triangle, it made very little sense, thankfully the button set was done by just pressing them)
I used that setup because L+H is throw so I shouldn't have needed the button, however it was very unresponsive, but my guess was that was the built in buttons fault as the stick itself would also suddenly get stuck in a particular direction, so probably not high quality(they were beautiful arcade machines though, I want one with better sticks and buttons

) However Supers were awkward as that was Meter+Stance and I couldn't remember if stance switch also was a certain combination from the main buttons or not. Also the build was very obviously not complete due to some weird errors, like if you pressed pause that menu with both players moves show up and if you go to move list for details it gets laid over that simple list for both players making it very hard to read text upon text.
Adam felt really strong as a counterzoner so that is a good observation, GA's arrows while very good do little damage and Teth seemed to dole that out. Rush down seemed to be the hardest to deal with, but his backdash is godlike and if you Footdive over a opponent when your in the corner you get away scot free. So he may be more intended to either Zone out like crazy or rush down when youve got the hit but no up close defense. But I only had so much time, I really hope it was just something I hadn't found yet.
It always quickly adjusted to their position, so as long as they werent airborne it would hit them in the shins.